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Rufus 05-10-2018 10:42 PM

New Rankings.

1. Isabella
2. Lewis F
3. Akeem
4. Kenaley

5. Zoe
6. Brooke
7. Cian

8. Sian
9. Tomasz
10. Cameron
11. Hussein

saiwong 05-10-2018 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by saiwong (Post 10256770)
after 2nd eviction
1st)Sîan (-)
2nd)Kay (+4)
3rd)Brooke (-1)
4th)Kenaley (-1)

5th)Akeem (-)
6th)Cian (+6)
7th)Zoe (+3)

8th)Isaac (-1)
9th)Tomasz (-5)
10th)Lewis F (+1)
11th)Cameron (-2)

after 3rd eviction
1st)Sîan (-)
2nd)Kenaley (+2)
3rd)Brooke (-)

4th)Cian (+2)
5th)Zoe (+2)

7th)Akeem (-2)
9th)Tomasz (-)
10th)Cameron (+1)
11th)Lewis F (-1)

Epic. 06-10-2018 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Epic. (Post 10267112)
Day 20 Highlights
1. Lewis F (-)
2. Tomasz (-)

3. Cian (-)
4. Kenaley (+2)
5. Zoe (-1)
6. Akeem (+1)
7. Brooke (-2)

8. Sîan (-)
9. Cameron (-)
10. Isaac (-)

Day 21 Highlights
1. Lewis F (-)
2. Tomasz (-)
3. Cian (-)

4. Akeem (+2)
5. Kenaley (-1)
6. Zoe (-1)
7. Brooke (-)

8. Cameron (+1)
9. Sîan (-1)
10. Isaac (-)

Underscore 06-10-2018 11:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Underscore (Post 10257169)
Tomasz is really starting to **** me OFF

RileyH 06-10-2018 11:09 AM

How are y'all adding newbies already you've seen like 30 seconds of them

Underscore 06-10-2018 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by RileyH (Post 10270112)
How are y'all adding newbies already you've seen like 30 seconds of them

first impressions, no doubt it could change after first HL

but Isabella looks like she'll be a good un

RileyH 06-10-2018 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by RileyH (Post 10264017)
1. Kay (-)
2. Isaac (-)
3. Sian (-)
4. Kenaley (-)
5. Zoe (+1)
6. Tomasz (+4)
7. Brooke (+1)
8. Lewis F (-3)
9. Akeem (-2)
10. Cian (+1)
11. Cameron (-2)

Kay :(

Past 3 days or so I think I fell behind :shame:

1. Isaac (+1)
2. Kenaley (+2)
3. Zoe (+2)
4. Sian (-1)
5. Tomasz (+1)
6. Brooke (+1)
7. Lewis F (+1)
8. Akeem (+1)
9. Cian (+1)
10. Cameron (+1)

well then

Matthew. 06-10-2018 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Matthew. (Post 10245356)
Week 1 - Anamelia evicted
1. Tomasz (-)
2. Cian (+2)
3. Kay (+8)
4. Zoe (+2)
5. Lewis F (+5)

6. Brooke (-4)
7. Kenaley (-2)
8. Cameron (+5)
9. Sian (-6)
10. Anamelia (-2)

11. Akeem (-4)
12. Isaac (-)
13. Lewis G (+1)

Didn’t post last week, but I did it in my notes on my ipad (as i do with all my rankings) so I’ll post it in here now anyway for future reference

Week 2 - Lewis G evicted
1. Lewis F (+4)
2. Tomasz (-1)
3. Kenaley (+4)
4. Kay (-1)
5. Cian (-3)
6. Zoe (-2)

7. Brooke (-1)
8. Sîan (+1)
9. Akeem (+2)
10. Isaac (+2)

11. Cameron (-3)
12. Lewis G (+1)

Week 3 - Kay walked, Isaac evicted
1. Lewis F (-)
2. Kenaley (+1)
3. Tomasz (-1)
4. Brooke (+3)
5. Kay (-1)
6. Zoe (-)

7. Cian (-2)
8. Sian (-)

9. Isaac (+1)
10. Akeem (-1)
11. Cameron (-)

TeenAngel15 06-10-2018 12:45 PM

1. Cameron Cole (+2)
2. Zoe Jones (-1)
3. Lewis Flanagan (+1)
4. Akeem Griffiths (-2)

5. Tomasz Wania (+1)
6. Brooke Berry (+1)
7. Kenaley Amos-Sissons (-2)
8. Isabella Farnese (NH)

9. Cian Carrigan (-1)
10. Sian Hamshaw (-)

11. Hussain Ahmed (NH)

Evicted Housemates
1. Isaac Jagroop
2. Anamelia Silva
3. Kay Lovelle
4. Ellis Hillon
5. Lewis Gregory

y.winter 06-10-2018 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by y.winter (Post 10267922)
Day 20 (Flying to China, Cian fancies Cameron)
1 Cian
2 Zoe
3 Kenaley
4 Brooke (+1)
5 Lewis F (-1)
6 Tomasz
7 Akeem
8 Sîan (+1)
9 Cameron (+1)
10 Isaac (-2)

Day 21 (Isaac evicted, Isabella and Hussain enter, Lewis loses it on the plane, Cam comes out)
1 Zoe (+1)
2 Cian (-1)
3 Kenaley
4 Lewis F (+1)
5 Brooke (-1)
6 Tomasz
7 Akeem
8 Sîan
9 Isaac (+1)
10 Cameron (-1)

I really want to love Lewis again, but his tantrum on the plane didn't help. One point for his chat with Cameron.

y.winter 06-10-2018 06:43 PM

Week 4 sorter - Isaac's out, Isabella and Hussain are in:

The newbies have also been added to the full housemates ranking page:

xorosetylerxo 06-10-2018 07:03 PM

1. Cameron
2. Lewis
3. Akeem
4. Zoe
5. Cian
6. Kenaley
7. Isabella
8. Brooke
9. Sian
10. Tomasz
11. Hussain

Paige22 07-10-2018 12:38 AM

Day 13-14

1. Kay
2. Tomasz
3. Lewis F.
4. Kenaley
5. Brooke
6. Akeem
7. Sian
8. Zoe
9. Cian
10. Isaac
11. Lewis G.
12. Cameron

The series has taken a great turn and I can’t wait to catch up!

Paige22 07-10-2018 04:01 PM

Day 15-16

1. Kay
2. Tomasz
3. Kenaley
4. Lewis
5. Akeem
6. Sian
7. Brooke
8. Cian
9. Zoe
10. Isaac
11. Cameron

Loving this series! I like everyone up to Zoe.

Elliot 07-10-2018 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Elliot (Post 10269444)
1. Lewis f
2. Kenaley
3. Akeem

4. Zoe
5. Sian
6. Brooke
7. Cian

8. Tomasz
9. Cameron
10. Issac

Bye bye issac

1. Lewis f
2. Isabella
3. Akeem

4. Kenaley
5. Cian

6. Brooke
7. Zoe
8. Sian
9. Hussain

10. Tomasz
11. Cameron

Zoe was dreadful tonight :skull:

Jordan. 07-10-2018 11:23 PM

1. Brooke
2. Akeem
3. Kenaley
4. Isabella
5. Sian
6. Zoe
7. Lewis
8. Tomasz
9. Cian
10. Cameron
11. Hussain

lewys 07-10-2018 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by lewys (Post 10267945)
1: Kenaley (-)
2: Brooke (+1)
3: Sianham (+1)

4: Zoe (+1)
5: Akeem (+2)
6: Tomasz (+3)

7: Isaac (-1)
8: Cian (-)

9: Lewis F (+1)
10: Cameron (+1)

1: Kenaley (-)
2: Brooke (-)
3: Sian (-)

4: Isabella
5: Akeem (-)
6: Tomasz (-)

7: Zoe (-3)
8: Hussain
9: Lewis F (-)

10: Cian (-2)
12: Cameron (-12)

Mystic Mock 08-10-2018 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Mystic Mock (Post 10249778)
After Cameron vs Kay and nominations.

1. Lewis F (+1) he knows that he is a goodlooking guy afterall and had the guts to say it on national TV, respect.:cool:
2. Lewis G (+2)
3. Tomasz (-2)
4. Kenaley (+2)
5. Cameron (-2)
6. Isaac (-1)
7. Brooke (+1)
8. Akeem (+1)
9. Cian (-2)
10. Zoe (+2)
11. Kay (-)
12. Sian (-1)

Well done to Zoe for nominating Sian for playing the thick card, the first really good thing that she's done all series.

Well quite a lot has changed since this ranking.:joker:

My new rankings.

1. Hussain (NEW)
2. Tomasz (+1)
3. Kenaley (+1)
4. Akeem (+4)
5. Lewis F (-4)
6. Brooke (+1)
7. Zoe (+3)
8. Isabella (NEW)
9. Cian (-)
10. Sian (+1)
11. Cameron (-6)

Mystic Mock 08-10-2018 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by Elliot (Post 10272765)
1. Lewis f
2. Isabella
3. Akeem

4. Kenaley
5. Cian

6. Brooke
7. Zoe
8. Sian
9. Hussain

10. Tomasz
11. Cameron

Zoe was dreadful tonight :skull:

Zoe's an obsessive control freak over her friends, I'm in!:devil:

Paige22 08-10-2018 03:27 AM

Day 17-18

1. Kay
2. Tomasz
3. Kenaley
4. Brooke
5. Akeem
6. Sian
7. Cian
8. Lewis
9. Zoe
10. Isaac
11. Cameron

Kay leaving is so devastating :(:(:( I don’t know if I want to catch up now. Lewis was really nasty to Kay and is coming across very cocky ever since Lewis G got evicted. Still love Tomasz and Kenaley but they are nothing compared to my Kay </3.

Paige22 08-10-2018 06:17 PM

Day 19

1. Kenaley
2. Tomasz
3. Sian
4. Brooke
5. Cian
6. Akeem
7. Zoe
8. Isaac
9. Lewis
10. Cameron

Cameron and Lewis are vile now! All they do is moan and moan and moan. Kenaley is a comp queen! I love Tomasz, my gameplaying legend <333 but him givin Isaac the extra life was awful. The airplane task seems like it will be a scream!

rionablue 08-10-2018 06:40 PM

1 Brooke
2 Kenally
3 Isabella
4 Cian
5 Zoe
6 Akeem
7 Lewis
8 Cameron
9 Sian
10 Tomazs

RileyH 08-10-2018 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by RileyH (Post 10270118)
Past 3 days or so I think I fell behind :shame:

1. Isaac (+1)
2. Kenaley (+2)
3. Zoe (+2)
4. Sian (-1)
5. Tomasz (+1)
6. Brooke (+1)
7. Lewis F (+1)
8. Akeem (+1)
9. Cian (+1)
10. Cameron (+1)

well then

1. Sian (+3)
2. Hussain
3. Kenaley (-1)
4. Zoe (-1)
5. Isabella
6. Lewis F (+1)
7. Brooke (-1)
8. Tomasz (-3)
9. Cian (-)
10. Akeem (-2)
11. Cameron (-1)

come at meh!

Rob! 08-10-2018 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Rob! (Post 10261031)
Big changes for me tonight :laugh:

1) Zoe (+2)
2) Lewis (-1)
3) Tomasz (-1)
4) Cian (+1)
5) Cameron (-1)
6) Brooke (-)
7) Keneley (-)
8) Akeem (-)
9) Issac (+1)
10) Kay (-1)
11) Sian (-)

1) Zoe (-)
2) Brooke (+5)
3) Tomasz (-)
4) Lewis (-2)
5) Cameron (-)
6) Cian (-2)
7) Kenaley (-)
8) Isabella (-)
9) Akeem (-1)
10) Sian (+1)
11) Hussain (-)

lewis111 08-10-2018 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by lewis111 (Post 10264899)
1) Zoe (+1)
2) Cian (+4)
3) Lewis F (-)
4) Kenaley (+1)
5) Akeem (-1)
6) Brooke (+1)
7) Tomasz (+1)
8) Sian (+1)
9) Isaac (+1)
10) Cameron (+1)

1) Kay
2) Anamelia
3) Ellis
4) Lewis G

1) Zoe (-)
2) Isabelle (NE)
3) Kenaley (+1)
4) Lewis F (-1)
5) Cian (-3)
6) Tomasz (+1)
7) Brooke (-1)
8) Akeem (-3)
9) Sian (-1)
10) Hussain (NE)
11) Cameron (-1)

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