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Ammi 29-10-2013 04:27 AM

..that poem/those words are kind of very cynical but also very insightful as well, so I don't really want them to be cynical...I want them to be uplifting/hopeful..?...yet somehow they leave you with a feeling of hope/belief as well just because you know that someone else kind of 'gets it'...has experienced all of the rubbish but still sees some hope and good..and yet doesn' realistic....hmmm, it's too early for thoughts but I know what I mean lol....

Ammi 29-10-2013 04:30 AM

..'the bars of the cognitive prison' just so true for most's just realising it and that's the part that 'frees' you....

Sticks 29-10-2013 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by GypsyGoth (Post 6455718)
This is my latest creation and I call it Coffee!!!

Coffee here coffee there
Coffee ****ing everywhere!!!!

This was my award winning coffee related poem, in the form of a Haiku

Instant one flavour
Real has many flavours
I prefer real

GypsyGoth 29-10-2013 05:26 PM

I like haikus :worship:

Ammi 30-10-2013 04:31 AM

When the sun is at its brightest but outside the skies are grey
When the words have choked inside you and there’s nothing left to say
When fear is armed and at the front line preparing to advance
When your chosen song is playing but your feet refuse to dance

When the orchestra is playing but comes crushing through your ears
When the world around is waltzing but you’re crippled in your fear
When life’s beggar stretches out his hand, there’s nothing left to give
When death grows more intriguing than the prison where you live

When you’re looking for tomorrow but it’s nowhere to be found
When you’re stuck within this moment and your arms and legs are bound
When you bathe in pools of tears and they incinerate your skin
When this game of life you’re playing is the one you’ll never win

When you’re seeking words of promise in the solace of the song
but the symphony won’t reach you on the tower you sit upon
When the prisoner inside you pleads for mercy to be shown
but the pleadings are unheeded as his flesh falls from the bone

When the wilderness consumes you and you lay your head to rest
And you sink into the wasteland as you terminate your quest
When the hostess of depression hands an invite to her lair
And your helpless desolation makes her certain to ensnare

Ammi 31-10-2013 06:31 AM

Fluttering on the ledge of solitude
Tormented abyss of desolation
Dejection has spread warm enclosing wings
Plummeting hope into desperation

Within a tiptoe of self-awareness
Blink of an eye from eradication
Anguished depths embrace all hopelessness
Intertwining with resignation

Poised on the brink of mental misery
Amid a faltering hesitation
Suspended upon celestial charges
In a tantalising levitation

Floating on the verge of obscurity
On fine clouds of nullification
Hovering on the edge of wretchedness
Abrupt plunge into eradication

Ammi 31-10-2013 06:35 AM

I don't want to boast
but I had a ghost
through the post
from the Ivory Coast
and it was eating toast
instead of a pot roast
silly ghost

Stu 07-11-2013 08:30 PM


I awoke today with blue vacant eyes
Staring into heaven
And a swirl inside told me
That time was somehow different

I knew my doldrums had come to a halt
My conscious no longer a pillar of salt
I want my spirit out of it's vault
My soul control without a bitter fault

I want someone to share life with me
No coma soulmate for a poster child reality
We'll find beauty outside of the screen
Then write the adverts in the middle of your dreams

No more background periphary
Just god watching our ballet of beauty
Seeing out hearts bleed in to each other
Tinkering with the machinery of our new life

Sex, money and free will
Dreaming of worlds larger than our own
With a smile for everyone
Anesthetized in the joy of the setting sun

A conscious attempt on my part to write something a little less gloomy. I recently finished reading Girlfriend In A Coma for like the millionth time - it's practically my Bible - so it's partly in the flavor of that.

Ammi 08-11-2013 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by Stu (Post 6473115)

I awoke today with blue vacant eyes
Staring into heaven
And a swirl inside told me
That time was somehow different

I knew my doldrums had come to a halt
My conscious no longer a pillar of salt
I want my spirit out of it's vault
My soul control without a bitter fault

I want someone to share life with me
No coma soulmate for a poster child reality
We'll find beauty outside of the screen
Then write the adverts in the middle of your dreams

No more background periphary
Just god watching our ballet of beauty
Seeing out hearts bleed in to each other
Tinkering with the machinery of our new life

Sex, money and free will
Dreaming of worlds larger than our own
With a smile for everyone
Anesthetized in the joy of the setting sun

A conscious attempt on my part to write something a little less gloomy. I recently finished reading Girlfriend In A Coma for like the millionth time - it's practically my Bible - so it's partly in the flavor of that.

..I'm not familiar with Girlfriend In A Coma but there are some great lines there, Stu...these are my favourites...

No more background periphary
Just god watching our ballet of beauty
Seeing out hearts bleed in to each other
Tinkering with the machinery of our new life

Anesthetized in the joy of the setting sun's really good writing/poetry, Stu...

Stu 08-11-2013 10:13 AM

Thank you :).

I'd recommend checking it out sometime. Girlfriend In A Coma, I mean. It's a beautiful sort of existentialist novel about a group of young adults having personal apocalypses and stuff in Canada.

Can't describe it but yeah it's brilliant.

Ammi 08-11-2013 03:16 PM

..I'll definitely look out for it, I have to recommend a read to my book club anyway...when I join a book club that is....

Kate! 26-01-2014 11:13 AM

I'm amazed at the poetry in here, amazing stuff :love:

I've written a little poem about my mum, it's simplistic but heartfelt.


I've cried more than
a thousand tears
At memories we've shared
over the years
It's hard to accept
you being gone
And that life
has to go on

I miss you mum
You were taken too young
But in God I still trust
That you're somewhere
Still watching over us

Goodnight my beautiful mum


Kate! 31-05-2014 03:38 PM

It's my dad's birthday today, he's been gone over 10 years so the pain has faded away and I just have good memories but the pain of losing my mum is still very very raw so I wanted to share the poem I chose as part of her eulogy, it's lovely, bittersweet but lovely...

You can shed tears that she is gone
or you can smile because she has lived

You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back
Or you can open your eyes and see all she's left

Your heart can be empty because you can't see her
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.

You can remember her and only that she's gone
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on

You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
or you can do what she'd want:
open your eyes,
and go on.
Author Unknown

Shame the author never put their name to it, it's beautiful.

Benjamin 22-08-2014 02:40 AM

Going through my old poems and figured I hadn't put anything in here for a while. Hopefully it will kick my arse to write more.

Dear Husband,

I love you.

I love the way your hands massage pain into my heart and shoulders.
I love how you are unsupportive in everything I try to accomplish.
I love the way you roll your eyes at every suggestion I have.
I love how you keep a tab for every single penny I earn and spend.
I love how you demand instant reply, yet leave me dwindling in silence.
I love when your fists strike doors, and my brown eyes.
I love how you punish me for every woman that has hurt you in the past,
That means so much to me, you wonderful man. Thank you.
I love how you gained total dominance of me, made me your puppet,
Always holding and controlling my strings.
I love how you have made me feel so alone, even my shadow is yours.

Dear husband,

I love you.

JoshBB 24-08-2014 02:38 PM

I know it was posted a while back, and I'm not a big fan of poetry, but I really liked that Dustbunnies one Stu posted.

kirklancaster 22-09-2014 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Ammi (Post 3883841)
A day the birds refused to sing
The stillness of your face
A fragment of my heart removed,
vacated, empty space
Heart wrenching cry, a kiss goodbye
I search but cannot find
Could the hands upon a clock
so easily rewind?
To be with you, to hold your hand
and guide you to your light
and know the battle had been won
Although you lost the fight
They say you're in a better place
but this I cannot see
What better place than on this earth
right here, right now with me
The birds are singing once again
Sweet messangers of song
I hear the whisper of your voice
'I'm here my love, be strong'

I lost someone very dear recently and still find it very difficult sometimes to come to terms because I didn't get the chance to say goodbye

Beautiful, moving and very poignant.

kirklancaster 22-09-2014 06:03 PM

Here's a couple of my favourites:

What Is It?

Cloud formations
on a given day
and wondering
if you've seen them too
are enough to make a morning
pass for me.

Was your day
filled with wanting,
or the needlepoint of knowing
that I waited
and that I wait for you?
I did.
I do.

Swing safely home to me,
come evening.
Make room for me
within your life
and I'll make room for you
within my arms.

If you don't know algebra
or Alice by the the fire,
or even why some roses
fail to climb the wall,
ask the question of me.
Never be afraid to say,
What is it?

Rod McKuen

We'll Go No More A-Roving

So, we'll go no more a-roving
So late into the night,
Though the heart be still as loving,
And the moon be still as bright.

For the sword outwears its sheath,
And the soul wears out the breast,
And the heart must pause to breathe,
And love itself have rest.

Though the night was made for loving,
And the day returns too soon,
Yet we'll go no more a-roving
By the light of the moon.

Lord Byron.

Benjamin 13-02-2015 10:15 PM

To you my love,

on this day in which we have waited a year
to show the world how much we really care.

The silence
the eyes
the long drawn out nights in the room,
steadily declining
such resentment consume.
Each night we become
the dining dead at the table
nothing like love
in the childhood fairytale fables,

Such few words
such few caring
such few interest in you
your lack of interest in me also is nothing new.

We become one for the show
become one for our friends
back through that door our façade soon ends.
Then back to ourselves
back to self despair
back to this noose of "love"
yet I chose to place myself there.

But somehow this silence is a blessing
as it saves the future testament
of much later life with you
and making the investment.

But don't tell me you love me
such an empty shell,
prolonging both our living hell.
You took my heart from the grave
how I wished you left it there
since with each passing year I grow in despair.

Sticks 14-02-2015 04:56 AM

Garage Flowers on Valentines Day
They said I was in trouble with garage flowers
They said that she would know I forgot
They did not see how hurt I was inside
I could not afford the places they suggested as they went off to their Valentine dinner dates
So here I feel all the more wretched, because I could only get Garage flowers
But among the other graves as I remember you and what I lost, they still show how much you meant to me.

thesheriff443 20-02-2015 03:42 PM

One from me!
Standing in rain so the tears don't show
Each rain drop feels like a hammer blow
I know it was love, that's why it hurts me so
My feelings are raw, they ebb and flow
Your a grenade in my hand that I can't let go
I want to hate you, but my heart won't let me
Your life seems full but mines half empty
So now I'm drowning in a head full of emotion
Another victim in the lost love ocean.

kirklancaster 21-02-2015 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by thesheriff443 (Post 7603721)
One from me!
Standing in rain so the tears don't show
Each rain drop feels like a hammer blow
I know it was love, that's why it hurts me so
My feelings are raw, they ebb and flow
Your a grenade in my hand that I can't let go
I want to hate you, but my heart won't let me
Your life seems full but mines half empty
So now I'm drowning in a head full of emotion
Another victim in the lost love ocean.

Did you actually pen this Sheriff? It's brilliant.

thesheriff443 21-02-2015 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by kirklancaster (Post 7604758)
Did you actually pen this Sheriff? It's brilliant.

Thank you, yes I did write it, I know it's hard to believe, but It came out of my mind and on to my phone in the small hours.

It's funny, I think, some of the best stuff comes out when someone is suffering and feeling real pain.

thesheriff443 30-05-2015 10:00 AM

You look at me, as i look at you
We both realise what we are about to do,
We lean towards each other
This is so much more than being just a lover
I want to know why I feel the way I do
Why have I never gotten over you
It's been so long and we know it's wrong
So why can't we leave it
We both have what we want so why don't we believe it
I have a hunger in my heart, it's begging me to feed it
You are my addiction, give me a fix, I totally need it
Your heart was there for me to take, the promise I made I did not break
I know my feelings are not one sided, our love is being tested and our loyalties divided
I don't want to text you but I know i will
I can't hide the way you feel.

Sticks 14-02-2016 05:20 AM

I may have posted this here before, so my apologies. Facebook reminded me I had posted this.

For Valentines Day:

Garage Flowers on Valentines Day
They said I was in trouble with garage flowers
They said that she would know I forgot
They did not see how hurt I was inside
I could not afford the places they suggested as they went off to their Valentine dinner dates
So here I feel all the more wretched, because I could only get Garage flowers
But among the other graves as I remember you and what I lost, they still show how much you meant to me.

Ammi 14-02-2016 05:29 AM

....awwwww, that's beautiful Sticks..:love:..

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