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armand.kay 26-01-2015 05:39 PM

OMG Ben was such a prick tbh.

Udanax 24-02-2015 12:37 PM

I started RI last night and omg it's so bleak already. Who thought Rob vs Russell would be a good idea? Surely even the facebook catladies were over them both at this point? Where is my Crystal VS Sandra comp-beast season??

I loved Franny btw. She was such a bad-ass and I'm pretty sure she's like the only person to every really call out Phillip, aside from like, Corinne but ew @ Corinne in general. Fuk you Phillip.

Braden 02-06-2015 12:59 PM

I finished the Marquesas season last night.

I feel like I have so much to say on the first four seasons that I've watched (for the first time) but it would take forever and ain't nobody got time for that. I might just start posting my thoughts on Thailand starting tonight.

In terms of ranking the first four seasons I would put them like this so far:

1) Borneo
2) The Australian Outback
3) Marquesas
4) Africa

Borneo is superior to the other three by quite a margain (I gave the season a score of 7.9/10). Although I do believe that all four of the seasons are great nonetheless. Australia is a little bit better than the following two (getting 7.2/10), as Africa and Marquesas are literally on the same level in terms of quality (both getting 7.1/10). Marquesas only pips Africa by a little bit.

I also have really cool Excel spreadsheets where I've ranked the castaways episode by episode, but they're all on my iPad so I'm not really sure how I could upload them on here for people to see.

Ramsay 02-06-2015 01:03 PM

Still only on Australian Outback! Best get back on it.

Braden 02-06-2015 01:10 PM

Do it!

I can't believe I didn't start watching the classic seasons sooner. They're amazing.

Braden 02-06-2015 04:23 PM

Favourite from each season so far:

Borneo: Richard
Australia: Jerri
Africa: Lindsey
Marquesas: Kathy

Macie Lightfoot 02-06-2015 04:28 PM

Lindsey Richter might be the best pre-merge boot ever <3

Braden 02-06-2015 04:41 PM

She was amazing <3

Pre-swap Samburu was great. I loved Silas too, he's probably the best looking Survivor guy I'm aware of.

Moosething 02-06-2015 04:54 PM

Just started watching Worlds Apart

Moosething 02-06-2015 08:00 PM

Prefer Vince's side in the no collar tribe tbh

reece(: 02-06-2015 08:01 PM

Justice 4 Nina

Moosething 02-06-2015 08:15 PM

Wow that blindside Will u a snake

Braden 02-06-2015 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by reece(: (Post 7842946)
Justice 4 Nina

[2] :( <3

Moosething 03-06-2015 05:59 PM

Max & Shi!
How can that useless lump Will still be in the tribe

reece(: 03-06-2015 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Moosething (Post 7846310)
Max & Shi!
How can that useless lump Will still be in the tribe

Drag his useless ass

reece(: 04-06-2015 02:41 AM

Rewatching China :love:

Finished the first ep. Chicken was a mess </3

Courtney's spells of shade :love:
Ashley getting sick was so unfortunate. :(

Favs after ep 1: Ashley, Erik, Sherea, Courtney

reece(: 04-06-2015 03:27 AM

Episode 2:

Welp at Chub-Robert snoring his ass off all day and Courtney dragging it <3. It's weird how it cuts straight after that into Amanda and Todd making an alliance, the editing is so different for the better :love: After getting up for the first time in the day Jean-Robert: "Why don't we all rest" followed by him getting called out.. lmao. Wtf at his plan to be lazy at the start an then work more later on..

Dave is condescending and annoying. Jaime, Sherea and Ashley bitching out Dave <333 Ashley is so righteous in the argument over the fire, drag ha smug self. Her wearing her head bandana thing as a bra <3

Jaime clocking Amanda and Sherea clocking Denise in the reward :love: Jaime taking outDenise's shoe and Sherea taking out Amandas bra :joker:

Lmao @ Aaron vs Jean-Robert

Ashley continuing to drag Dave's condescension "I don't need your life lessons" :clap1: and Sherea agreeing yas :worship: Lmao "he's just so pAY-tronising" :love:

Leslie feeling sick cos she doesn't have her bible.. mess.

side thought: How much more interesting are the challenges back in these mid-show seasons?

Nawt useless Dave flopping the challenge for Zhan hu.. Peih-Gee's tears </3 why has she barely been seen this episode tho? Ashley's plan to make out Dave as crazy :laugh: and then clocking patronising Dave at tribal slé
Screaming @ Sherea "DID YA,,, DID YA not HEAR what came outta ma MOUTH?"
Ashley<////333 "I'll see YOU soon" *points at Dave" lmao. :love: Sherea's tears</3
side note 2: Dave looks soooo much like an older version of Spencer from Tocantins.

Favs after ep 2: Ashley, Sherea, Courtney, Jean-Robert, Peih-Gee (where is she?!)

Macie Lightfoot 04-06-2015 08:24 PM

I started my Amazon rewatch last night and this is all I have to share


RNO: What is your side of the situation which caused you to go off on Christy the way you did, to the point of sticking your hand in her face when you knew that the only way she could understand you was to read your lips?

JoAnna: As far a Christy goes, she was a thorn in my flesh. Christy was very vocal about her disagreement of my not wanting to touch the idol. She also held me personally responsible for the girls isolating her from the tribe... If you were listening to what I was saying, in addition to what I was doing, you would have understood from the episode – but then of course this would mean you actually wanted to understand??? –anyhow, there were several occasions that I was talking to Jeanne and Christy came and stuck her entire face between us and right in my face. My solution to this problem was to invite her face out of mine with my hand. The clip you see, the issue is being laid on the table because Christy is still talking about the idol, my stupidity (as if) and me putting my hand in her face. Outdone, I finally approached her and I reminded her that we agreed that she was going to let it go. It amazes me that you never see Christy harassing me????? But I guess it wouldn't have mattered because it would have been OK because she fell into a minority with her hearing – well I fell into several minorities – Christian, Strong, only single-parent, the sudden death of my mother DOROTHY VASSELL, but there was no pity for me – oh I forgot – I don't need pity. By the way did you notice above all else that Christy did not vote against me after I allegedly "went off on her." Makes you wonder??? Nobody voted against me at all that episode??? Then, when the did vote me off, I wasn't because of my faith, going off on people, mean, or rude??? Hmmm... I was just too strong… SPIRITUALLY, MENTALLY, and PHYSICALLY. Or maybe they just lied on national TV and said that I was just plain better – it amazes me how others try to formulate so many other reasons – I am a Mighty Woman of God. Come correct or don't come at all. It is hard to argue with absolute truth supported by evidence. Try something else – next. [RNO Note: While we obviously weren’t there, it does seem that perhaps Christy might have needed to “stick her face” in as reading lips is the only way she can understand what others are saying.

RNO: We have seen Heidi and the other younger women talking to the cameras about being cute and all that – did they say something out in the open that caused you to lecture the younger women on beauty being only skin deep?

JoAnna: No, I had no idea they imagined somewhere in their finite minds that they could hold a candle to me in a pitch black dark room. I had no idea we were competing against each other in a beauty contest – if so then let the games begin.

Braden 05-06-2015 02:19 PM

Thailand is pretty bleak so far. I don't know how to describe it, but it feels like something is missing.

I love Shii Ann though, she's so snarky and righteous <3 also loving Helen and Ghandia. I don't really know what to make of Robb, whether I dislike him because he's a douche or if I like him because he's an entertaining douche?

Headie 05-06-2015 03:41 PM

Thailand is legit the worst minus Shii-Ann and Ghandia. My least favourite of all the seasons.

Macie Lightfoot 05-06-2015 03:42 PM

Thailand's easily the worst of the first seven seasons but it's still worthwhile for players like Jan <3

Moosething 05-06-2015 06:57 PM

Will is vile.
Shi was amazin stopping his letter from home

Macie Lightfoot 06-06-2015 12:52 AM

omgggg Episode 7 of Amazon is still one of the best things ever <3333 essential viewing for any reality TV fan

Ramsay 06-06-2015 12:55 AM

Just finished Australian Outback

Colby robbed :(

Moosething 06-06-2015 10:25 AM

The people left now are vile minus Mike :(
That Russian Roulette thing at tribal was cool tho

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