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Matt10k 31-07-2008 01:53 AM


Originally posted by andyman
vile sick scum luke & lisa are. Lisa should have gone the first week... Put number 6 and 3 in the house!! Very happy house.
That's a good idea, but BB will never do it. I think it'd be entertaining seeing how Rex is with his girlfriend and having 6 in the house would be good too :thumbs:

And they do need to replace Maysoon...

Hmm.... should we start the petition to get 3 and 6 in now?! :joker:

ThisIsMarie 31-07-2008 02:08 AM

^That would be stupid, you can't just change the HMs just becasue you don't like them, there has to be some degree of keeping the rules intact.

And we've only seen the Girls for a few seconds, never even heard them talk, so we can hardly relly on the being good HM's. Although Girl 6 does seem like she could have potential. :laugh:

It would be SO stupid to put Rex's girlfriend in, you can't just go throwing people in because it would be a bit interesting. Plus it goes against tons of rules, mainly being seperated from your outside life. (I know similar things have happened before but it doesn't make them right.)
Not to mention the fact that I think we've copied old/other BB's ideas enough this series already!!


Originally posted by MaDdOctoR

Originally posted by ThisIsMarie
^ I didn't notice anything like that?


Originally posted by Matt10k
I'm sure 6 is a model I've seen on an advert before??
She does look a bit familiar. :spin2:
she looked over to number 1 at one point (no body else moved) which is a clear sign that they are the person...Lisa and Luke must have known that was her...

watch the repeat and you will see it.

Oh ok, might do/ I believe you.

Matt10k 31-07-2008 02:12 AM

I didn't mean kick anyone out. Just put them in! If not 3 and 6, at least 6! :bigsmile:

No rules would be broken- they put new housemates in all the time and they just can't speak about the outside world and there have also been couples before and they need to replace Maysoon anyway... :bigsmile:

ThisIsMarie 31-07-2008 02:20 AM

Oh, I thought someone said instead of Lisa and Luke.

It would be pretty cool to put gil 6 in :spin2:, doubt it would happen though.

andyman 31-07-2008 02:29 AM

so girl 6 is with rex? Girl 6 the youngish looking one or is that girl 3?

ThisIsMarie 31-07-2008 03:37 AM

Girl 3 = Rex gf
Girl 6 = Young looking

Did you not watch the show, you seem to keep being confused, lol!

andyman 31-07-2008 03:45 AM


Originally posted by ThisIsMarie
Girl 3 = Rex gf
Girl 6 = Young looking

Did you not watch the show, you seem to keep being confused, lol!
Its because there was another thread and the guy posted a pic saying rex gf number 6.. Same pic but it said number 6. :bigsmile:

ThisIsMarie 31-07-2008 03:47 AM



xephrev 31-07-2008 04:11 AM

No way guys, Mo's brother definitely the hottest!


iow97 31-07-2008 07:53 AM

rex's gf was really hot and number 6 was quite ugly.:banana:

Big_Brutta 31-07-2008 08:57 AM

Lol, why did they put a white male in the parade? It was obvious Mo's brother had to be somalian.

BeckyBee 31-07-2008 09:11 AM


Originally posted by iow97
rex's gf was really hot and number 6 was quite ugly.:banana:
I agree about Rex's gf, although i wouldn't have called no 6 ugly, just a little to young looking & to much make up for Rex. More to the point i believe Lisa & Luke guessed Rex's gf could likey be number 3 and picked number 6 to mess with Rex, but then again this is Lisa were taking about, who thinks she looks good, and all the men in the house fancied her, more likely they were trying to work out if indeed she was a drag-queen!!!!!

facethemusic 31-07-2008 01:21 PM

Number six is far the most naturally pretty.
Rex's girlfriend looks like Katie Price.

supernoodles! 31-07-2008 04:17 PM

Rex`s gf was by far the best looking

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