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Paige22 09-11-2019 04:22 PM

1. Tori
2. Nany
3. Dee
4. Ashley
5. Jenny
6. Rogan
7. Zach
8. CT
9. Jordan
10. Leroy
11. Joss
12. Kayleigh
13. Kam
14. Ninja
15. Paulie
16. Cara
17. Josh

sleleen 09-11-2019 04:27 PM

Caz Merry
all legends :love:

RileyH 14-11-2019 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by RileyH (Post 10707305)

01 | Tori
02 | Jordan
03 | Nany
04 | Kam
05 | Kayleigh
06 | Ashley

07 | Cara
08 | Rogan
09 | Theo
10 | Leroy
11 | Joss
12 | Dee
13 | CT

14 | Ninja
15 | Zach
16 | Paulie

17 | Jenny
18 | Josh


01 | Nany
02 | Tori
03 | Jordan
04 | Ashley
05 | Kayleigh

06 | Kam
07 | Leroy
08 | Dee
09 | Joss
10 | Rogan
11 | Cara
12 | Zach

13 | Paulie
14 | CT
15 | Ninja
16 | Jenny

17 | Josh

brat. 14-11-2019 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by brat. (Post 10707554)
1: Ashley (-)
2: Kayleigh (+1)

3: Nany (-1)
4: Dee (+1)
5: Zach (+1)

6: CT (+1)
7: Leroy (+1)
8: Kam (+3)

9: Rogan (-)
10: Paulie (+3)

11: Cara
12: Theo
13: Joss
14: Josh
15: Tori
16: Ninja
17: Jenny
18: Jordan

1: Ashley (-)
2: Nany (+1)

3: Kayleigh (-1)
4: Dee (-)

5: Zach (-)
6: Leroy (+1)

7: Paulie (+3)
8: Kam (-)
9: Tori (+7)

10: CT (-4)
11: Cara (-)
12: Joss (+2)
13: Rogan (-4)
14: Josh (-)
15: Ninja (-)
16: Jenny (-)
17: Jordan (-)

ah can't stand anyone nawt in t'top 6 this is truly the worst cast ever

RileyH 21-11-2019 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by RileyH (Post 10711493)

01 | Nany
02 | Tori
03 | Jordan
04 | Ashley
05 | Kayleigh

06 | Kam
07 | Leroy
08 | Dee
09 | Joss
10 | Rogan
11 | Cara
12 | Zach

13 | Paulie
14 | CT
15 | Ninja
16 | Jenny

17 | Josh


01 | Nany
02 | Jordan
03 | Tori
04 | Kayleigh
05 | Ashley

06 | Kam
07 | Zach
08 | Dee
09 | Leroy
10 | Cara
11 | Joss

12 | Rogan
13 | Paulie
14 | CT

15 | Josh
16 | Ninja

RileyH 28-11-2019 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by RileyH (Post 10717660)

01 | Nany
02 | Jordan
03 | Tori
04 | Kayleigh
05 | Ashley

06 | Kam
07 | Zach
08 | Dee
09 | Leroy
10 | Cara
11 | Joss

12 | Rogan
13 | Paulie
14 | CT

15 | Josh
16 | Ninja


01 | Nany
02 | Jordan
03 | Tori

04 | Zach
05 | Kam
06 | Ashley
07 | Leroy
08 | Cara

09 | CT
10 | Rogan
11 | Paulie

12 | Ninja
13 | Dee

Jigs 28-11-2019 06:21 PM

1. Tori
2. Ashley

3. Jordan
4. Zach
5. Kam
6. Dee

7. Leroy
8. CT
9. Ninja
10. Rogan

11. Paulie
12. Cara Maria

brat. 28-11-2019 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by brat. (Post 10711538)

1: Ashley (-)
2: Nany (+1)

3: Kayleigh (-1)
4: Dee (-)

5: Zach (-)
6: Leroy (+1)

7: Paulie (+3)
8: Kam (-)
9: Tori (+7)

10: CT (-4)
11: Cara (-)
12: Joss (+2)
13: Rogan (-4)
14: Josh (-)
15: Ninja (-)
16: Jenny (-)
17: Jordan (-)

ah can't stand anyone nawt in t'top 6 this is truly the worst cast ever

1: Ashley
2: Zach

3: Nany
4: Dee
5: Leroy

6: Kam
7: CT
8: Tori
9: Rogan
10: Paulie

11: Cara
12: Ninja
13: Jordan


Wojtek 28-11-2019 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Wojtek (Post 10701382)
1. Georgia
2. Ashley
3. Kam
4. Turbo

5. Dee
6. Ninja
7. Cara Maria
8. Tori
9. Theo
10. Rogan
11. Joss

12. Jenny
13. Nany
14. CT
15. Kayleigh
16. Leroy
17. Paulie
18. Zach

19. Josh
20. Jordan

1. Ashley
2. Tori
3. Dee

4. Kam
5. Ninja

6. Rogan
7. Cara
8. CT
9. Leroy
10. Paulie

11. Jordan
12. Zach

Jigs 05-12-2019 05:07 PM

WOTW2 rankings (end of season)

1. Tori - One of the best female competitors ever. She had a rough season and I couldn't understand why people were so against her, other than jealousy. I love her sense of humour and she actually makes Jordan likable oop!
2. Ashley - One of the best female competitors ever [2]. She pairs all the finest aspects of being messy and bitchy with being a great strategic and physical threat. Her allegiances are always so wrong but I expect that from Ashley so it doesn't bother me. Long live Eminem's Mom <3
3. Georgia - We've had two seasons of Georgia now and she's delivered both times round. Queen can't help but be a focal point in that Challenge house. She's a very fun personality and her aura is infectious. Love ha!
4. Dee - Underestimated, rootable goddess who has absolutely proved herself as someone who can be a massive social threat who can also throw down in eliminations.
5. Laurel - Forget Bananas, CT and Wes. Laurel was the threat this season and it showed in how quickly they tried to bamboozle her. Had she not lost by a technicality this season would be a LOT different. Her immense elimination record is still iconic.
6. Jordan - He's the same old Jordan, but somehow came across really well this season. He's the strongest male competitor the show has had since Landon or Kenny, and I'd say he's even better due to the fact he doesn't rely on being shielded due to a good social game. Elimination king.
7. Theo - I enjoyed the new antagonistic Theo we got to see this season. He went hard for his team and he put his neck on the line for his friends. It's a shame he wasn't on a stronger team... or one that actually had his back.
8. Bear - Probably the best UK crossover they've had on this show. Always entertaining and I've come to appreciate Bear for what he is; light-hearted, antagonistic, trolling fun.
9. Bananas - King of The Challenge losing his title to ex-nemesis Jordan? He's one of my favourite challenge vets and UO but it doesn't bother me that he's on every season. It's been a minute since he made the endgame so I'd like to see him put in a better effort next season.
10. Big T - She put up a great fight against Georgia and I'd be happy to see her again. She's lulzy, fun and has something to prove.
11. Kayleigh - Loyal, smart and rootable; a way different Kayleigh to the one we have seen on British television. Didn't stan her allegiance to Cara and Paulie but she played the game that was best for her and was unapologetic in doing so.
12. Kam - One of Kam's less impressive showings on The Challenge, but the fact she still came across quite well says something about how awesome Kam usually is. She set herself up very well socially this time around. Hopefully it won't be long til she wins one!
13. Zach - I'm so used to Zach being a terrible irredeemable jackass, but this season he was actually very rootable? Icb he forecasted this entire season in his confessionals and his worst nightmares ended up coming true.
14. Leroy - It was great to see Leroy be something other than Bananas' shadow this season. After 11 seasons and 0 wins he commanded the social game as much as he could and has shown that he's never dropped the ball... even if the rest of us were sleeping on him this whole time.
15. Joss - I like to look at him, but personality-wise not too much to remark. I like him, and I liked that he cried so intensely after being purged. He's a bit dull but I'm not opposed to him.
16. Esther - She was a true champion in her boot episode. It's upsetting we didn't get to see much else of her, and that she'll probably never return.
17. CT - See, I understand that CT played it correctly in the end. However, I don't imagine he foresaw exactly how the season would pan out so I don't give him too much credit. It feels like he dawdled his way through the season and lucked out due to his pre-existing relationships with the USA squad which prevented him from seeing an elimination. I like him though.
18. Zahida - Love Zahida. Shame she had to leave so soon.
19. Sean - He was not cut out for The Challenge but I was rooting for him and he was sweet.
20. Nany - Her boot episode basically lifted her out of the orange and into the green for me. I used to stan her so hard but lately I find she's desperate to be considered as a top-tier challenger without actually displaying so much of the right credentials. Idk, she's OK. We want Nicole Ramos tho.
21. Rogan - Lost a lot of respect for him when he came for Queen Dee. He's definitely hidden behind his pairing with Joss and, to a lesser extent, CT in the endgame. He's redeemed himself from Gibraltar but still nowhere near a fave of mine.
22. Wes - The biggest gripe I have with Wes is that we get the same pompous Wes every season. I don't see any development and he prides himself as this pivotal pioneer of strategy yet he went out in episode 3?
23. Turbo - Terrible season for Turbo. Loved him on WOTW1 but his fuse was way too short this time around and aside from psssy chicken I found him wholly irritating. Though I did feel sad for him when Jordan mocked his walk and he took it so badly oop
24. Josh - I always find it pitiful when Josh tries to out-alpha actual alphas and he did a lot of that this season. Not even coming for Paulie's wig could make me like you. And get your dirty hands off Georgia????
25. Kyle - Kyle is the only person in this cast that I genuinely never want to return. I honestly don't see the point of him. Cara made him relevant.
26. Ninja - She's soooooo jarring and sometimes I find her funny, but this season I had more fun watching Zach bully her. All I can say is she's lucky Laurel missed that slot~
27. Paulie - I find Paulie entertaining and could ironically rank him in the Top 10 if I wanted. But I don't. The entitlement that he gets through this false assumption that he's the best male challenger in the history of the show was always going to set him up for disaster. Hopefully he learns a valuable lesson about how dominating the social aspect of the show doesn't mean much if you're doing so to the detriment of your team which you have to run with in the final.
28. Cara Maria - I don't really know what to say about Cara. There's too much. I used to really like her, and now I don't... at all.
29. Jenny
30. Faith
31. Idris
32. Nicole

RileyH 12-12-2019 05:25 PM

full season ranking:

01 | Nany
02 | Turbo

03 | Jordan
04 | Tori
05 | Ashley
06 | Nicole
07 | Kayleigh
08 | Faith
09 | Kam
10 | Zach

11 | Zahida
12 | Big T
13 | Theo
14 | Leroy
15 | Idris
16 | Joss
17 | Dee
18 | Rogan
19 | Esther
20 | CT

21 | Georgia
22 | Laurel
23 | Cara Maria
24 | Bear
25 | Bananas
26 | Sean

27 | Kyle
28 | Jenny
29 | Paulie
30 | Wes
31 | Ninja
32 | Josh

brat. 06-01-2020 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by brat. (Post 10665726)
Pre Season Ranking:


1: Ashley M
2: Kayleigh
3: Nany
4: Esther
5: Dee
6: Big T
7: Kyle
8: Faith

9: Jenny
10: Kam
11: Nicole
12: Leroy
13: Josh
14: CT
15: Turbo
16: Zahida
17: Laurel

18: Georgia
19: Idris
20: Bear
21: Zach
22: Theo
23: Rogan
24: Bananas
25: Sean

26: Joss
27: Tori
28: Wes
29: Cara
30: Ninja
31: Jordan
32: Paulie

1: Ashley (-)
2: Nany (+1)
3: Laurel (+14)
4: Kayleigh (-2)
5: Zach (+16)

6: Dee (-1)
7: Turbo (+8)
8: Big T (-2)
9: Nicole (+2)
10: Esther (-6)

11: Faith (-3)
12: Leroy (-)
13: Kam (-3)
14: Zahida (+2)
15: Bear (+5)
16: CT (-2)

17: Joss (+9)
18: Theo (+4)
19: Georgia (-1)
20: Paulie (+12)
21: Idris (-2)
22: Bananas (+2)
23: Sean (+2)

24: Rogan (-1)
25: Tori (+2)
26: Wes (+2)
27: Cara Maria (+2)
28: Jenny (-19)
29: Kyle (-22)
30: Josh (-17)
31: Ninja (-1)
32: Jordan (-1)

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