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Firewire 11-06-2016 09:29 AM

Britney hasn't tweeted since mid-May

Braden 11-06-2016 10:02 AM

I imagine some people may have been told to tweet certain things by production to throw us off. Britney didn't tweet regularly back when I used to followed her, so I don't think social media should be used as an indicator as to whether people are on the show.

I definitely can not be bothered with Janelle playing for a fourth time. I wouldn't mind seeing people like Audrey and Da'Vonne but I wish it were a second chance season instead of coaches (I suppose fans vs favourites would justifiable).

Headie 11-06-2016 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Jack_ (Post 8709444)
And I'd love to see Janelle play live but she has to be trolling

Four times? I can't see it

Why? Survivor has Four Timers with some fan faves, I don't see why BBUS can't have some of their biggest fan faves return again :shrug:

Jack_ 11-06-2016 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Hayden (Post 8709748)
Why? Survivor has Four Timers with some fan faves, I don't see why BBUS can't have some of their biggest fan faves return again :shrug:

I know that, but it's only three years since she was last on and if this isn't All Stars they are just wasting the chance of her appearing for one in the future again

I'll just be very surprised if she does it

Firewire 11-06-2016 11:51 AM

I think Janelle is just trolling

Ross. 11-06-2016 11:57 AM

I want a normal season

DrunkerThanMoses 11-06-2016 01:18 PM

16 newbies shown Monday :fc:

Jack_ 11-06-2016 01:20 PM

I want vets but not if they're gonna be as tragic as this list

LukeB 11-06-2016 01:22 PM

Pete. 12-06-2016 12:06 PM

Derrick is ruled OUT

Firewire 12-06-2016 12:08 PM


Headie 12-06-2016 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Pete. (Post 8713717)
Derrick is ruled OUT

Jay28jay2 12-06-2016 12:27 PM

Did Derrick have another baby?

Jack_ 12-06-2016 12:45 PM

Derrick was always ruled out cause of that new police show he's filming

And the kid

Lostie! 12-06-2016 12:47 PM

Has BB18 winner Keesha been confirmed yet or what?

Firewire 12-06-2016 12:48 PM


Jack_ 12-06-2016 12:48 PM

oh btw Jackie also pulled out of the premiere party saying a new job has come up, but I doubt it means anything tbh

Firewire 12-06-2016 12:51 PM

Not legend Jacksus Godrra

DrunkerThanMoses 12-06-2016 12:51 PM

Only returns should be the cast of bb10 and let them replay again

Natalie. 12-06-2016 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Lostie! (Post 8713806)
Has BB18 winner Keesha been confirmed yet or what?

This needs to happen

Dominic 12-06-2016 01:08 PM

No Keesha is dusty and awful

Dominic 12-06-2016 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Ross. (Post 8710070)
I want a normal season


Wizard. 15-06-2016 08:48 PM

Houseguests are entering the house tonight :)

Headie 15-06-2016 10:31 PM

From Tumblr:


So something has been bothering me. Something is bizarre about this entire cast reveal. Let me break it down a little bit to the only scenario that makes sense in my head.

Let us look at the strangeness of it all.

1. There is the awkward premiere times. A two hour episode followed by a one hour episode, that seems very strange, why do we need that much time on night one, even if we are breaking the house into two groups we still don’t need two hours to introduce 6-8 houseguests.

2. The whole 12 cast with four empty spots. Why? Let’s say that it is four returnees, that does’t seem likely that they will just throw random returnees in without a twist, last time they did this cast layout was coaches but the four rumored returnees don’t seem to be of coaches caliber. With Da’Vonne leaving on week two. Seems unlikely that it will be coaches but why throw in four random returnees?

3. A lot of Big Brother vets have been SUPER sketchy on social media. Libra’s twitter went private, Kathy Hillis tweeted for the first time in years then deleted her tweet. Amber hasn’t tweeted in DAYS and she is constant tweeter. It all seems fishy.

4. CBS seems to be to be trying to rebrand Big Brother. We stuck with the same logo for 15 seasons, then got a new one and are ditching it after two years of use? Why? CBS also created a lot more hubbub around this cast reveal, from releasing the cast early online to putting the cast on snapchat to postponing it (even if that was out of respect for Orlando) to adding in TWO siblings of former HG’s. It all seems like CBS wants to pay more attention to this cast preseason! It was even released a few days earlier than usual. And their were only cast interviews with Jeff and they were prerecorded.

5. There is the rumor going around that this was originally supposed to be a Newbies vs Vets season but the idea was scrapped at the last second and four more newbies were added. Okay but why not just round out the cast to 16? If you wanted to ditch the Newbies vs Vets idea why not ditch it entirely?

MY THEORY IS… They didn’t ditch this idea at all but instead worked it into an even more shocking twist. Okay so here is what I think, I think that the reason that there are only 12 of the houseguests currently because there are going to be 12 more! But this time they are all going to be Vets who deserve a second chance, which would include Da’Vonne, Nicole, Frank, and James, and could go as far as including Libra, Amber, and Kathy. But the thing is that they won’t all be staying! And THAT is why there is a two hour premiere the first night! We are going to meet all 24 houseguests and what takes up the most time on an episode of Big Brother? A competition. There will still only be 16 HG’s in the house and their will be a competition to and the first 8 newbies and the first 8 vets to win the competition will get to stay in the house for the summer! This would explain why the cast reveal was early and the interviews were prerecorded so they could get them in the house earlier to do this challenge before the game officially started with the 16 people! Then the second night they will have the competition for the first HoH (and if BotB comes back (which lets hope not) they will have a Vet HoH and a Newbie HoH but that is neither here nor there). What better way for the show to kick off a new rebranding after several lack luster seasons than to have the AUDIENCE have to expect the unexpected along with the houseguests! To me this makes the most sense because there is just a lot of fishy stuff going on and this is the only way it adds up to me.

Raph 15-06-2016 10:34 PM

My prediction is that Paulie is going to be the winner of BB18! :D

Pete. 15-06-2016 10:40 PM

The amount of theories that are being handed around are quite silly because literally any HM can be chosen at this point

Pete. 15-06-2016 10:41 PM

The idea of


Mother Kathy

Returning though :love:

Braden 15-06-2016 10:42 PM

I think people on Tumblr are looking into things way too much, unsurprisingly :p

Big Brother US has proven to be an unorganised show in the past. They dropped the BB Takeover twist after the third(?) week, for example. I wouldn't put it past producers to randomly keep those four just because they want to.

Jack_ 15-06-2016 10:51 PM

The houseguests/vets fighting for a spot on premiere night was the first rumour we got about this season months ago, I'd be amazed if it were true but I'd be here for something like that

Wizard. 15-06-2016 11:50 PM

Yeah there is something fishy going on but I won't get my hopes up to be inevitabley dissapointed

Jack_ 16-06-2016 05:26 PM

Official house pics here

Should be a video tour soon I assume

DrunkerThanMoses 16-06-2016 05:50 PM

Love the hang out room.

Are the talk ladies going in?

Samm 16-06-2016 05:53 PM

I love the themed country bedrooms and the HOH room.

Braden 16-06-2016 05:56 PM

I've grown to like the house more from those pictures.

This is hilarious though:


Grodner (referring to DR entries): We don't like people to perform for us. We really don't. If it's working naturally for them.

Jack_ 16-06-2016 06:09 PM

The Tokyo room is atrocious but I love the London room and the new sky bridge and departures board in the lounge is a nice touch :love:

pleaaaase don't convolute the game with more messy twists tho

LukeB 16-06-2016 06:20 PM

International theme is a brilliant idea..

diverse cast
great house

promising season :lovedup:

Wizard. 18-06-2016 01:54 AM

Wonder what the new comp is </3 there's never enough time to get to know people with so many comps. HoH & PoV is enough.

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