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Legend killer 24-08-2011 09:58 PM

Am I The Only One Who Finds Jedward's Relationship A Bit Creepy??
All this touching each other on a constant basis and washing with each other etc is all very odd and not something i would expect brothers to do with each other

PS SAVE BOBBY the guys is as BORING as **** but he does hit things bang on the head with his views

RichardG 24-08-2011 10:00 PM

No, they're just twins who are close and rely on each other and and are good friends. Nothing creepy or sexual(<hope not anyway! :o) going on between them.

Legend killer 24-08-2011 10:02 PM

If they were like 9 years old it would be ok but these guys are 18 - 19 i have never seen brothers or twins like that in my life

Ithinkiloveyoutoo 24-08-2011 10:03 PM

it's a twin thing innit? they such sensitive souls, they need each other more than ant and dec need eachother. this 2 will not leave next door to each other when they get married, they will share a master bedroom with 2 king size beds. One for ed and his boyfriend and the other for john and his wife

Kerry 24-08-2011 10:04 PM

Pre-warning. DO NOT turn this into a "Jedward are shagging" thread :p

Mystic Mock 24-08-2011 10:05 PM

I find Lucien more creepy,I just think Jedward are eccentric.

starry 24-08-2011 10:05 PM

They need to be split properly, not in the wimpy way they did in that task.

Vicky. 24-08-2011 10:06 PM

They should have put ONE of them in the house. not both.

That would be way more interesting

GypsyGoth 24-08-2011 10:06 PM

Twins are usually very close.

I think how they are brats is much more worrying.

Legend killer 24-08-2011 10:07 PM

lol im not saying there shagging i just think it is a bit weird the way there always touching each other etc

Jeds agree with you about Lucien very weird individual

CharlieO 24-08-2011 10:07 PM

To make them remotely interesting they need to evict one.

Kerry 24-08-2011 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Legend killer (Post 4503146)
lol im not saying there shagging i just think it is a bit weird the way there always touching each other etc

Jeds agree with you about Lucien very weird individual

I know. But I know where another similar thread ended up so just thought I'd say before this went the same way :D

Legend killer 24-08-2011 10:11 PM

^^ LOL kk

Marsh. 24-08-2011 10:12 PM

If this was a discussion about other more "ordinary" twins or twins in general I would say there is maybe a fine line and cause for concern. But I think Jedward have shown they're very naive and childish to the point that it isn't weird for them.

D3vilish 24-08-2011 10:13 PM

Obviously you're not since this thread has been made for the last 3 days?

Unless you have been making it each time?

And No, I think they are perfectly normal, However, I think that they have a ageing problem which makes them stay childish were they still think their around the age of 7, Spiderman and superman at the age of 19 ?

Thats the real problem..

g17m 24-08-2011 10:16 PM

It genuinely scares me that two people that are related can be that close, its a bit too wierd for me

LaLaLand 24-08-2011 10:19 PM

^ [2]

Zippy 24-08-2011 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by GypsyGoth (Post 4503139)
I think how they are brats is much more worrying.


Claudia has spoken

Bluerang1 25-08-2011 09:39 PM

I think Edward wants more. I've noticed one of them is more clingy, and I learnt it was Edward from the separation task. Gross.

chuff me dizzy 25-08-2011 09:46 PM

Totally creepy and not natural, people can keep spinning the"twin"rubbish,but I have twin Nieces ,that dont behave this way

Legend killer 25-08-2011 09:49 PM

PMSL at some of the responses

taivasitkee 07-01-2012 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Bluerang1 (Post 4505583)
I think Edward wants more. I've noticed one of them is more clingy, and I learnt it was Edward from the separation task. Gross.

It always looked like Ed'ard is warmed up for John and then suddenly John appears to be warmed up for Ed'ard in a few interviews. I don't know what the hell is going on really...

Okay, I was trying, trying for months to decode their behaviour and it's just weird. I'm a fan tough but not even fans know what's going on. It's not the problem that they're childish, it's better being childish than too serious, okay? I'm childish myself as well, but that's the type of personality you can't change, you can only judge it really.

It's just that both of them are too close, we've already got that,'that's a twin thing', ... but there seems to be something more, some bond that we either can't swallow or it's really just them who are in a romantic relationship, but won't admit it because of their careers.

Seriously... they make me wanna study psychology.

Like, what the hell? xD They get upset when one of them is away for more than a few hours. And I'll quote Ed'ard from the band task separation:

''It's so weird when I actually have to talk to people and think about their feeling. And try to listen to them when all I'm thinking about is John, and what's he doing?''

In the end of the day, I don't actually care...I think it's cute however it turns up.:joker:

Stu 07-01-2012 11:06 PM


fruit_cake 07-01-2012 11:07 PM

they're seriously unusual

Legend killer 07-01-2012 11:09 PM

Man i love my threads don't think there has been a threadmaker like me in TIBB history

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