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Siouxsie 19-08-2005 08:11 PM

X Factor
Canr wait

Siouxsie 19-08-2005 08:11 PM

soooooooooo excited

ThaGazBoi 19-08-2005 08:39 PM

Yes so am i :hugesmile:

Siouxsie 19-08-2005 08:52 PM

Tabby was on gmtv today he rocks seems to be doing well

Siouxsie 20-08-2005 10:04 PM

grat show tonight simon was on top form as usual

Ruth 21-08-2005 05:48 PM

I never normally watch X Factor, Pop Idol, or anything like that, but I did watch X Factor last night. I couldn't believe that Louis and Sharon wanted to put that Chico through. And what about that couple who they said no to, and they were saying that Simon is talentless and should go back to working in McDonalds?! I doubt Simon would give two hoots about what they thought - he's the multi millionaire after all, not them! The bit that made me cringe the most was when that girl went in at the end, and they said no to her, but she was begging them to give her a chance because singing was all she was any good at (although I beg to differ - her singing was not good at all) - her mum, fiance and sister literally went down on their knees, begging the judges to give her a chance. I was watching through my fingers, I was so embarrassed for them.

sol 21-08-2005 05:51 PM

yer she was c**p
stupid cow, why should she think that she is special enough 2 beg through auditions.
The fiancee and mother and sister were just as bad - setting themselves up for disappointment by saying i know shes gonna win the x factor - how stupid do you get
Well done judges :thumbs:

Siouxsie 21-08-2005 09:50 PM

what a family that was :rolleyes:

Princess 22-08-2005 09:36 AM

yeh i was just like OMG!

Lance 23-08-2005 12:34 PM

Ruth,agree with you that Chico was awful cannot believe he has gotten through at all.:rolleyes:

The first show was good,I've only gotten round to watching it because I was out for the weekend.

For anyone who missed it heer's a little re-cap:


The new series kicks off to an eventful start with the London and Manchester auditions, in the hope of finding the act who has "The X Factor" in 2005.

The three judges - Louis Walsh, Simon Cowell and Sharon Osbourne - heard the first sets of auditionees, and we saw both the talented and the talentless.

34-year-old Chico sparked off the rivalry between the judges of the day. Simon had rejected him, claiming "that was awful" but was later outnumbered by Sharon and Louis, who decided that he should go through to the next round. Simon told Louis "You're making a fool out of yourself, gentleman!" after the audition.

The next auditionee, Andy, received praise and a unanimous vote from all three judges to go through to the next round. He auditioned following his shift as a binman - could he be giving up the day job?

Boyfriend and girlfriend Michael and Della, known as club act "Spirit and Destiny" were rejected at auditions by the judges. Disagreements between the pair and the judges prompted the security guards to usher the act out of the room. They later entered the "X Factor Pod" to vent their frustrations.

The final act of the London auditions was 16-year-old Alexandra whose rendition of "Saving All My Love For You" proved popular with all three judges. Another highlight included boy band " The Brothers" - these sparked a fight over which act would get the groups in time for Boot Camp.

The Manchester auditions saw dairy farmer Justin get rejected at the first hurdle, but he later returned in drag as "Justine" after a suggestion that he "came back as a woman". If his singing doesn't get him noticed, then the drag act will!

16-year-old Trevor, who arrived with his entire family, was described by Louis as "more natural than Ronan". Even Simon had something good to say about him, saying he would "sell a million records", and Kate found it unbelievable of Simon to pay such a compliment!

The most bizarre contestant was Howard, who claimed he could "resurrect John Lennon's voice". That unfortunately caused him to be rejected from the show.

The show ended with 19-year-old Sarah, a girl who was determined to follow her dreams and be a success. Unfortunately, her image and voice weren't what the judges wanted, and despite a mass protest from her fiancé and family, she was another reject. She took the news hard, breaking down in tears after the audition.
Source: TXFF

ThaGazBoi 23-08-2005 12:37 PM

That chico was absolute sh*t!

I liked that young boy with the ginger hair, his voice was well good.

Lance 23-08-2005 12:38 PM

I liked Alexandra,the girl who sang 'Saving All My Love',she was quite good.

ThaGazBoi 23-08-2005 12:50 PM

I liked that really young girl, the young black girl, i cant remember her name, was that alexandra?

BigSister 23-08-2005 01:07 PM

yeah i think it was that Justin comes from Preston where im going to uni I hope I dont see him

Ruth 23-08-2005 01:21 PM

Thanks for the article Lance:thumbs:

Wierdest audionees had to be Howard - claiming he could resurrect John Lennon's voice:conf: - and Justin/Justine - I couldn't believe he got through the second time round!

BigSister 23-08-2005 01:23 PM

neither did I Ruth I was like shouting at the tv you cant put him/her through and same with Chico as well. I think that boy band who just missed out on final 3 last time are going to be auditioning again, Im not sure though. I hope I get to see it as im going out to a party later on if not ill have to tape it

Lance 23-08-2005 09:03 PM


Originally posted by Ruth
Thanks for the article Lance:thumbs:

Wierdest audionees had to be Howard - claiming he could resurrect John Lennon's voice:conf: - and Justin/Justine - I couldn't believe he got through the second time round!
No probs Ruth,Nicola wrote it up for our website,it's just a quick recap for anyone who wants to catch up!

I also couldn't believe that Justin(e) got through,and well Chico wasn't great,definately not good enough to be put through.:rolleyes:

Nicola 23-08-2005 11:03 PM

Yeah, and I'm very proud to say the article is mine! Look out for more great things like that from me - I must be a TV reporter in the making!

Anyway, my fave so far was Alexandra, and some of the ones I wrote about were memorable, to say the least!

ThaGazBoi 24-08-2005 02:12 AM

Nicola they were indeed

Ruth 24-08-2005 06:39 PM

I shall look out for more of your articles Nicola - that's a great one:thumbs:

BigSister 24-08-2005 07:11 PM

great article Nic:colour:

Lance 24-08-2005 10:05 PM


Originally posted by Ruth
I shall look out for more of your articles Nicola - that's a great one:thumbs:
She is,she's our weekly show reporter from now on on TXFF!

Nicola 26-08-2005 08:57 PM

Wow - look out for more great stuff from me then!

BigSister 26-08-2005 08:59 PM

yay I expect one for tommorow Nic im going out so will miss the show

Siouxsie 27-08-2005 05:34 PM

half an hour to go and im off to watch the x factor soooooooo excited:colour:

ThaGazBoi 27-08-2005 06:02 PM

im off to watch it soon

Fangz 27-08-2005 07:31 PM

Lol, Louis has got a stalker.

Ruth 27-08-2005 07:41 PM

I recorded it and haven't watched it yet. I did see the bit with Louis' stalker though! A "stage 5 clinger":laugh:

Fangz 27-08-2005 07:51 PM

Maybe Craig could give her a few tips.:laugh:

ThaGazBoi 27-08-2005 08:10 PM

LOL!!!! :bouncy:

Fangz 27-08-2005 08:15 PM

What did you think of the eighty-two year old, gaz?

Siouxsie 27-08-2005 09:27 PM

the one with the trolley who got through OMG !!!!!

Siouxsie 27-08-2005 09:28 PM

and what about the 4 year old kid and the micheal jackson look a like ????????????????????????????

Fangz 27-08-2005 09:31 PM

The MJ looky-likey was quite good, I thought. The four year old was dead sweet, but I reckon his parents put him up to it.

CharlotteSometimes 27-08-2005 10:51 PM

His picture had been in a few of the papers and there was a lot of fuss about him, even before the series had started. I didn't think he was anything special at all, really. He reminded me of James thingy, the 'child prodigy' antiques expert who had a sex change recently. I think Trevor from week one was far better.

Fangz 27-08-2005 10:56 PM

The MJ lookey-likey or the four year old, Jo? And who's this child-prodigy antique-dealer? Sounds interesting.

BigSister 27-08-2005 11:09 PM

:laugh: that 4 year old and Louis stalker were funny:laugh:

CharlotteSometimes 27-08-2005 11:10 PM


Originally posted by Fangz

The MJ lookey-likey or the four year old, Jo? And who's this child-prodigy antique-dealer? Sounds interesting.
The former. He (the 'child prodigy') was on both Trisha and This Morning (receiving a make-over) last year I think, and there was also a documentary on CH4 with Keith Allen, too. He pretty much lived with the family for a week or so, and at the end exposed them for being fake and suggested that their various businesses were shams - although he put his case a lot more forcibly than that. He confronted the entire family around the table, and managed to outwit them all at once. It was, quite seriously, one of the greatest moments in tv history. And I absolutely despised Keith Allen, prior to seeing that show. Little Lady Fauntleroy.

Fangz 27-08-2005 11:12 PM

Wow. That is one screwed-up family...:shocked:

Ruth 28-08-2005 09:40 AM

Yes I remember that antique dealer - he's a woman now isn't he? I hope he's happier in his life now than he seemed to be when he was younger.

The four year old kid was cute last night, but I thought the best one was the woman who had previously sung on the Meatloaf record - what a brilliant voice!

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