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sosadbbend 05-09-2012 07:58 AM

I am personally fed up with posts referring to Julie as an 'elderly', 'old', 'frail', 70 year old!!
For goodness sake she is 70! That is not old today and even if she was a 100 years old it doesn't excuse bad behaviour.
Also if my grandmother, mother or relation had a potty mouth like hers, at any age, I would be embarrassed.

Nedusa 05-09-2012 08:09 AM

To be fair though she has survived a serious cancer scare which resulted in her having to cut down her daily cigarette consumption from 100 a day to 75 a day...!!!

Vanessa 05-09-2012 08:10 AM

She's amazing! I'd be proud if she was my gran! :worship:

Jake. 05-09-2012 08:15 AM

So what if she swears alot? Being older doesn't mean she should change herself, if thats what she wants to be like, so be it!

Kizzy 05-09-2012 08:21 AM

I don't like the way she plays on it though...'is that how you treat a 70yr old woman?' no, it's how anyone would be treated for acting like a total twonk.

Vanessa 05-09-2012 08:22 AM

Julie is just being herself. They all lie and backstab, yet she's the only one vilified for it. :nono:

Vanessa 05-09-2012 08:25 AM

Harvey is such a moron. Now he heard the boos for Julie he sticks the knife. If she had been cheered he would still be up her arse! :bored::bored::bored:

Angus 05-09-2012 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Nedusa (Post 5464763)
To be fair though she has survived a serious cancer scare which resulted in her having to cut down her daily cigarette consumption from 100 a day to 75 a day...!!!

Well let's hope she has private health care and is not being a burden on the NHS if she has no intention of helping her stupid self.

Martin had a brain tumour and has a metal plate in his head, but you don't hear his fans bleating on about it.

I'm not interested in the sob stories, she is responsible for her own actions and if, by age 70, she hasn't learnt that certain behaviours are unacceptable, it's probably too late.

Vanessa 05-09-2012 08:28 AM

The more Harvey acts like a moron the more chances Julie has to stay! :devil:

Kizzy 05-09-2012 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Angus (Post 5464790)
Well let's hope she has private health care and is not being a burden on the NHS if she has no intention of helping her stupid self.

Martin had a brain tumour and has a metal plate in his head, but you don't hear his fans bleating on about it.

I'm not interested in the sob stories, she is responsible for her own actions and if, by age 70, she hasn't learnt that certain behaviours are unacceptable, it's probably too late.

Too true!

MTVN 05-09-2012 09:36 AM

Have some respect, she has lived through both world wars

Kizzy 05-09-2012 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by MTVN (Post 5464862)
Have some respect, she has lived through both world wars

:joker::joker: What a plank he is!

NextBigThing 05-09-2012 09:51 AM

I cannit stand Julie and I couldn't give two hoots how old she is! She is being vicious with some of the things she has said and is still saying about people. Why call Colleen fat and get personal??

Yes, everyone is slightly 2 faced but she doesn't mince her words and so to hear her say horrid things about people and then see her telling them "I love you, I really do" with her hands all over them, it's just vindictive! (and VILE!)

Gillian-73 05-09-2012 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by MTVN (Post 5464862)
Have some respect, she has lived through both world wars

:laugh3: what a fool he is!

Vanessa 05-09-2012 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by NextBigThing (Post 5464886)
I cannit stand Julie and I couldn't give two hoots how old she is! She is being vicious with some of the things she has said and is still saying about people. Why call Colleen fat and get personal??

Yes, everyone is slightly 2 faced but she doesn't mince her words and so to hear her say horrid things about people and then see her telling them "I love you, I really do" with her hands all over them, it's just vindictive! (and VILE!)

But they all do it. Coleen being all nice to Julie, then slagging her off behind her back for example. :hugesmile:

Livia 05-09-2012 10:30 AM

I am not a fan of Julie, not at all... but I have to say that I've been disgusted at some of the things that have been posted referring to her age. So what that she's 70? She hasn't always been 70. If we're very lucky we might get to 70 and have to listen to people with less life experience talking about us in this way and linking us to incontinence, colostomy bags, stair lifts, care homes etc. to score a cheap laugh. Criticise her as a housemate and as a human being, but ridiculing someone purely based on age is like ridiculing someone purely based on ethnicity: shallow and insulting.

Knitting Nana 05-09-2012 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Vanessa (Post 5464789)
Harvey is such a moron. Now he heard the boos for Julie he sticks the knife. If she had been cheered he would still be up her arse! :bored::bored::bored:

Nope, he didnt turn against her until she took him in the loos and tried to get him to nominate who she wanted. The fact he'd heard the boos soon before that didnt help but loogate was definitely the turning point

Vanessa 05-09-2012 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Knitting Nana (Post 5465016)
Nope, he didnt turn against her until she took him in the loos and tried to get him to nominate who she wanted. The fact he'd heard the boos soon before that didnt help but loogate was definitely the turning point

And why is he suddenly Coleen best friend now? Oh yeah! He heard her cheers! :nono:

Fosse 05-09-2012 11:29 AM

70 may not be that old but the cigarette smoking has added perhaps 15 years to her body and looks.

pcro 05-09-2012 11:36 AM

70 is practically prehistoric in BB terms.

And face it, she aint a young 70.

chuff me dizzy 05-09-2012 11:45 AM

Why are people bringing Julies age into it? her behaviour is NOTHING to do with age, and age cannot excuse her behaviour either, shes just rotten to the core, and would be just the same if she was 27 or 70

Withano 05-09-2012 12:00 PM

If the crowd chanted 'we love Julie, we love Julie' what do you think the chances of her being up for nomination are! Let's face it, the ones who voted her are fickle gameplayers and are also "total twonks"
She is elderly because she's close to death, she's not going to get much elder. She smokes like a chimney on fire.
I like this elderly woman, the final would be a failure without the only source of your last fortnights entertainment.

chuff me dizzy 05-09-2012 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by BigBrother3232 (Post 5465109)
If the crowd chanted 'we love Julie, we love Julie' what do you think the chances of her being up for nomination are! Let's face it, the ones who voted her are fickle gameplayers and are also "total twonks"
She is elderly because she's close to death, she's not going to get much elder. She smokes like a chimney on fire.
I like this elderly woman, the final would be a failure without the only source of your last fortnights entertainment.

She deserved every last one of last weeks chants, and will deserve the ones she will get tonight too ,she gone in there as an equal and she been waited on hand and foot, not even washed a pot of made a cup of tea ,even got mardys on yesterday because Mike wouldnt make her a sandwich ,she sat there while everyones cleaned up around her, shes rotten,she lazy and she deserves to leave bb

Withano 05-09-2012 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by chuff me dizzy (Post 5465117)
She deserved every last one of last weeks chants, and will deserve the ones she will get tonight too ,she gone in there as an equal and she been waited on hand and foot, not even washed a pot of made a cup of tea ,even got mardys on yesterday because Mike wouldnt make her a sandwich ,she sat there while everyones cleaned up around her, shes rotten,she lazy and she deserves to leave bb

Why quote me in this, this is completely irrelevant to my post!

chuff me dizzy 05-09-2012 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by BigBrother3232 (Post 5465128)
Why quote me in this, this is completely irrelevant to my post!

Is it? you were making out julie was a Saint, I was pointing out she isnt

flamingGalah! 05-09-2012 12:23 PM

70 isn't that ols no, but the way they are treating her is disgusting & far worse than what she has said about any of them! :nono:

Withano 05-09-2012 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by chuff me dizzy (Post 5465132)
Is it? you were making out julie was a Saint, I was pointing out she isnt

What! No I wasn't! What the hell were you reading!
My first point was, if the crowd loved Julie, the HMs would too.
My second point was she is elderly
And the third was I like her, she is entertaining.

Your only point was she deserved past boos and deserves future boos. Probably would have made more sense to write it in a separate post instead of quoting me.

Thanks for a reply though even if it is completely off-topic and just another chance for you to slate her!
And just in case it was unclear, I don't think she's a saint.

Vanessa 05-09-2012 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by BigBrother3232 (Post 5465136)
What! No I wasn't! What the hell were you reading!
My first point was, if the crowd loved Julie, the HMs would too.
My second point was she is elderly
And the third was I like her, she is entertaining.

Your only point was she deserved past boos and deserves future boos. Probably would have made more sense to write it in a separate post instead of quoting me.

Thanks for a reply though even if it is completely off-topic and just another chance for you to slate her!
And just in case it was unclear, I don't think she's a saint.

None of them are saints. They all bitch and moan, but Julie is the only one hated for it. :bored::bored:

toto7 05-09-2012 12:30 PM

julie has always been vile..whatever her age..and whats with all the leopard are NOT in oap soap anymore!!

Vanessa 05-09-2012 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by toto7 (Post 5465140)
julie has always been vile..whatever her age..and whats with all the leopard are NOT in oap soap anymore!!

The others are no better. They all bitch and backstab each other. :nono:

optimisticcynic 05-09-2012 12:40 PM

The difficulty is probably that Julie's "fans" are fans of her Corrie character who was scripted and built by a team of writers. Very few people qould have likely known her true peronality and when faced with a self-serving, self-important bitchy lady (not a crime in itself), now feel cheated and resentful. Many longstanding and loved TV characters may be nasty pieces of work but that shows their acting talent for which they rightly should be celebrities.
I don't think that the housemates are ganging up on her though. I just think she's pissed off enough of them to be simultaneously disliked by enough people to form a gang. I doubt she even cares anyway as she was unlikely to meet up with most of them after the show for a pint and a chin-wag.

toto7 05-09-2012 01:03 PM

did any one else notice that when poor martin was upset after talking about his parents death..that she was hugging him but looking at the camera as if to say ..look at me...then she turned the conversation around to her being up for eviction!!! thats caring is it...not my sort when someone has just been sobbing on your shoulder..EVIL EVIL EVIL...:nono:

chuff me dizzy 05-09-2012 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by toto7 (Post 5465214)
did any one else notice that when poor martin was upset after talking about his parents death..that she was hugging him but looking at the camera as if to say ..look at me...then she turned the conversation around to her being up for eviction!!! thats caring is it...not my sort when someone has just been sobbing on your shoulder..EVIL EVIL EVIL...:nono:

YES ,well spotted she was looking round to see if the others were watching then looking into camera,.,not an ounce of sincerity in it

Patricia4 05-09-2012 01:38 PM

She is a saint :dance:

flamingGalah! 05-09-2012 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by toto7 (Post 5465214)
did any one else notice that when poor martin was upset after talking about his parents death..that she was hugging him but looking at the camera as if to say ..look at me...then she turned the conversation around to her being up for eviction!!! thats caring is it...not my sort when someone has just been sobbing on your shoulder..EVIL EVIL EVIL...:nono:

Erm she was looking towards the mirrors which surround that area! You can't see the cameras behind there :joker: Where was she supposed to look?!? She was hugging Martin, she could hardly twist her head round 180 degrees to look the other way :joker:

And she changed the subject to stop Martin from getting more upset, what should she have done asked him details of his parents death & got him more upset??

Jeez Louise...

Livia 05-09-2012 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by toto7 (Post 5465214)
did any one else notice that when poor martin was upset after talking about his parents death..that she was hugging him but looking at the camera as if to say ..look at me...then she turned the conversation around to her being up for eviction!!! thats caring is it...not my sort when someone has just been sobbing on your shoulder..EVIL EVIL EVIL...:nono:

I don't like Julie and I hope she goes tonight. However, no, I didn't see it like this, not at all.

Angus 05-09-2012 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Gillian-73 (Post 5464888)
:laugh3: what a fool he is!

It's an easy mistake to make - she looks about 100. That's what chain smoking does for you:idc:

chuff me dizzy 05-09-2012 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Livia (Post 5465396)
I don't like Julie and I hope she goes tonight. However, no, I didn't see it like this, not at all.

Watch it again, you will be shocked

Clootie Dumpling 05-09-2012 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by flamingGalah! (Post 5465345)
Erm she was looking towards the mirrors which surround that area! You can't see the cameras behind there :joker: Where was she supposed to look?!? She was hugging Martin, she could hardly twist her head round 180 degrees to look the other way :joker:

And she changed the subject to stop Martin from getting more upset, what should she have done asked him details of his parents death & got him more upset??

Jeez Louise...

I read that the same way Louise did. It was one of the most ghaslty examples of how manipulative she can be.

flamingGalah! 05-09-2012 04:00 PM

How on earth was she being manipulative?!? You are simply looking for reasons for her behaviour now because of your dislike for her, rather than just taking the situation at face value... Do you seriously think she is that vile that she would use that to manipulate it to her own advantage?!?

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