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neneu10 01-07-2014 06:50 PM

Zach wants to fu#% Frankie

Samm 01-07-2014 06:52 PM

I'm here for a Gay showmance

Roy Mars III 01-07-2014 07:03 PM

could be, but Cody could also be talking ****.

reece(: 01-07-2014 07:06 PM

is Zach gay/bi?:huh:

Jack_ 01-07-2014 07:19 PM

Cody and Frankie plz

mkbb 01-07-2014 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Roy Mars III (Post 7000833)
could be, but Cody could also be talking ****.

But if Brit heard similar then its not likely to be s***. Its actually possible after all Zach has been pretty ambiguous about his sexuality hasn't he? I remember seeing the interview with Rachel and he turned down the question about having a girlfriend or a boyfriend in exactly the same way. I think most straight guys would state they weren't gay if asked that question.

Macie Lightfoot 01-07-2014 07:40 PM

Zach said in a lot of preshow interviews that he hasn't had a girlfriend since he was like 12. And I went back on the feeds and watched the Cody/Brittany convo, they think he's just rly confused because he's never had a gay friend before so he's never felt like this?

Braden 01-07-2014 07:40 PM

Tumblr is absolutely obsessed with this 'showmance' and it's seriously boring me ****less already, because Zach is:

A) playing a bloody good game already because everybody is falling for his con, or
B) weirdly obsessed with Frankie.

The double standards of people wanting Zach and Frankie ****ing each other, after a week or so of meeting is hilarious in comparison to them berating Caleb for admitting to fancying Amber.

Firewire 01-07-2014 07:41 PM

So here for this showmance

Roy Mars III 01-07-2014 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Braden (Post 7000955)
Tumblr is absolutely obsessed with this 'showmance' and it's seriously boring me ****less already, because Zach is:

A) playing a bloody good game already because everybody is falling for his con, or
B) weirdly obsessed with Frankie.

The double standards of people wanting Zach and Frankie ****ing each other, after a week or so of meeting is hilarious in comparison to them berating Caleb for admitting to fancying Amber.

Zach has been honest to Frankie about pretty much everything though, while he's lied to pretty much everyone. It's weird. Zach is obviously playing the game, but I don't know if this is part of it

Firewire 01-07-2014 07:45 PM


I haven't even started watching the series yet but will when I'm home, looking forward to it.

Pete. 01-07-2014 08:15 PM

umm what

Pete. 01-07-2014 08:16 PM

zach is part. of the arrogant twats

Not here for him

armand.kay 01-07-2014 08:22 PM

If Cody is lying then this is just messy.

armand.kay 01-07-2014 08:24 PM

And who said Frankie likes him back this could end up like another Amanda; calen situation.

MeMyselfAndI 01-07-2014 08:26 PM

They're 2 of my faves, I'd love this showmance

Raph 01-07-2014 08:27 PM

Zach is the man

Tom4784 01-07-2014 08:40 PM

He could do better tbh.

Macie Lightfoot 01-07-2014 08:57 PM

Brittany: I think Frankie and Zach are gonna have a showmance.
Cody: And I'll tell you this, and I will not.. PLEASE don't say anything.
Brittany: I won't.
Cody: I swear to God, I'll know it was you because I've not told anyone cause I've like kept this in.
Brittany: I swear!
Cody: He came up to me, we're at the photo thing, Zach did.. he's like bro.
Brittany: I don't doubt it.
Cody: He's like bro.. I wanna **** Frankie. And I was like..
Brittany: Oh my god.
Cody: I was like.. what??
Brittany: At the photo thing he came in, and he was like staring at Frankie. Staring him up and down. And he was like... you're making my dick hard. You're turning me on. And me and the girls were like...
Cody: I hadn't spoken to Zach yet, this was day 2 that we did the photoshoot so Zach and me didn't really talk day 1. And he said this to me! Cause me and him started bull****ting and we like really hit it off and we started bull****ting, and we were like talking and talking and talking. And he's like bro.. I don't know man, I wanna **** Frankie so bad, he's turning me on so much. And I was like.. I didn't know if he just hadn't come out yet? Maybe he was like, you know, like bi or something. But then like, I was like.. what? It threw me off but.. and then he just had talked about it a little bit and he was like I never.. he's never had a gay friend. He's like I've never had a gay friend before.
Brittany: I think he's a lot more open about it.
Cody: Who, Zach?
Brittany: Yeah.
Cody: Oh I know how open he is. They blatantly.. they were cuddling in the bed one day.
Brittany: Yeah!
Cody: I was laying next to them, and I swear to god I thought they were gonna make out. I was like this is gonna happen, and I'm gonna be laying here.
Brittany: I'm not gonna go up to him. If he's gonna come up to me and tells me he wants to, then yeah I will. But he has to come up to me and tell me.
Cody: I don't think he would though. I think he's just confused cause he's never been so like.. I don't think he's ever like felt how he feels about another guy.
Brittany: Oh my god.

armand.kay 01-07-2014 09:06 PM

Sounds like all this happened before feeds were on:think:.

ImBatman 01-07-2014 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by armand.kay (Post 7001220)
Sounds like all this happened before feeds were on:think:.

Yeah sounds like they he said this during the group photoshoot! :p Im here for a gay showmance!

Black Dagger 01-07-2014 10:31 PM

I'm here for this.

Bluerang1 01-07-2014 10:41 PM

He wants to get pregnant so he can be a part of the Grande family.. oh wait :hehe:

letmein 01-07-2014 11:14 PM

There's video and audio of this on Tumblr and Youtube. Zach definitely wants to **** Frankie.

armand.kay 01-07-2014 11:22 PM


Jack_ 01-07-2014 11:31 PM

What would the reaction in the US be like if a gay showmance were to happen on a show like this? :think:

Genuinely curious, obviously not as clued up on American culture as some on here will be

LemonJam 01-07-2014 11:31 PM

LemonJam 01-07-2014 11:36 PM

but unfortunately I highly doubt its real

mkbb 01-07-2014 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Jack_ (Post 7002036)
What would the reaction in the US be like if a gay showmance were to happen on a show like this? :think:

Genuinely curious, obviously not as clued up on American culture as some on here will be

I was just thinking this would CBS show male same sex kissing like they have done with heterosexual showmances in the past?

armand.kay 01-07-2014 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by mkbb (Post 7002046)
I was just thinking this would CBS show male same sex kissing like they have done with heterosexual showmances in the past?

Probably not. Even in American dramas that I watch, heterosexual kisses are extremely raunchy and last as long and are as graphic as possible and normally gets to the point where thy are about to have sex but when it's two guys it's literally making out for 3 seconds then it fades to the next scene.

But idk maybe I'm underestimating America.

JTM45 02-07-2014 03:14 AM

If this turned out to be for real and they started getting it on in the house i reckon CBS would edit even the tiniest mention of it into non-existence!
Despite the fact that it would be as valid a showmance as any that's happened in there in the past (possibly more real and definitely more interesting than most too!) i'm pretty sure a 'mainstream' channel like CBS would be far more concerned about offending the God-Squad or alienating their religious viewers than they would about keeping us up to speed with the first man on man showmance in the history of BB USA sadly!!!:shrug:

To hear people talking about a pre-show photoshoot makes all of the surprise the two groups of houseguests showed when they 'first met each other' on the second launch night seem kinda' fake now!

I really wish they had more episodes per week on the US show too. It feels like forever when i'm waiting for the next episodes to air and by the time they do pretty much everything that happens on the episodes is old news! They have a lot of ads during the episodes too which cuts down the actual footage content of every episode we do get even further.:bored:

Bluerang1 02-07-2014 03:45 AM

Natalie. 02-07-2014 06:09 AM


Macie Lightfoot 02-07-2014 07:06 AM

Zach and Rhinestone Silversmith (WORST ALTER EGO EVER HOLY ****) just played some game in a talent show called "dingle me balls in your mouth" or something idk

DrunkerThanMoses 02-07-2014 07:47 AM

Zach and Cody need to ****

mkbb 02-07-2014 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by JTM45 (Post 7002349)
If this turned out to be for real and they started getting it on in the house i reckon CBS would edit even the tiniest mention of it into non-existence!
Despite the fact that it would be as valid a showmance as any that's happened in there in the past (possibly more real and definitely more interesting than most too!) i'm pretty sure a 'mainstream' channel like CBS would be far more concerned about offending the God-Squad or alienating their religious viewers than they would about keeping us up to speed with the first man on man showmance in the history of BB USA sadly!!!:shrug:

Could they do that though? If the showmance was guiding the gameplay in the house they would have to show it right? What happens if Zankie made final 2. The HLs wouldn't make sense. I want this to happen so much, I bet CBS are having meetings to discuss how they cover this, if in the unlikely event things do start occurring.

If only they gave the houseguests as much alcohol as they did in BBCAN then Im sure we would see some action!

armand.kay 02-07-2014 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by mkbb (Post 7002700)
Could they do that though? If the showmance was guiding the gameplay in the house they would have to show it right? What happens if Zankie made final 2. The HLs wouldn't make sense. I want this to happen so much, I bet CBS are having meetings to discuss how they cover this, if in the unlikely event things do start occurring.

If only they gave the houseguests as much alcohol as they did in BBCAN then Im sure we would see some action!

They could just edit it to make t look like a bromance not a romance. They could even turn it around and make it look like Frankie fancies Zach. They pretty much make them say anything, for the story they want to create, using lead questioning in the dr.

Anaesthesia 03-07-2014 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by armand.kay (Post 7002836)
They could just edit it to make t look like a bromance not a romance. They could even turn it around and make it look like Frankie fancies Zach. They pretty much make them say anything, for the story they want to create, using lead questioning in the dr.

This is pretty much exactly what I think will happen. I don't buy Zach being gay / bi tbh.

Samm 03-07-2014 11:24 PM

Ramsay 03-07-2014 11:25 PM


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