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Samm 21-08-2020 08:31 PM

why BBUS is dead

this video pretty much summarises how downhill this show has gotten in a decade :skull:

Headie 21-08-2020 08:33 PM

I literally haven't finished a full season since like Season 15 or something :skull:

Every season is legit the same formula of 'majority white alliance eliminates all of the women and minorities before turning on each other after they've killed the season off'

Samm 21-08-2020 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Hayden (Post 10899706)
I literally haven't finished a full season since like Season 15 or something :skull:

Every season is legit the same formula of 'majority white alliance eliminates all of the women and minorities before turning on each other after they've killed the season off'

Genuinely and not even that, the whole narrative now is like entirely spoon-fed television :skull: there’s a DR segment every five seconds explaining what’s going on

Headie 21-08-2020 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Samm (Post 10899708)
Genuinely and not even that, the whole narrative now is like entirely spoon-fed television :skull: there’s a DR segment every five seconds explaining what’s going on

The old school drama and fights as well >>>

Liam- 21-08-2020 08:48 PM

The majority house alliance steamrolling then imploding arc has ruined the franchise, it’s completely dull

UserSince2005 21-08-2020 09:27 PM

all the new school people should be evicted this week and replaced with real all stars

Captain.Remy 21-08-2020 09:30 PM

Yeah, I still watch it, but it's very predictable. It has been for quite some seasons now. Now it's just "oh okay a dude won HoH so let's see which woman/outcast they're going to get out, while having an 8 person alliance."
I don't know, it's not as exciting or unpredictable as before. I wish production could shake the format a little.

Marsh. 21-08-2020 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Samm (Post 10899708)
there’s a DR segment every five seconds explaining what’s going on

This is why I can't stand most reality shows as they all seem to have taken an American style direction of having the housemates/contestants describe what we're watching on the screen. Like give me the contestant's opinion on what's unfolding, but don't just have them narrate it like I'm blind.

That and the never-ending coming up/previously on segments.

DouglasS 21-08-2020 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Samm (Post 10899705)

this video pretty much summarises how downhill this show has gotten in a decade :skull:

I wonder if they asked Libra back?

I mean at least she was relevant, played the game and entertaining?
A better version of Davonne in every way?

More polarising and also more of a game player

But yeah BB10 I’m not sure can be beaten

JerseyWins 21-08-2020 11:09 PM

Fanbase's fault

Also, BB10 was SOOOOOOOO GOLD because of how no one gave a **** and got so heated and personal all the time :joker: But some recent BBUS seasons have still been good in other ways and still entertaining. :clap1:

Cal. 21-08-2020 11:16 PM

Just finished BB10 myself and it was an amazing season :love:

Also Libra deserves more credit! She literally controlled every eviction she was in the house for besides her own.

Pro Sniper 22-08-2020 12:44 AM

"Look how beautiful that cake is".. :laugh:

The good old days when you had more candid talk and raw interactions - from all sorts of oddballs and genuinely quirky characters.

Nowadays, as well as being completely generic, these freaks are clearly only interested in gaining an idiotic social following that will buy their embarrassing, crappy "merch" from them.

Jack_ 22-08-2020 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by DouglasS (Post 10899746)
I wonder if they asked Libra back?

I mean at least she was relevant, played the game and entertaining?
A better version of Davonne in every way?

More polarising and also more of a game player

But yeah BB10 I’m not sure can be beaten

Libra wants absolutely nothing to do with the show according to Dick

I think Kalia deserved a second shot, she’s responsible for one of the most infamous double evictions after all :joker:

Jack_ 22-08-2020 01:10 AM

And yeah on topic, BB16 broke the game.

It doesn’t help that they then recruit Instagram “influencers” and mactors to sit in sequester and watch BB16 before reenacting the whole season in the house again

In terms of “All Stars”, the cast this season sucks. I said it sucked and it does suck. The only “big names” outside of Janelle are Dani and Tyler, and then Franzel and Ian but only by virtue of them being winners, it’s not like they’re a Dan or a Will or even a Rachel. Less big names, the bigger the immediate target on one person. If we’d got Paul, Dan and Derrick (instead of them lamely pregaming a season they’re not on) as originally rumoured we might’ve had a bit more of a balanced season :shrug:

But yeah, BB16 and casting are the problems

Pro Sniper 22-08-2020 02:48 AM

Huge LULZ @ Dani, Tyler and Franzel being "big names"

The thing I find most amusing about the cast is the fact that maniac Memphis has ended up outshining the lot of them.. and to think he was an "alternate"..

It doesn't matter when he gets booted from here, he's already brought more than half this dreadful cast is capable of combined, no matter how far they get dragged.

Moonves has been left "baffled" by his HOH reign.

JULIE CHEN MOONVES: I think he hurt himself with his HOH reign. As you heard him say last week when he won Head of Household, that was a first for him. Sure, he made it to the Final 2 in season 10 a dozen years ago but many thought it was because he had a strong partner in Dan Gheesling (who went on to win with a unanimous vote). Memphis has never experienced HOH power and it showed.

It’s one thing to do what’s best for your own game, but to say that’s what you’re doing and to be so blatant and almost unsympathetic about it to everyone — including his own alliance members — was not smart. Maybe he called David a rookie because that’s actually what he thinks of himself and doesn’t want to be found out? I am baffled at his gameplay. Going after David and Nicole A.? How are either one a threat to his game?

Neither are obviously a threat to him, but neither are a help to him. The bottom line is he's well aware that even though he's part of a bigger alliance, after Janelle and Kaysar are gone..he becomes more fair game than most. By ridding the house of weaklings while himself in power, he fears no immediate blowback(with good reason) and basically ensures himself another week of safety while Janelle and Kaysar remain in front of him.

In any case, ridding the house of floating weaklings needs to be seen as the new strength. Maybe then production will finally get the message and STOP casting them. All they do is stagnate the game.

Jack_ 22-08-2020 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by Pro Sniper (Post 10899787)
Huge LULZ @ Dani, Tyler and Franzel being "big names"

With the exception of those I’ve already named (Will, Dan and Rachel), who from old school BBUS is a bigger, more recognisable name than Dani Donato? There’s definitely no more than five

I couldn’t care less about Tyler but of the post-BB16 seasons, him and Paul are the most talked about, so not much debate there I’m afraid

And Franzel is awful but she won recently and has already played twice, so yes in this horrendous cast, she’s one of the bigger names. But note I said only by virtue of winning, so maybe you ought to reread

Pro Sniper 22-08-2020 04:25 AM

Pick any half dozen from any random old school season. Dani is a joke in my book. As are Tyler and Franzel.

In what realistic world could "estranged" father and daughter end up in a game in a "surprise twist".."hating each other"(but never targeting each other when in power) go on to make f-2 and cop the whole prize? It's ridiculous beyond words.

Nicky91 22-08-2020 07:50 AM

not my problem that UK, USA are crap at creating enjoyable shows LOL

i've never been as hooked as this year in german's promi bb, like hosts say there it is even more fierce than a civilian bb series :flutter:

Jack_ 22-08-2020 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Pro Sniper (Post 10899806)
Pick any half dozen from any random old school season. Dani is a joke in my book. As are Tyler and Franzel.

So Gerry, Jee, Cowboy, Jameka, Chelsia and Michele are all more recognisable names than Dani Donato? I don’t think so

I don’t care for any of them, doesn’t mean they’re not the bigger names on the cast even if they’re not on Janelle’s level

Pro Sniper 23-08-2020 02:39 AM

They're all just as recognisable..but more importantly they're all more legit. They didn't have a whole ****ed up season scripted for their success.

Macie Lightfoot 23-08-2020 05:39 AM

Yeah, basically everything wrong with this franchise boils down to BB16's existence, including:

1) the fact that it was basically a cotton candy, Nickelodeon version of Big Brother that was purposefully designed to be "safe" after the controversies of BB15. They cast a bunch of dumb clowns like Caleb and Zach who were more than eager to read cue cards and put on dumb costumes and give producers content for the episodes. Somehow this yielded good ratings (probably because of Amanda Grande's brother :rolleyes:) so the franchise views this season as a success and continues to force recruits to watch it in sequester.

2) For the reasons above, 16 was pretty much the beginning of the modern era of BBUS, and having a Battle of the Block season become the entry into a new era absolutely had a negative impact on things. Recruits are forced to watch this season in sequester and their main takeaways are that you are successful by joining a big alliance in Week 1 and riding out for as long as possible, and that's pretty much what happened every season since? Sure, we do get a few hiccups along the way like #PauleExposedParty and Day 44 of BB21, but the gameplay of the modern era has largely been about securing a big alliance early on that can win Competitions and just rolling with it. I think this problem really first started with BB12, but BB16 absolutely exacerbated it. For a show whose motto is "expect the unexpected," it more often than not couldn't be any more predictable. I do find it interesting how BB rarely has any blindsides whatsoever while Survivor is all about #SurvivorBlindsides, but that's another piece for another day*

3) Derrick Levasseur. Not only is he the most predictable winner ever and was a complete funsuck and drama killer, but his arrogance is astounding to the point where he ruins everything he touches. BB16 was a complete snoozefest due to his steamroll, but at the end of the day I can only blame him so much for that because it was absolutely to his benefit to play the game that way since he won $500,000 for it. What is completely inexcusable, however, is how he also ruined BB18 and BB22 by organizing pregame alliances and relationships for his dumb cronies. I just can't imagine so arrogant that you would interfere with a season you have absolutely **** all to do with not once but twice! If there's any good thing that's come out of this season, it's the fact that certain sects of the fanbase like Reddit are finally turning against him because they're finally realizing what a ruinous piece of **** he is.

But yeah, I'm not really enjoying this season much at all. I have enjoyed the random alumni gossip and Nicole A's descent into madness, but it's by and large a snoozefest. The opening week was the most boring and uneventful since BB18, and this season is being set up eerily similar to BB16 with the majority alliance being composed of Comp beasts and the outsiders having god awful reads and no agency whatsoever. Cracks are forming in the majority alliance for sure, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Every week so far has consisted of a male runner-up winning HOH and a former AFP getting evicted, with the outcome being obvious as soon as the feeds come back on Saturday after the POV Comp. **** is stale already and it doesn't help that this cast isn't a "who's who" of Big Brother as much as it's a "who's available."

*And with all of that said, I still somehow think BB is in a better spot than Survivor in its current state because we at least get an occasional good season on accident like BB17 or BB21. Survivor is somehow even more stale than BB and isn't nearly as fun even from an ironic sense.

So yeah, this season is ****e and I, for one, am ready for Love Hotel on Monday. I hope you all enjoy me in the migration to the Love Island subforum xx

Jack_ 23-08-2020 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Pro Sniper (Post 10900514)
They're all just as recognisable.

No...they are not, and you know full well they’re not

None of them have appeared or even been referenced on the show since 2009

Jack_ 23-08-2020 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Macie Lightfoot (Post 10900539)
1) the fact that it was basically a cotton candy, Nickelodeon version of Big Brother that was purposefully designed to be "safe" after the controversies of BB15. They cast a bunch of dumb clowns like Caleb and Zach who were more than eager to read cue cards and put on dumb costumes and give producers content for the episodes. Somehow this yielded good ratings (probably because of Amanda Grande's brother :rolleyes:) so the franchise views this season as a success and continues to force recruits to watch it in sequester.

Great post but this is especially true

It’s kinda like what happened with BB11 UK, where they got some CBBC producers to infantilise the viewers by censoring the most innocuous words and producing some ~whacky~ and ~zany~ tasks that absolutely nobody asked for

I know BB19 is almost universally hated but steamroll aside it was at least packed full of drama, some of it pretty dark. I’ll take a 15 or a 19 over a 16 any day :shrug:

Mitchell 23-08-2020 01:25 PM

The two CBB’s and the feed from week 1 were more enjoyable than anything BB related since 2012.

Captain.Remy 23-08-2020 02:41 PM

Both seasons of CBB were bomb! Loved it. Better than most of the recent seasons (from BB15 onwards)

Samm 23-08-2020 03:24 PM

oh yeah I definitely agree both of the CBBs have been fantastic. the shorter season length and more diverse characters defiantly helped. maybe it was because they didn't show BB16 to the celebs :joker:

Pro Sniper 23-08-2020 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Jack_ (Post 10900701)
No...they are not, and you know full well they’re not

None of them have appeared or even been referenced on the show since 2009

I know they R.

Multiple appearances/references doesn't mean more recognisable/memorable. I read on the feeds earlier that desperate Dani was actually questioning "why Kaysar was asked back". Given the rigged up shyte her and her father benefited from in her absurd debut season, then flopping on her return(- intense protection/rigging), that arrogant little brat doesn't have the right to question any player being asked back.

Jack_ 23-08-2020 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Pro Sniper (Post 10900832)
Multiple appearances/references doesn't mean more recognisable/memorable.

Well I mean it kind of does?

If you asked someone to name actors and actresses in the film Titanic, do you think they’d say DiCaprio and Winslet, or Rochelle Rose? This applies to literally any film or TV show ever. The more screen time you get, the bigger a character you are, the more recognisable you become

This is Dani’s third time playing Big Brother and she’s made several guest appearances over the years, whereas the names I listed haven’t been heard of since 2009. The general audience do not know them. Honestly this is all very self explanatory and actually a futile argument because I literally couldn’t care less about her, but she is a “big name” in BB lore

JerseyWins 23-08-2020 06:53 PM

Yeah Dani's definitely a "big name" legendary-tier BB houseguest

Jigs 23-08-2020 09:31 PM

BB died when Vanessa Rousso was robbed on finale night. Coincidence? I don't think.

Headie 23-08-2020 10:02 PM

The last glimmer of hope BBUS ever had

seaodw 23-08-2020 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Hayden (Post 10900936)
The last glimmer of hope BBUS ever had

I literally just sat and watched all of this. I need to go re watch the whole season now. Gameplay may have been messy but it was very entertaining

Pro Sniper 24-08-2020 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by Jack_ (Post 10900845)
Well I mean it kind of does?

If you asked someone to name actors and actresses in the film Titanic, do you think they’d say DiCaprio and Winslet, or Rochelle Rose? This applies to literally any film or TV show ever. The more screen time you get, the bigger a character you are, the more recognisable you become

This is Dani’s third time playing Big Brother and she’s made several guest appearances over the years, whereas the names I listed haven’t been heard of since 2009. The general audience do not know them. Honestly this is all very self explanatory and actually a futile argument because I literally couldn’t care less about her, but she is a “big name” in BB lore

Look, desperate Dani may be "big name" in your eyes, but in mine she is big joke. I repeat, more/longer/multi appearances doesn't necessarily equate to being bigger/better/more memorable etc..

There's such a thing as quality>quantity.

10mins of Rousso>THREE whole monotonous seasons of desperate Dani.

Captain.Remy 24-08-2020 08:18 AM

So I've read this comment on a post from Big Brother Network website, and it perfectly sums up what I'm feeling right now about it:


As I commented in another thread, BB has structural issues that tends to make it a “boat race” where an alliance can dominate early and thus steamroll until about the midpoint of the game. You get two comp beasts in the same alliance and you can pretty much lock things in for a long, boring “boat race” of a time. Tyler and Cody, Tyler and Cody, like left foot right foot, marching to victory. Yawn...

Mix it up, Grodner! And I don’t mean putting your thumb on the scale to benefit certain players, like it appears you like to do. Survivor smokes Big Brother for delivering power shifting drama. On Survivor, tribal councils are thick with anticipation. Anyone without an immunity necklace can go home. In BB, eviction nights carry little surprise. Even if one houseguest who thought they were safe goes home, it’s not a blindside to the degree a Survivor blindside is. Survivor blindsides have the power to take everyone’s breath away. Only about half the house feels a semblance of a gut punch in a BB blindside.

From week to week, only a small handful of people are likely to go home in BB. For a game that likes to tease the audience with “expect the unexpected,” it’s a highly predictable game. Give me a game where there is more drama on eviction night. Do away with this HOH/POV structure. It’s yielding predictability. Give me a game that doesn’t have what equates to a dozen immunity necklaces being worn on eviction nights. We see two people ****ting their pants most of the week while the rest breathe with varying degrees of security. It’s not driving near enough drama, and it could be a much more compelling game.

Calderyon 24-08-2020 10:03 AM

Would axing POV do the trick? Replacing itwith this safety competition, but everyone would get to play every week until a certain point?

Or allow everyone to play in the POV like in BB3? (Before Golden power of Veto was introduced)

Pro Sniper 24-08-2020 11:06 AM

How would that help? You'd still have the same dominant alliance winning it, and weaklings with no other option but to cling onto that alliance and "go along with their decision" to hopefully pick off a straggler that is even more useless than themselves. The problem always comes back to having hopelessly weak players. If ALL players were strong from the off we'd have much greater possibility of seeing them all jostle for position. And with any and all players capable of winning comps, the power is unlikely to be boringly attached to only a couple of faces.

Captain.Remy 24-08-2020 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Pro Sniper (Post 10901124)
How would that help? You'd still have the same dominant alliance winning it, and weaklings with no other option but to cling onto that alliance and "go along with their decision" to hopefully pick off a straggler that is even more useless than themselves. The problem always comes back to having hopelessly weak players. If ALL players were strong from the off we'd have much greater possibility of seeing them all jostle for position. And with any and all players capable of winning comps, the power is unlikely to be boringly attached to only a couple of faces.

But clearly it's the same type of people who are good at comps. And I don't want a season full of Cody/Tyler kind of HGs. I mean, how often do we get a Janelle type that is mixing bits of all aspects? Not often. And really we never know if someone is going to be a good player before the show even starts. Even casting team can't predict that (I mean, to a certain extent they do, but can't be 100% sure)

Aaliyah 24-08-2020 11:31 AM

They need to adopt the UK format of the public having the decision of who goes and who wins

Calderyon 24-08-2020 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Aaliyah (Post 10901157)
They need to adopt the UK format of the public having the decision of who goes and who wins

They already had it on BB1 and it bombed, which is why they changed it to this.

Pro Sniper 24-08-2020 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Captain.Remy (Post 10901151)
But clearly it's the same type of people who are good at comps. And I don't want a season full of Cody/Tyler kind of HGs. I mean, how often do we get a Janelle type that is mixing bits of all aspects? Not often. And really we never know if someone is going to be a good player before the show even starts. Even casting team can't predict that (I mean, to a certain extent they do, but can't be 100% sure)

You can't tell me they couldn't find a full female cast that couldnt mix it with any gender. They don't all have to be as good as Janelle(an obvious outlier in terms of complete package) they only need be solid enough competitors who aren't so disgustingly reliant on the assistance of males to do all their dirty work and drag them into positions they have no buisiness being. Males naturally have greater body strength so if they're still concerned by that then do away with all the comps that solely or largely rely on nothing but strength..and focus on more balanced games that requires an attribute/skill that both genders can easily have.

Originally Posted by Aaliyah (Post 10901157)
They need to adopt the UK format of the public having the decision of who goes and who wins

Don't be ridiculous.

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