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Ninastar 03-10-2010 01:11 PM

I've just noticed that I have a big scar on my kneecap from when I fell over on holiday :'(

I have loads of tiny ones all over my body cause of my cat :'(

Do you have any scars?

I dont really know why, but I like them. just not on me :D

Ninastar 03-10-2010 01:15 PM

and yes, I am so bored.

Patrick 03-10-2010 01:15 PM


When I was younger, me and my mates were like riding our bikes down beside the river we use to live by.

Oooo Summer 2001 :)

Only I didn't have a bike yet, but they did and they were going to drive off on me if I didn't get a bike so I took my cousin's bike and I was like really young and my cousin wasn't so his bike was quite big, I basically fell off it and hit my head really hard and cracked me head open.

A bit of my skin fell out and that so you can still see the scar but when I have my hair long it goes over it so I act like Harry Potter and I'm like 'Look xxx' and then pull my hair back.

It's quite annoying though because there's still a big bump that comes back sometimes from where I hit my head.

The scar only really shows when it's warm like today.

Ninastar 03-10-2010 01:20 PM

thats kinda cool, but also gross. I dont like it when skin falls off

MissKittyFantastico 03-10-2010 01:22 PM

Got some scars on my arms from when I was a chef, from burns and whatnot.

One on my right shoulder and one on my knee from when I was in motorbike accident.

I like scars, I find them interesting.

Jords 03-10-2010 01:40 PM

1 in the middle on the top of my right hand.

Stacey. 03-10-2010 01:50 PM

I don't have any :D

Ramsay 03-10-2010 01:53 PM

from when i busted my head open in school..
my arm from where me and my friend gave ourselves a few cigerette burns to give ourselfs scars
we were so stupid

Ramsay 03-10-2010 01:54 PM

oh and my forehead when i was like 4 i busted my head off the door

Smithy 03-10-2010 02:07 PM

I have one on my hand, from when I cut it on barbed wire, and another on my knee, but it's faded quite a lot from when we went on holiday with school

Callum 03-10-2010 02:49 PM

I have one on my wrist from when I was younger and I went to Wacky Warehouse, went down the slide too fast and burnt my arm.

MTVN 03-10-2010 03:19 PM

2 years ago I was on a history trip to WWI battlefields & trenches. Going through a pitchblack trench I somehow thought it would be a good idea to run through it. I ended up wacking my head on a rock ledge hanging down and being knocked down on to the ground, I think I blacked out for a second or two but I'm not sure lol. Anyway, I was surprised at the fact that it didnt seem to have hurt that much but when I stood up and as I was walking out I just felt blood streaming down my face, I was covered in it lol. Ended up having to go to a nice Belgian hospital to have a load of stitches done. You can still vaguely see where I did it today, it isnt particularly noticeable though.

Tom4784 03-10-2010 03:21 PM

I had one for years on my eyelid from when I got run over in Year 8 but that's gone now.

Ninastar 03-10-2010 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Dezzy (Post 3824448)
I had one for years on my eyelid from when I got run over in Year 8 but that's gone now.

you got run over? D:

AfroMullet 03-10-2010 03:50 PM

Two on my chest from being stabbed.

Stacey. 03-10-2010 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by AfroMullet (Post 3824515)
Two on my chest from being stabbed.


Mystic Mock 03-10-2010 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by AfroMullet (Post 3824515)
Two on my chest from being stabbed.

i hope that aint a joke afro.

AfroMullet 03-10-2010 04:06 PM

I can assure you being stabbed is no laughing matter.

Nah its not a joke though.

InOne 03-10-2010 04:06 PM

One on my thumb, where my made stabbed me, and another on my head when I cracked it open

Ninastar 03-10-2010 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by AfroMullet (Post 3824558)
I can assure you being stabbed is no laughing matter.

Nah its not a joke though.

I'm actually being serious when I ask this, but how did it feel?

AfroMullet 03-10-2010 04:20 PM

Like warm apple pie.

LOL nah, i dont remember it all that clearly, i just remember it hurt like a bitch. The pain didnt really sink in untill after everyone had gone and it was just me and my brother left. I think the addrenaline of the situation blocked out the enital pain, and then when that wore off, the pain began coming through. Its hard to explain how it felt, other then to say, it obviously hurt alot. Burned a little too.

Ninastar 03-10-2010 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by AfroMullet (Post 3824588)
Like warm apple pie.

LOL nah, i dont remember it all that clearly, i just remember it hurt like a bitch. The pain didnt really sink in untill after everyone had gone and it was just me and my brother left. I think the addrenaline of the situation blocked out the enital pain, and then when that wore off, the pain began coming through. Its hard to explain how it felt, other then to say, it obviously hurt alot. Burned a little too.

sounds fun,

joke but seriously eurgh thats awful? did the person who stabbed you get into trouble/caught/arrested?

AfroMullet 03-10-2010 04:28 PM

Umm, karma caught up with them, lets leave it at that.

Twilight 03-10-2010 05:22 PM

I have one on my face, from when i was 2 years old and i fell on my cat, she kinda attacked my face xD She now as sadly died when i was 10, so i just think of it as a memory of her.

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