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Kerry 02-02-2011 08:57 PM

Booze on Tap
Another threads just made me think - if C5 let them have alcohol as they want it, would it get abused or do you think people would be relatively sensible?

Personally I think they'd go a bit bonkers for the first week or so but then calm down. Maybe party at the weekends and have the odd drink.

Depends who's in there of course but I seriously don't think people would cane it every night (or day :shocked: )

MTVN 02-02-2011 08:59 PM

I think for the first week or so some of them would just get pissed every night, it might calm down a bit after that but they'd still get drunk quite regularly I think

Fetch The Bolt Cutters 02-02-2011 09:01 PM

if they put psychos in there in the first place they wouldnt need booze

we need more BB6-esque hms

Patrick 02-02-2011 09:01 PM

It'd be ******ing hilarious on Launch Night if they all got completely pissed stayed up half the night partying, live feed would be epic all night and I'd probably stay up with them even though there'd be school in a few hours lmfao.

But the funny part would have to be in the morning when they play like a Baby Crying into their ears at Half 9 in the morning.

All of them waking up with Hang Overs and stuff, would be brilliant.

Kerry 02-02-2011 09:02 PM

I doubt they'd get much anyway. More, but not enough to get sozzled everynight

Patrick 02-02-2011 09:04 PM

Depends where they locate the house lmfao.

Channel 4 had a Tesco round the corner that I'm sure provided all the Booze and Foods for Big Brother 3 - Big Brother 11.

GypsyGoth 02-02-2011 09:06 PM

:amazed: we could have rohypnol night! The public votes which HM's drink BB spikes.

Kerry 02-02-2011 09:06 PM

So long as the house isn't near houses so they get called in every night!

Ramsay 02-02-2011 09:06 PM

Never understood why during the later seasons they cut down on the drink
they are all overage they shoulda let them go all out every now and then
but no they would only get like a can each every 3 weeks
such shyte

Kerry 02-02-2011 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Karl (Post 4088560)
Never understood why during the later seasons they cut down on the drink
they are all overage they shoulda let them go all out every now and then
but no they would only get like a can each every 3 weeks
such shyte

It's one thing that pissed me off as C4 have never been afraid of pushing the boundries so far as what they air on their channels. Pity they wouldn't let adults be adults

Patrick 02-02-2011 09:11 PM

LMFAO Claudia!


Originally Posted by Karl (Post 4088560)
Never understood why during the later seasons they cut down on the drink
they are all overage they shoulda let them go all out every now and then
but no they would only get like a can each every 3 weeks
such shyte

I would of said BB5's Fight Night but then again in BB6 and I think BB7 they had drink too.

I guess it all leads back to what I still say to this day, killed Big Brother, Jade Goody's row with Shilpa Shetty.

Made C4 too uptight and PC and they wouldn't give them any booze incase anything was said.

It's not as if someone from BB10 was going to get hammered and turn round to Cairon and call him the N Word or something :bored:

Kerry 02-02-2011 09:13 PM

If they'd given them as much as they wanted I bet they would have acted responsibly. I'm not talking enough to be face down in a pile of sick, but enough to enjoy themselves. Take that privalige away and they are bound to rebel

Maybe that was the plan.... :sleep:

Benjamin 02-02-2011 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Patrick (Post 4088543)
It'd be ******ing hilarious on Launch Night if they all got completely pissed stayed up half the night partying, live feed would be epic all night and I'd probably stay up with them even though there'd be school in a few hours lmfao.

But the funny part would have to be in the morning when they play like a Baby Crying into their ears at Half 9 in the morning.

All of them waking up with Hang Overs and stuff, would be brilliant.

I miss the older BB's where this happened, unfortunately Fight Night in BB5 ruined it. :sad:

But was EPIC to watch.

InOne 02-02-2011 09:34 PM

Would be good to watch. But they'd probs worry about the place getting trashed and people puking up and stuff. Plus all out brawls

Beastie 02-02-2011 10:38 PM

They should give them no more alcohol then what was given in bb3. They had plenty of alcohol in BB3 and it did them no harm.

Patrick 02-02-2011 10:39 PM

Bring back the [almost] Unlimited Alcoholic Fridge in BB5 :love:

Beastie 02-02-2011 10:39 PM

I mean.. no one was drunk in bb11. If they ask for alcohol when they are in a sober-ish state they should get it. No one has been drunk since bb7.

Beastie 02-02-2011 10:40 PM

At the end of the day.. there will be at least "one" sober housemate who will look after them all :hugesmile:

Jordan. 02-02-2011 10:40 PM

I remember reading that they can only provide them with the amount of alcohol which fits in with the weekly units, which is pretty crap since they used to give them loads and only really cut down on the last few series.

Beastie 02-02-2011 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Jordan. (Post 4088881)
I remember reading that they can only provide them with the amount of alcohol which fits in with the weekly units, which is pretty crap since they used to give them loads and only really cut down on the last few series.

What they are aloud in weekly units then.. they should drink all that in one night!!

Kerry 02-02-2011 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by thebeast (Post 4088890)
What they are aloud in weekly units then.. they should drink all that in one night!!

For women 14 units a week :joker: Isn't one glass of wine 2 units??

Beastie 02-02-2011 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by ~Kerry~ (Post 4088899)
For women 14 units a week :joker: Isn't one glass of wine 2 units??

I think so. So that's 7 glasses of wine!! People will be drunk on that or at the very least tipsy. This would mean though.. they could only have alcohol once a week? :S sh!t.

Kerry 02-02-2011 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by thebeast (Post 4088903)
I think so. So that's 7 glasses of wine!! People will be drunk on that or at the very least tipsy. This would mean though.. they could only have alcohol once a week? :S sh!t.

Yeah, one night probably at best :sleep:

Beastie 02-02-2011 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by ~Kerry~ (Post 4088910)
Yeah, one night probably at best :sleep:

I hope Desmond can work around those sh!tty rules!

Kerry 02-02-2011 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by thebeast (Post 4088914)
I hope Desmond can work around those sh!tty rules!

I'd think so. C5 usually has a devil may care attitude to what it shows. Just like C4 used to :bawling:

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