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Valdora 21-08-2011 12:13 AM

After a repeat viewing...
I found my intial "whoah! What the hell is this!" was gone.

Did I still not like the previews and montages? Yes.

Did I still not like the new "personality" from Marcus? Yes.

But once it got out of those montages we got the quiet moments of talking with no music and the old BB style of simple cuts to outside the room the talkers are in.

Now that being said I think we need less montage and more of that. AND we need more diary room stuff.

Other than that my reaction was far less extreme once I got used to it. Anyone else feel the same way?

cell 21-08-2011 01:44 AM

I am still frustrated with the inclusion of many of the things you mentioned, bad editing, over editing, removal of the random bits and shots of the housemates looking like they think no one is watching.
That being said today's show was a improvement but there are still some things which I may never get over. I will probably continue to watch and hope some things change for the main show.

daniel-lewis-1985 21-08-2011 02:38 AM

I just rewatched it and enjoyed it this time round.

Im sure everyone will get used to it.

The music worked on the diva results part Jedward "I just farted"

ElProximo 21-08-2011 04:57 AM

I did make a point of watching it again. Honestly, it just comes off as a cheap counterfeit BB made to squeeze the last drops out of it all.
If anything, watching a second time around just shows up more of the mistakes you might have missed during all the excitement.

(not that its intended to be watched over and over).

Maybe in 3 weeks they do surprise everyone with a genuine 'BB1' reboot. Yeah.

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