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Niamh. 26-01-2012 01:28 PM

Who are the Twins Fans?
Inspired by a few comments I've read about the Twins only being popular with boys in awe of their assets!

Black Dagger 26-01-2012 01:32 PM

I'm a twins fan and I think this whole, you only like them because they're attractive is bull-****.

There have been many attractive guys on Big Brother as well and most of them I thought were vile... John James, JJ, Dale, Stuart (BB9)

jadoredior 26-01-2012 01:32 PM

Not sexually attracted to them in the SLIGHTEST (though they are very pretty) and a fan. They've got good heads on their shoulders, call it like they see it and don't play the fake little games that killed BB and took away the rawness.

MTVN 26-01-2012 01:33 PM

Straight male, but Georgia would be the one who gets the "just because they're hot" vote from guys I'd say, whatever you think of the Twins you can't really deny they've given a lot more to the show than just their looks and have been the centre of attention for a lot of it

Niamh. 26-01-2012 01:34 PM

I agree, as a straight female I'm not interested in their boobs :laugh: But like them for exactly the reasons you all have stated

Visage 26-01-2012 01:42 PM

Straight Male - I'm a fan of them because they provoke a reaction most of the time they're on my screen. I don't want them to win, I would like them booted out first, but only because it's the end of the show.

They've certainly made this year's CBB a memorable one for me.

Visage 26-01-2012 01:46 PM

I don't find them attractive, the mere thought of them jumping an old man's bone is enough to put me off.

Roy Mars III 26-01-2012 01:53 PM

Straight male- I like them because they are entertaining. I don't find them that arrogent or mean to be honest. They seem pretty common for women their age. I know alot of girls like them

karezza 26-01-2012 01:55 PM

I am a straight male with a big £3 bet on the twins.

Visage 26-01-2012 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Roy Mars III (Post 4910962)
I know alot of girls like them

Lucky you...

Although I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing..:laugh:

InOne 26-01-2012 01:56 PM

Straight male

Roy Mars III 26-01-2012 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Visage (Post 4910966)
Lucky you...

Although I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing..:laugh:

I meAn personality more than looks. Many women from LA act like them. A generalization, but one from personal experience living in LA for a year

bbfan300 26-01-2012 02:06 PM

I didn't know this many guys watch BB, I thought that more females watch, none of my male friends or my boyfriend watch BB (well admit to it any way)

Samuel. 26-01-2012 02:07 PM

This poll won't help tbh.

Just because a lot of us are straight males, doesn't mean we're supporting them because of their looks. No doubt that is the way it'll be spun though.

elliebrew 26-01-2012 02:10 PM

speaks volumes

gay male and i hate them

Samuel. 26-01-2012 02:13 PM

Excluding the straight males, there are still more supporting the twins than not. So it doesn't speak volumes at all actually :idc:

bbfan1991 26-01-2012 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Samuel. (Post 4910985)
This poll won't help tbh.

Just because a lot of us are straight males, doesn't mean we're supporting them because of their looks. No doubt that is the way it'll be spun though.

We all know Frankie will be getting votes with one of many reasons being his looks also. I personally cannot see what all these girls see in him too?:conf:

Kazanne 26-01-2012 02:19 PM

:evilgrin:LOl,Niamh ,what are you doing in here with all these guys?Eh?

mizzy25 26-01-2012 02:33 PM

straight female and i dont support them to me michael has been far more entertaining than the twins he is a funny guy and hes quite hot too lol

billy123 26-01-2012 02:35 PM

Just for the record i just totally clicked the wrong option by mistake. im straight male not a fan.

bbfan300 26-01-2012 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by bbfan1991 (Post 4910995)
We all know Frankie will be getting votes with one of many reasons being his looks also. I personally cannot see what all these girls see in him too?:conf:

I don't think any one is voting for Frankie for his looks, I think its more about his personality.

Niamh. 26-01-2012 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Samuel. (Post 4910985)
This poll won't help tbh.

Just because a lot of us are straight males, doesn't mean we're supporting them because of their looks. No doubt that is the way it'll be spun though.

Well, as the results stand now 13 straight men are fans and 12 who wouldn't be attracted to them (ie. straight females & gay men) are fans, which is almost even so I think that shows that people like them for more than what they look like

Niamh. 26-01-2012 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by bbfan300 (Post 4911014)
I don't think any one is voting for Frankie for his looks, I think its more about his personality.

Ok, well taking your vote off the straight males, makes it an exactly even spreading of fans.

Samuel. 26-01-2012 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Niamh. (Post 4911026)
Well, as the results stand now 13 straight men are fans and 12 who wouldn't be attracted to them (ie. straight females & gay men) are fans, which is almost even so I think that shows that people like them for more than what they look like

Yeah true.

bbfan300 26-01-2012 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Niamh. (Post 4911028)
Ok, well taking your vote off the straight males, makes it an exactly even spreading of fans.

I didn't vote for straight male, i voted straight female. :conf:

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