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waterhog 04-09-2012 08:37 AM

corri street and Spandau Valley are my 2 to go - who are your 2 and why ?
corri street and Spandau Valley are my 2 to go - who are your 2 and why ? 04.09.12

call me thick,
but its not science by the rocket,
Julie is a goner,
she will be the loose socket.
to much has happened,
its all on tape and there is no denial,
i think Julie is on another planet,
or she is senile.
as the final is close,
i am sure it will be a double,
with picking Martin or Loranzo,
none have a protective bubble.
i am disappointed with both,
for there status it has been a big gap,
Martin has been so quiet,
and the prince has been a complete sapp.
yes Martin did stir,
but it was far to little to late,
at least Lorenzo wore his heart,
even if a bad choice was Danica-Gate.
i have made my choice,
will the readers of my poem rally,
if it is a double tomorrow,
i want to go corri street and Spandau Valley.

(sorry about the riddle - in plain text i want to go tomoz Julie and Martin - the reason being - Julie is either playing a very good game or she is going senile and Martin has been to quiet for to long and i would have expected him to speak his mind and confront people. i take the point loranzo made the mistake of mixing with Danica but i respect him for getting involved more then i respect martin for staying quiet for so long. but which 2 do you want to go and most importantly why ?)

Livia 04-09-2012 09:04 AM

Julie because she's a contemptible cow, and Prince Lorenzo because he's a dullard.

Kazanne 04-09-2012 09:12 AM

Julie out( do I need to explain?) and shame it's a double as Lorenzo will have to be sacrificed,King Kemp to stay

Patricia4 04-09-2012 09:53 AM

Martin and the prince to go.

HBB1508 04-09-2012 10:43 AM

Martin and Julie out for me though I doubt it will happen, just to give the other HM's a shock!!

waterhog 04-09-2012 08:41 PM

i think there is a high chance - i might just get my wish. stranger things have happened.

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