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Jay 20-07-2006 02:57 AM

Spiral\'s temper
What do you make of Spirals temper?

lambruscokid 20-07-2006 03:03 AM

He really does act like a child. How old is he again? Seriously. If he's over 20, he should be ashamed.

I can't believe there's another hateable housemate. It was bad enough when Susie came in, now BB is just piling on the jerks. Now we have to get rid of Jayne, Spiral, AND Michael just to clean out all the offensive people - it's going to take forever to get down to ditching the boring ones!

Spiral, get out.

GlitterEyes 20-07-2006 03:08 AM

Spiral is agressive, over reacts and is annoying.

Arneldo 20-07-2006 03:11 AM

Used to like him but now i him aggressive and annoying!

GlitterEyes 20-07-2006 03:13 AM

Yeah I use to like him in the other house aswell but he seems very self centered in the main house and he seems to love himself far to much, he is nothing special.

Nowhere 20-07-2006 03:39 AM

I missed the second argument between Jen and Spiral,can anyone fill me in,on what it was all about? Oh and i think Spirals just playing up to the cameras,entertaining though....:bigsmile:

easypeasy 20-07-2006 07:16 AM

i like it when he goes off on one for no reason. it keeps the other hm's on their toes.....

Tommy 20-07-2006 07:19 AM

I enjoy watching him when he is angry. But I would hate to live with it, I find his temper very immature. But it is kind of funny to watch! :)

Ella 20-07-2006 07:48 AM

Yeah he does overreact but its good to watch a bit of conflict rather then people beint fakely nice to each other! And he a;ways apologises afterwards and gives his reasons why he went over the top, which most HMs dont do

Mike 20-07-2006 11:10 AM

I still like Spiral still, he does get a bit too agressive at times but still funny to watch IMO.

DizzyLizzy 20-07-2006 11:14 AM

Spiral is unattractive and unintelligent, my first impression of him was a fun loving guy who looked kinda cute, but since his outbursts he seems more like a chavvy wally

Slezer 20-07-2006 11:14 AM

I think Spiral has had a right to fly off the handle each time he has. Arguements are the best thing about big brother. It's just a shame the people involved end up getting nominated then evicted.

Dan_ 20-07-2006 11:16 AM

He does go a bit ott but a lot of the time he has a point but doesn't seem to be able to express it without going off on one, perhaps he feels it's the only way people will listen to him.I think he's good entertainment though.

Slezer 20-07-2006 11:17 AM

I think if Spiral had came in from the start he would be a favourite. But the way he has came in and caused arguements has amde people hate him.

Mike 20-07-2006 11:19 AM

People are quick to complain that the show is going downhill then the minute there is an argument they hate the person who was most agressive, it's BB we want to see arguments it would be boring otherwise.

Foebane100 20-07-2006 11:25 AM

Spiral is being the stereotype that I thought he would be right from the start. Aggressive and Lecherous. I don't see him as being a nice of decent person really.

Craiggy 20-07-2006 04:24 PM

Annoying! I dont know why but it really annoys me his temper!

It is funny how we never saw this side to him in the "House Next Door"!

Chrizzle 20-07-2006 04:26 PM

I think hes going for the 'arguementative' tag
Just something for producers to make a higlights video out of

But it makes good TV I suppose

stoney12 20-07-2006 05:02 PM

Spirals aggression is not good to watch or good for the show as it tends to clear a room or make other HM's clam up.He never ,ever has a valid point and he should really be told this(as Jayne was about to yesterday but clammed up because even she seemed scared to press home the point)his temper should be noted by BB

His rapping is plain embarrassing too.Spiral f### right off,if Jenny would have nommed him he would have been up this week.:mad:

GlitterEyes 20-07-2006 05:03 PM

It worries me to what he would be like IF he did drink. I think he would be an animal if he drank:nono:

Foebane100 20-07-2006 05:07 PM

I think Jennie and Nikki should be glad he doesn't it could easily have been a backhander for both of them.

Jay 20-07-2006 05:08 PM


Originally posted by Mike
People are quick to complain that the show is going downhill then the minute there is an argument they hate the person who was most agressive, it's BB we want to see arguments it would be boring otherwise.
No that's not the case, i just don't agree with him shouting at the girls all the time.

rex3 20-07-2006 06:10 PM

he shouted at mikey as well. but yeah hes reactions are mad sometimes, still at least he aint as fake as most of them in there.

Slezer 20-07-2006 06:25 PM

In the real world they would all have snapped. He's not scared to argue with someone hes being himself. Spiral is a wicked housemate there are loadsa Nikki fans complaining but what he's doing is bigger than pretending to cry in the diary room thinking people will actually beleive him...

stoney12 20-07-2006 06:32 PM


Originally posted by Slezer
In the real world they would all have snapped. He's not scared to argue with someone hes being himself. Spiral is a wicked housemate there are loadsa Nikki fans complaining but what he's doing is bigger than pretending to cry in the diary room thinking people will actually beleive him...

A bit like the man behind your Avatar Slezer, he is becoming too aggressive.BB entertains peeps from all walks off life(allededgly).But don't go in there trying to be the hardman on what is basically a fairly camp quasi game show/experiment.

No one likes real aggression,I still believe this was Maxwells downfall.If you wanna be 'ard stay dahn the boozer.

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