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Benji_ 25-01-2013 07:16 PM

What would you prefer for an eviction...

Nominated eviction (housemates nominate, usual)

Public vote eviction ( Everyone up all the time and the housemate with the fewest vote each eviction gets evicted?)

Marcus. 25-01-2013 07:17 PM

Public vote eviction

Withano 25-01-2013 07:18 PM

I miss save and replace! But it would be too similar to the IMACGMOOH format without nominations.

Benji_ 25-01-2013 07:21 PM

the reason i posted this pollis because from the recency of the polls and threads it seems paula was a big fanbase and she was evicted first! becuase she was up against frankie and speidi so i was thinking what would the outcome be if it was just a public vote and everyone up each week... would we really have the same housemates in the final, as we do now??? :L

Gillian-73 25-01-2013 07:22 PM


Patrick 25-01-2013 07:29 PM

See one hand of me wants the latter option as it would ultimately make for a better series from start to finish, as opposed to series like BB9 or BB13 where they became abit tedious at the end.

But then on the other hand, I want it to remain because it's a fundimental gameplaying rule of Big Brother.

What I would suggest for BB14, Is scrapping nominations - put every housemate up for eviction on Monday, and then have a 'Save and Replace' type challenge, Seriously was the best thing about BB11.

Only have the winner of that task be immune from eviction, and they also get to choose another housemate of their choice to be immune with them.

Then open the lines on Monday night after that Highlight Show.

Scotty07 25-01-2013 07:31 PM

Everyone up every week with vote to save.

Still keep diary room nominations, but only to show viewers how they feel and which two housemates each one would most like to see evicted. Same thing, only difference is it's BB annouces the result each week of the two or more most unpopular housemates, rather than two or more up for eviction.:devil:

Benji_ 25-01-2013 07:32 PM

i was thinking why don't they nominate for immunity!?

Shaun 25-01-2013 08:07 PM

I wouldn't want nominations to go away, however much it results in the dicks being ousted.

Me. I Am Salman 25-01-2013 08:10 PM

nominations are a fundamental part of big brother so hopefully it'll never be scrapped
would like it to remain and maybe the return of save + replace

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