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Cynical 30-07-2013 11:24 PM

Don't understand the love for Gina and hate for Hazel...
I really don't get it.

Hazel seems to be one of the most hated housemates in BB history, and that to me is ridiculous! Can't really think of too much she's done hugely wrong. Her behaviour with Daley was inappropriate, but it's not as if they were having a full on romance. Since Daley has gone, Hazel has been nothing but truthful, honest and pleasant. Really hope she stays this week as she has taken an absolute battering.

Then there is Gina, who seems to be the HUGE favourite to win. Pardon? What on earth has she done to merit such a tag? She is incredibly two-faced and acts like a spoilt brat 99% of the time. In the diary room she absolutely hammers Hazel, but then comes out and is nice as pie to Hazel's face. I disliked her after she cried racism in week 2, ans since then she's just been on a downward spiral to me.


Scream 30-07-2013 11:29 PM

So true. It's because people find Gina a better housemate because she's honest. What confuses me about this is Gina isn't honest. She's an actress. She's saying things she thinks the public wants to hear which isn't her opinion. Anyone can go in there and say stuff like that...takes a lot to be yourself and be lovely like Hazel.

reece(: 30-07-2013 11:30 PM

The hate for Hazel is totally unjust.

Visage 30-07-2013 11:31 PM

Some people just don't let things go.

Cynical 30-07-2013 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by reece(: (Post 6231639)
The hate for Hazel is totally unjust.

Is it jealousy? She is an absolutely gorgeous girl. Perhaps that has something to do with it, as she seems to be particularly hated by female fans of the show.

rionablue 30-07-2013 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Cynical (Post 6231661)
Is it jealousy? She is an absolutely gorgeous girl. Perhaps that has something to do with it, as she seems to be particularly hated by female fans of the show.

it has to be jealousy. Hazel and Gina have never had a row, Hazel really hasnt done anything wrong to Gina cept pay her back for making her take off her make up and clean the whole house. That was only fair but of course Gina made a big issue out of it and has bitched and bitched about her since then. She is only getting on with Hazel now cos she is certain Hazel will go on Friday. Pleass please vote for the twins if only to see Ginas face if Hazel stays x

MatthewS 30-07-2013 11:48 PM

Yeah I agree, not really a big fan of either, but I do find it off how Gina is generally quite loved and popular, while Hazel is hated and probably going this week. If anything, Hazel has caused less problems inside the house...

alex_front2 30-07-2013 11:48 PM

Love Gina (love Dexter too), she's ace, funny, quirky and frank.

Even if it wasnt for the Daley thing I'd still dislike Hazel e.g. 'bedding' Dan, slagging off Callum (48 hours before she was asking him for more head massages and chats) then asking why she's a snake, she was controlling in how Charlie apologized for the boyfriend suicide gaffe and lied about evil inside Vt, plus she's been awful to Dexter but pretends to like him, she blamed Gina for public calling her a snake and nommed Gina face to face for being boring when only Sam, Sophie are in reality more dull.

AND before anyone does the whole "you hate models" nonsense, I think you'll find I had no big issue with (the much prettier) Louise BB12, and when my favs Freddie, Angel and Sree left BB10 I grudgingly accepted glamour model Sophie /Dogface was the best out of awful finalists alternative e.g IIRC Siavash, Charlie, Rodrigo and David. And if Sidebboob Sal had been up against anyone other than Dex and Gina I would have backed her.

SurfersCreed 31-07-2013 01:52 AM

I think it has something to do with being able to empathise with Gina.
Gina has to work twice as hard to look half as good as Hazel.

Hazel's hair is natural. Gina has to wear a weave.

Hazel has blue eyes. Gina has to wear blue contacts.

Even without makeup, Hazel is a 9. Gina has to lay it on thick to reach a 7.

Its unfair. Hazel did NOTHING to merit or earn her looks. She just got lucky in the DNA lottery.
I'm not saying she's pretty therefore her life must've been easy. I'm sure she's had her fair share of struggles and insecurities. But in the looks department, she was 'born into privilege'.
I HATE the fact that our society values women by their appearance... and I'm a bloke. But thats reality in the 21st century developed world.

Maneki-neko 31-07-2013 02:21 AM

I actually like them both a lot. Since the Daley incident my opinion of Hazel has gone nowhere but up. The hate is mainly just coming from idiots who think she's a homewrecker or something ****ing absurd and misogynistic.

Ammi 31-07-2013 04:01 AM

..Gina has a much more balanced personality..yeah, she can bitch but she's also entertaining as well..and I think she's quite wise and astute as well...I don't mind Hazel, I quite like her but I don't think she has as much all round personality as Gina...

camertone 31-07-2013 05:32 AM

u certainly missed a lot, watch the series again. lol

Ammi 31-07-2013 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by camertone (Post 6232359)
u certainly missed a lot, watch the series again. lol

..are you referring to me..?..

Gusto Brunt 31-07-2013 05:54 AM

I like Hazel. I think she's put up with a lot and hasn't really lost her marbles, unlike some of them.

I don't want her to go.

Ammi 31-07-2013 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by Gusto Brunt (Post 6232377)
I like Hazel. I think she's put up with a lot and hasn't really lost her marbles, unlike some of them.

I don't want her to go.

..I do like her and wouldn't have a problem with her winning but sometimes her OTT diary clips remind me of Nikki Graham after she went back into the house and are a bit cringy...

Gusto Brunt 31-07-2013 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Ammi (Post 6232380)
..I do like her and wouldn't have a problem with her winning but sometimes her OTT diary clips remind me of Nikki Graham after she went back into the house and are a bit cringy...

It's other people saying she's bad, then gullible people believe the lies.

Really, she's no different from anyone else in there. In fact, she's a much better person than MOST.

JTM45 31-07-2013 06:51 AM

Maybe it's because Gina has a personality and Hazel doesn't (unless you count flirting and doing 'the evil eyes' as having a personality).:bored:

Vanessa 31-07-2013 06:53 AM

Hazel was the only one who stood up for Dexter last night. She knew exactly what Callum was trying to do and warned him. Gina just sided with Callum, without even bothering to find out if Callum was lying or not.

kefln 31-07-2013 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by SurfersCreed (Post 6232217)
I think it has something to do with being able to empathise with Gina.
Gina has to work twice as hard to look half as good as Hazel.

Hazel's hair is natural. Gina has to wear a weave.

Hazel has blue eyes. Gina has to wear blue contacts.

Even without makeup, Hazel is a 9. Gina has to lay it on thick to reach a 7.

Its unfair. Hazel did NOTHING to merit or earn her looks. She just got lucky in the DNA lottery.
I'm not saying she's pretty therefore her life must've been easy. I'm sure she's had her fair share of struggles and insecurities. But in the looks department, she was 'born into privilege'.
I HATE the fact that our society values women by their appearance... and I'm a bloke. But thats reality in the 21st century developed world.

And Gina was born into a life of privilege. She said her "pocket money" was 10 grand a week? And even with that she struggled.

I find it interesting that you blame hazel for her dna, and the "rules" of attraction, while you feel sorry for the most spoilt person to ever enter the BB house.

Vanessa 31-07-2013 07:07 AM

I've gone off Gina big time after watching last night live feed. Why is she believing callum lies? So whatever he says about him must be true? :crazy:

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