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Lola844 11-08-2013 04:14 AM

Who are the real bullies...
Tonight I was reflecting in all the comments I've made and read. And I think many of us our bullies. Writing that Hazel is a ***** all over the internet makes us bullies, she made a many of us haven't. People have written that Gina looks like a man, that she is ugly and doesn't shower. How is that not bullying? Do we know these people personally, have they mistreated us? If it's so easy for us to write these nasty comments then we are not very nice, are we? People have said Sam is milking the fact that he is deaf...that's not bullying oh lord? These people have said nothing to each other that compares to what we all have written and said.

We need to stop acting like Queen bees.

Jords 11-08-2013 04:16 AM

No "bullies" this year.

Shaun 11-08-2013 05:11 AM

*steals Lola844's lunch money*

JTM45 11-08-2013 05:43 AM

Commenting on people on a TV 'reality' show, however harsh those comments may or may not be, is NOT bullying!!!!:nono:
If you really believe it is then you need to look up the word 'bullying' in the dictionary!:hugesmile:

They don't know us and we don't know them! We are not commenting about them to them. To the viewer they are characters on the TV.

When someone chooses to enter themselves into reality TV show situation they are putting themselves in a public forum and would be crazy if they expected not to be commented upon. It's human nature to have opinions and that's all they are, opinions!!!! :bored:

If i was to say on here " i think Sam is using his hearing problem to gain sympathy to help him win Big Brother" then that is my opinion. It very clearly IS NOT BULLYING in any way, shape or form!!!!!:nono:

You obviously do not understand what bullying is if you think that we have 'bullied' anyone on Big Brother!!! :laugh:

Ammi 11-08-2013 05:44 AM

..BB are the real bullies, they promote a 'hero/villain' situation that the public then react to, so much as I don't agree with personal attacks on appearance/disability is understandable as well..for them they don't care because it gets people talking and that creates interest in the show...

AnnieK 11-08-2013 05:55 AM

Completely agree Ammi....if there has been any bullying done its by Big brother. They have manufactured everything this year to create tension and promote drama. Whenever any of the HMs had a spat there was magically a task where one of the ones involved got to do something nasty etc.

JTM45 11-08-2013 06:08 AM

They haven't been forced to go on Big Brother! They were all very, very keen to go on there and were fully aware when they went on there what kind of stuff to expect.

BB do this kind of thing every year and the housemates have obviously seen BB before so they'd have to be nuts to suddenly think that they should be treated any differently to other years' housemates!

It's all done to create entertainment and if you're not finding it entertaining then you just change the channel. If the housemates really did feel like they were being bullied then they are free to leave the situation and the problem would be solved!

People need to remember that they're watching Big Brother and stop bloody complaining about ridiculous things that they knew would be happening when they 'chose' to watch it.:bored:

AnnieK 11-08-2013 06:17 AM

I actually wasn't complaining, I haven't watched it properly because it's boring me...I don't find it entertaining really more just childish BUT my point was, I don't think any of the housemates are bullies particularly or any have been bullied but the situations have been manufactured by BB to create drama and escalate pretty rows. They haven't always done it, BB used to encourage the HMS to talk and resolve things, now they light the blue touch paper and stand back rubbing their hands.

The bullying word is thrown aroun far too easily now.

Lola844 11-08-2013 06:28 AM

Sad to hear you don't think cyber bullying is not a form of bullying. Whether it's actors or people looking to break in the industry it's still wrong. But oh well everyone is entitled to their opinions. It's my first year watching BB I am from the Dominican Republic and I watch it on my laptop. People just get to cruel about it, myself included lol. These are real people.

AnnieK 11-08-2013 06:33 AM

I do think cyber bullying is a real issue however this is a forum and it's not directed at the people in question. Now if people are targetting the personal twitter, FBs etc that's more personal and nasty but on a forum i feel its bit different. Im not saying its right that people are being ridiculed on here for looks, weight and it's not something I personally do but I don't think it's bullying per se.

Lola844 11-08-2013 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by anniek76 (Post 6272796)
I do think cyber bullying is a real issue however this is a forum and it's not directed at the people in question. Now if people are targetting the personal twitter, FBs etc that's more personal and nasty but on a forum i feel its bit different. Im not saying its right that people are being ridiculed on here for looks, weight and it's not something I personally do but I don't think it's bullying per se.

Thanks for the comment anniek :)

JTM45 11-08-2013 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by Lola844 (Post 6272790)
Sad to hear you don't think cyber bullying is not a form of bullying. Whether it's actors or people looking to break in the industry it's still wrong. But oh well everyone is entitled to their opinions. It's my first year watching BB I am from the Dominican Republic and I watch it on my laptop. People just get to cruel about it, myself included lol. These are real people.

Welcome to the Forum and to Big Brother UK!!! :xyxwave:
I am rather jealous of you living in the Dominican Republic! What a place to live and a whole lot nicer weather than we have in the UK.
Can i come and live with you please ? :hugesmile:

Ammi 11-08-2013 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Lola844 (Post 6272790)
Sad to hear you don't think cyber bullying is not a form of bullying. Whether it's actors or people looking to break in the industry it's still wrong. But oh well everyone is entitled to their opinions. It's my first year watching BB I am from the Dominican Republic and I watch it on my laptop. People just get to cruel about it, myself included lol. These are real people.

..Annie wasn't saying cyber bullying isn't wrong or a problem, of course it is but what's wrong is when people attack other members for their opinions, rather than comment on behaviour with the HMs, after all that's what the forum is for and for fans to share their appreciation and opinions, good and bad...of course there are some (a minority I think..)..who will get unnecessarily personal about the HMs which is completely irrelevant to their opinions on their character but BB itself promotes and encourages that so much, it's hardly surprising..I think in general though, forum members have a lot better balance than some of the fans because most equally find the crowd behaviour/facebook, twitter comments over the top and stupid...those people are the ones who take delight in the misery of HMs, not usually forum people...of course there are always exceptions to that though, but there is with everything..that's just the nature of some people...

Ammi 11-08-2013 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Lola844 (Post 6272790)
Sad to hear you don't think cyber bullying is not a form of bullying. Whether it's actors or people looking to break in the industry it's still wrong. But oh well everyone is entitled to their opinions. It's my first year watching BB I am from the Dominican Republic and I watch it on my laptop. People just get to cruel about it, myself included lol. These are real people.

..what's the weather like in the Dominican Republic today..?..

Verbal 11-08-2013 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by JTM45 (Post 6272760)
Commenting on people on a TV 'reality' show, however harsh those comments may or may not be, is NOT bullying!!!!:nono:
If you really believe it is then you need to look up the word 'bullying' in the dictionary!:hugesmile:

I'm sorry but that comment is naive in the extreme. Whilst I am sure that the HM's themselves wouldnt give a monkeys chuff about anything you say about them, their relatives can easily read it, people who for whatever reason are down on themselves can read it. You only have to look at the news in the last few weeks to see what effect random idiots on the internet can have on people.

JTM45 11-08-2013 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by CynicalHermit (Post 6272832)
I'm sorry but that comment is naive in the extreme. Whilst I am sure that the HM's themselves wouldnt give a monkeys chuff about anything you say about them, their relatives can easily read it, people who for whatever reason are down on themselves can read it. You only have to look at the news in the last few weeks to see what effect random idiots on the internet can have on people.

How is it naive ? It's *****ing correct!
It's NOT BULLYING for god's sake!!!! Because someone's relative might be offended at someone's opinion of their relative that they read on a Big Brother discussion forum does not make it 'BULLYING'.
If you're referring to those vile people on Twitter sending rape threats then that's a completely different thing altogether and if you think that's the same as people on a BB Forum giving harsh opinions on housemates then you're the one that's 'naive'.:joker:

Verbal 11-08-2013 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by JTM45 (Post 6272836)
How is it naive ? It's *****ing correct!
It's NOT BULLYING for god's sake!!!! Because someone's relative might be offended at someone's opinion of their relative that they read on a Big Brother discussion forum does not make it 'BULLYING'.
If you're referring to those vile people on Twitter sending rape threats then that's a completely different thing altogether and if you think that's the same as people on a BB Forum giving harsh opinions on housemates then you're the one that's 'naive'.:joker:

I was thinking about the girl who went on ask fm and got attacked so much she hung herself. Whilst i'm pretty sure those people were just making throwaway comments as some on here do, you do not know what someones mental state is when they're reading a comment on a forum. Be it about big brother or mechanical engineering.

As i've said many times, take for example a 20 stone, friendless lonely girl who has found solace in big brother. She logs onto a forum to discuss her new found interest and is hit in the face with a 20 page thread making fun of fat people.

If you cannot see how those two situations relate, then the debate is over.

Ammi 11-08-2013 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by CynicalHermit (Post 6272832)
I'm sorry but that comment is naive in the extreme. Whilst I am sure that the HM's themselves wouldnt give a monkeys chuff about anything you say about them, their relatives can easily read it, people who for whatever reason are down on themselves can read it. You only have to look at the news in the last few weeks to see what effect random idiots on the internet can have on people.

..when Alex Rose Lee was in the house, her mum was a member here and she loved the support Alex got from her fans..(that's why she joined, to thank them..)..but inevitably toward the end of the series, things start to go up a notch and obviously things were posted that she found too painful to see...she knew that though and she knew she had to log off and just not read's just part of life to accept good and bad especially in a show like BB because people put themselves up for scrutiny and that's exactly what they're going to get..on forums, it's all pantomime for most anyway and everyone who goes into BB knows's other less regulated sites which are the real problem and harmful to families...

Verbal 11-08-2013 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Ammi (Post 6272840)
..when Alex Rose Lee was in the house, her mum was a member here and she loved the support Alex got from her fans..(that's why she joined, to thank them..)..but inevitably toward the end of the series, things start to go up a notch and obviously things were posted that she found too painful to see...she knew that though and she knew she had to log off and just not read's just part of life to accept good and bad especially in a show like BB because people put themselves up for scrutiny and that's exactly what they're going to get..on forums, it's all pantomime for most anyway and everyone who goes into BB knows's other less regulated sites which are the real problem and harmful to families...

For a rational mentally healthy person, of course that's true. But nobody is aware of a persons mental state. And it is for these reasons that some should reign their bile in. Or you run the very real risk of having blood on your hands.

Verbal 11-08-2013 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by Ammi (Post 6272840)
..when Alex Rose Lee was in the house, her mum was a member here and she loved the support Alex got from her fans..(that's why she joined, to thank them..)..but inevitably toward the end of the series, things start to go up a notch and obviously things were posted that she found too painful to see...she knew that though and she knew she had to log off and just not read's just part of life to accept good and bad especially in a show like BB because people put themselves up for scrutiny and that's exactly what they're going to get..on forums, it's all pantomime for most anyway and everyone who goes into BB knows's other less regulated sites which are the real problem and harmful to families...

Less regulated? Please give me the justification for some of the pure hatred that is shown on here, a supposedly well regulated site?

Lola844 11-08-2013 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by JTM45 (Post 6272808)
Welcome to the Forum and to Big Brother UK!!! :xyxwave:
I am rather jealous of you living in the Dominican Republic! What a place to live and a whole lot nicer weather than we have in the UK.
Can i come and live with you please ? :hugesmile:

Sure thing. It's a little too hot right now...wish I was over there.

Ammi 11-08-2013 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by CynicalHermit (Post 6272839)
I was thinking about the girl who went on ask fm and got attacked so much she hung herself. Whilst i'm pretty sure those people were just making throwaway comments as some on here do, you do not know what someones mental state is when they're reading a comment on a forum. Be it about big brother or mechanical engineering.

As i've said many times, take for example a 20 stone, friendless lonely girl who has found solace in big brother. She logs onto a forum to discuss her new found interest and is hit in the face with a 20 page thread making fun of fat people.

If you cannot see how those two situations relate, then the debate is over.

..any one of have issues which we find very personal and find it hard to detach from but whether it be on a forum/the internet in general/media/people who are insensitive or cruel in general in real life, it's a sad fact of life...I think the OTT people who take pleasure at being cruel are disgusting and unfortunately the internet makes it easier for them to reach their victims but in general it's still a great thing to have and has much more positives than negatives, this forum isn't like and is well regulated so someone here is as 'protected' as they can be but you can't protect from everything in life...

Ammi 11-08-2013 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by CynicalHermit (Post 6272842)
For a rational mentally healthy person, of course that's true. But nobody is aware of a persons mental state. And it is for these reasons that some should reign their bile in. Or you run the very real risk of having blood on your hands.


Originally Posted by CynicalHermit (Post 6272844)
Less regulated? Please give me the justification for some of the pure hatred that is shown on here, a supposedly well regulated site?

..of course they're not aware of everyone's mental state but they're not responsible for it either, unfortunately people won't always say kind things otherwise there wouldn't be a discussion forum..yes, there are some cruel people who will contribute misery, whether it be on here or real life..they are the minority though and certainly on here, that's why you see the names on the ban list if they go too far..

Cherie 11-08-2013 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by Lola844 (Post 6272713)
Tonight I was reflecting in all the comments I've made and read. And I think many of us our bullies. Writing that Hazel is a ***** all over the internet makes us bullies, she made a many of us haven't. People have written that Gina looks like a man, that she is ugly and doesn't shower. How is that not bullying? Do we know these people personally, have they mistreated us? If it's so easy for us to write these nasty comments then we are not very nice, are we? People have said Sam is milking the fact that he is deaf...that's not bullying oh lord? These people have said nothing to each other that compares to what we all have written and said.

We need to stop acting like Queen bees.

I get your point Lola, alot of the words attributed to HMs are totally unnecessary, it is a TV show and should be viewed as such.

WozMan 11-08-2013 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Lola844 (Post 6272846)
Sure thing. It's a little too hot right now...wish I was over there.

HAHA! The grass is always greener on the other side :hugesmile:

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