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Janette 06-01-2003 08:22 PM

Lord Of The Rings
Ok I know I'm totally behind the times, but I've just seen "Fellowship Of The Ring"!

It was amazing! I have completely fallen in love with Aragorn, Sam and Pippin!

The most incredible effects and scenery I've seen in a long long time and I can't wait to see "The Two Towers"


susieq 06-01-2003 08:33 PM

Totally agree with you there Janette. If you thought the Fellowship of the Ring was epic - you ain't seen nothing yet!!!

The Two Towers is truly awesome in both scope and effects. The effects though, never get in the way of the characters and we see them develop much more in the second part of this trilogy.

Aragorn is certainly my fave but I also have a liking for Legolas (he sure can fire those arrows!).

You will really enjoy The Two Towers; I know my son & I did. We're making arrangements to see it again and I can't wait.

Just to keep us company until then, here's a picture of the lovely Aragorn:

LEE 07-01-2003 08:02 AM

I'm a huge Tolkien fan and have read the books countless times, but I am embarrassed to say that I never went to see The Fellowship of the Ring last year either - much to the disgust of my friend Jane who saw it about 6 times :laugh:

However, it was one of the dvd's I got for christmas, so I'm like you Janette and have only just seen it.

It is a wonderful film and I have now watched it several times, including with the Director's and Actor's commentaries etc., and I love it. :thumbs:

Haven't seen The Two Towers yet, but am determined not to leave it until the dvd comes out this time :hugesmile:


BusyBee 08-01-2003 05:29 PM

Loved the Two Towers - have seen it four times so far. I have been told that the next one is even better so cant wait for next year.:thumbs:

Boris 08-01-2003 05:39 PM


I'm a huge Tolkien fan and have read the books countless times,
Me too LEE.

I saw the 'Fellowship' quite recently when I bought the video and hearing about the'special' DVD almost had me buying a DVD player.[Mr. Boris talked me out of it - meanie]
I amm looking forward to seeing 'The Two Towers'.I was amazed to hear recently that all of the films were made at the same time. to be released 1 each year. The logistics of such a major project are mind blowing.


Feebs 08-01-2003 06:06 PM

Well I'm completely behind the times because I haven't seen either of them yet!

I keep promising myself that I will, perhaps I need to make it a 'New Year Resolution'!:laugh:

Romantic Old Bird 08-01-2003 06:46 PM

I saw the Two Towers on Saturday and it is excellent. Those of you who haven't seen FOTR or read the books recently will be bemused by it though.

It just takes up where FOTR left off, and continues at breathtaking speed....

Nice to see Yozzer Hughes got a job as Rohan King though!

I know he is very young, but I am somewhat taken with Legolas myself.

Bloody amazing what they can do with it these days.

I still like Legobart as well though!

jbellemeg 08-01-2003 07:00 PM

Come on Feebs, you don't know what your missing.:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:
I havn't seen Two Towers yet ( because of my problem ) I will have to wait for the video. My son has seen it a couple of times and has whet my appetite.
But have watched Fellowship Of The Ring many many times.
ROB, my daughter and I both agree with you about Legalos. He is very handsome indeed.:blush::blush::blush::blush:

steve_o 12-01-2003 10:09 PM

I've just seen the Two Towers and thought it was excellent great story, great battles. I've also read all the books and think it's great the way the books are coming to life as I imagined them. That little Golum creatures great. So everyone if you haven't seen it, I suggest you go while theirs nothing else happening this month, and it gives us something to talk about. :hello::spin2:



WILDCHILD 13-01-2003 01:12 PM

Im going to be completely controversial now and say that I didnt enjoy LOTR- The Fellowship of the rings in the slightest. I found it too complicated and long winded.
Ive been told that if I didnt like the first one, then I wont enjoy the second one much either so I dont think I will bother to go and see it.
I can understand why people liked it but I wasnt too fascinated myself.:bouncy:

Boris 13-01-2003 02:32 PM


ROB, my daughter and I both agree with you about Legalos. He is very handsome indeed.
My prospective daughter-in-law also has the 'hots' for him. ......but don't tell my son that !


steve_o 13-01-2003 05:36 PM


Originally posted by Wildchild
I can understand why people liked it but I wasnt too fascinated myself.

I suppose it's something you either love or hate.:thumbs:


Graeme 18-01-2003 06:15 PM

The next one is alot more humourous but they are both still good.:thumbs:

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