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Arrow 22-01-2014 07:22 PM

Jim's treatment justified ?
During CBB we have seen the way linda has treated jim as far as im aware BB hasn't given linda any warnings over the way she has acted in the house towards jim

If jim had of conducted himself in the manner in which linda has i believe he would of been kicked out of the house and the media would have had a field day

unless your a fan of jim there seems to be the mindset he deserves to be treated like this because of his past

is his alleged past the reason why he is not treated equal ?

Here is a clip of stan collymore speaking to the BBC about the death threats and racist abuse he is receiving on twitter

Here the BBC try to dismiss his complaint becuae of his past

Me. I Am Salman 22-01-2014 07:25 PM

Jim has instigated the argument on many occasions so bye.

Vanessa 22-01-2014 07:29 PM

Linda had an agenda against Jim even before they entered the House. Even her sister Coleen said that her game plan was to wind up Jim.

joeysteele 22-01-2014 07:31 PM

Interesting point, I think he would have had some strong words said to him by BB a couple of times had he been more aggressive like her but no warnings.

I am wondering if BB are even likely asking themselves though what was the point of having Linda there at all. I for sure would be.

optimisticcynic 22-01-2014 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Salman! (Post 6648892)
Jim has instigated the argument on many occasions so bye.

How rude!

I think Jim is expected to have a high threshold and he likely has with his job and experience with hecklers, and he has handled the insufferable bitching well, but the OP is correct in the observation that Jim would have been lambasted had he acted as Linda still is. Jim wouldn't make a formal complaint, however, as he must realise that he would never have been able to redeem himself or show he is capable of change if not for the enormous opportunity that Linda has afforded him. He should thank her if he wins, as the realisation of how she's helped him might kill the old trout.

wendywillow 22-01-2014 08:43 PM

I think jim lost any chance of playing the victim when he brought up lindas dead husband, a totally uncalled for low blow, I like him sometimes but he's just a grouch and when you give off that vibe you get it back

Videostar 22-01-2014 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Salman! (Post 6648892)
Jim has instigated the argument on many occasions so bye.

No he hasn't, don't be silly, watch the actual show....bye. :xyxwave:

Macie Lightfoot 22-01-2014 09:03 PM

Self-victimization isn't really treatment but yeah

chuff me dizzy 22-01-2014 10:00 PM

Did Linda have a problem tonight with Jim or did Jim backstab her behind her back(as cowards do) when he told everyone she was finishing the wine ,when they were doing the task ? blame that one of Linda !!

Northern Monkey 22-01-2014 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Videostar (Post 6649398)
No he hasn't, don't be silly, watch the actual show....bye. :xyxwave:

Exactly,Well said!

rionablue 22-01-2014 11:27 PM

Jim said if he survives tonights eviction he will win. I don't like arrogance. I hope he doesn't. Depends much on what sector of the general public vote the most I guess. Any housemate that has EVER boasted that they will win has really got on my nerves so I am not just singling out the golden guy

Seraphim 23-01-2014 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by wendywillow (Post 6649308)
I think jim lost any chance of playing the victim when he brought up lindas dead husband, a totally uncalled for low blow, I like him sometimes but he's just a grouch and when you give off that vibe you get it back

I agree that he's a grouch, but he has good qualities too. Linda actually lost the remnants of my sympathy when she played the dead husband card to manipulate everyone to hate Jim.

Kizzy 23-01-2014 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by chuff me dizzy (Post 6649983)
Did Linda have a problem tonight with Jim or did Jim backstab her behind her back(as cowards do) when he told everyone she was finishing the wine ,when they were doing the task ? blame that one of Linda !!

Snipe,snipe, snipe... yes we heard it jim.
Redeemed herself for her lateness with the task though, what did jim do to show his 'loyalty'? not eat for half an hour and swig wine!

Macie Lightfoot 23-01-2014 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by Seraphim (Post 6650804)
I agree that he's a grouch, but he has good qualities too. Linda actually lost the remnants of my sympathy when she played the dead husband card to manipulate everyone to hate Jim.

There was no dead husband card to be played, Jim brought it up to humiliate him

Mick McMick 23-01-2014 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by wendywillow (Post 6649308)
he's just a grouch and when you give off that vibe you get it back

You don't think Linda is being a grouch?

She's now moaning about Jim being nice to her.
There is no pleasing that wretched cow.

Ammi 23-01-2014 04:45 AM

..'Jim's treatment..''s just two housemates that don't like each other and for Linda it's very obsessive...I'm sure BB producers knew how they felt about each other and that's probably a big part of why they were both asked to do it so it would seem a bit silly to then give Linda warnings for something that I'm sure they were hoping would hateful as she has been, I don't think she's done anything that breaks the rules...

Cherie 23-01-2014 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by chuff me dizzy (Post 6649983)
Did Linda have a problem tonight with Jim or did Jim backstab her behind her back(as cowards do) when he told everyone she was finishing the wine ,when they were doing the task ? blame that one of Linda !!

It was morning and they were getting up so I think he may have been joking! Did anyone else think it was morning?

WHIRLWINDCAROL 23-01-2014 10:57 AM

Jim sexist ?
I get fed up with excuses from Linda and others for using the reason to be against Jim is that his sexist especially when his walking away from most of the arguments,a real chauvinist would have told her what he thought of her in the beginning whether it pleased or offended .
And yet Linda and most of the other women in the house are not exactly behaving like ladies,if Jim behaved like a gent towards them they would probably say he was boring.
Just because Jims stand up comedy routines in the past were sexist as were most other comedies at the time, On The Buses probably being the worst this shouldnt effect the here and now
Lee,s behaviour i think is far worse,he can not say one sentence with out at least two ******** words in it and think women are their just to play with.

parmnion 23-01-2014 11:03 AM

Stan collymore is an arse..and a hypocrite.he threatened to kill Ulrika and kicked her in the head in full view of some members of the tartan army, wrong move!!

Ellen 23-01-2014 11:10 AM

Jim & Linda have history so it was always going to cause some problems at times but she has taken too far with her constant sniping & bitching. Jim does say things that annoy her but she is the one that starts nearly all the arguments and involved all the others in the hope of them turning against Jim. I agree with the OP if Jim did & said half the stuff she does to him BB would have had him in the DR with a warning or kicked him out.

flamingGalah! 23-01-2014 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Salman! (Post 6648892)
Jim has instigated the argument on many occasions so bye.

No. So bye :xyxwave:

Pincho Paxton 23-01-2014 11:50 AM

My post got deleted, and I got an infraction...

She's nuts, and anyone who agrees with her is nuts.

If I get banned I don't care. Pincho Paxton always talks the truth even against opposition.

Seraphim 23-01-2014 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by chuff me dizzy (Post 6649983)
Did Linda have a problem tonight with Jim or did Jim backstab her behind her back(as cowards do) when he told everyone she was finishing the wine ,when they were doing the task ? blame that one of Linda !!

Don't be daft! They'd just been hauled out of bed. If it had been anyone else he'd made the comment about, you'd not have had an issue with it. He is, after all, the one with the drinking problem, which he has acknowledged. I haven't noticed Linda being worse the wear for drink at any time.

Seraphim 23-01-2014 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by troynuncdicit (Post 6650853)
There was no dead husband card to be played, Jim brought it up to humiliate him

I was talking about Linda, not Jim. There is genuine sorrow, and there is milking a situation. Why did she milk the situation: to gain everyone's sympathy and turn them against Jim. She succeeded too - I've never seen so many people sitting on her bed as I saw after that incident. Needless to say, Linda had achieved her goal, so they were already engaged in whinging/bitching about something else.

Cherie 23-01-2014 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Seraphim (Post 6651407)
Don't be daft! They'd just been hauled out of bed. If it had been anyone else he'd made the comment about, you'd not have had an issue with it. He is, after all, the one with the drinking problem, which he has acknowledged. I haven't noticed Linda being worse the wear for drink at any time.


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