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Benji_ 05-07-2014 12:14 PM

Predict the order?
Predict the order the places where the housemates will end up in...

I think it'll be -

1. Christopher
2. Ashleigh
3. Chris
4. Winston
5. Helen (if her pass stays otherwise she'll be gone the first week its taken away)
6. Mark
7. Ash
8. Steven
9. Danielle
10. Jale
11. Kimberly
12. Marlon

Achilles 05-07-2014 12:29 PM

1. Helen
2. Winston
3. Mark
4. Ash
5. Chris

6. Christopher
7. Jale
8. Steven
9. Danielle
10. Marlon
11. Kimberly
12. Ashleigh

Tea leaves told me

rionablue 05-07-2014 12:43 PM

1. Chris+
2 Mark
3 Jale
4 Kimberly
5 Helen
6 Winston
7 Danielle
8 Christopher
9 Malon
10 Steven
11 Ash
12 Ashleigh

Maxxie. 05-07-2014 12:47 PM

What i want:

1. Jale
2. Mark
3. Chris
4. Winston
5. Ashleigh
6. Helen (if she stays in the final)

7. Christopher
8. Danielle
9. Ash
10. Kimberly
11. Marlon
12. Steven

mrflibble 05-07-2014 01:21 PM

I'm no good at predicting things, but I'll take a shot.

1. Chris
2. Mark
3. Winston
4. Jale
5. Helen
6. Christopher
7. Kimberly
8. Danielle
9. Marlon
10. Ash
11. Ashleigh
12. Steven

Adamw92 05-07-2014 01:54 PM

I really can't predict it but the next 5 housemates that will go will be, in no particular order, Ashleigh, Ash, Danielle, Kimberly and Marlon.

Loukas 05-07-2014 02:10 PM

1. Mark
2. Winston
3. Jale
4. Chris
5. Danielle
6. Helen

7. Christopher
8. Kimberley
9. Steven
10. Marlon
11. Ashleigh
12. Ash

csm1988 05-07-2014 02:14 PM

The final order is quite difficult to figure out, however the next 4 weeks is going to be quite predictable.
With Ashleigh Danielle and Jale being up (if the guys have the power to save 2)


This basically will mean that the power group will finally have to start picking each other off.



I really don't have a favorite left anymore, especially with the amount of actual conflict (other than BB editing) is decreasing as the "Power group" keep consolidating power.

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