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Kaz 03-02-2002 12:25 PM

Josh meets Helen
Interesting extract from Josh's Journal on his website:

23 January

‘I down some sparkling water to make me feel better just before the delightful Helen turns up. She is looking radiant and healthy (bitch) and has a huge chirpy smile on her face (no change there then). Her boobs however look massive which plies the question is she expecting small Mr Clarkes. Not a chance, but they have however bought a house together and are moving on on 23rd February. Pushing for more does not get me an invite for a moving in party!'

CLICK HERE for the link to Josh's Journal. It's really quite detailed and he seems to be involved in a lot of charity work for Crusaid and the Landmark Trust.

So, some juicy gossip here - we know the date when Paul & Helen officially move into their new lovenest! :hello: :love: :hello:

LEE 04-02-2002 02:17 PM

Very Interesting. Good detective work Kaz :thumbs:

Maybe I should go driving around the Hadley Wood area on Saturday the 23rd and see if I can spot any removal vans! :spin2:

No, honest, I'm not a stalker :spin:


Romantic Old Bird 04-02-2002 06:54 PM


No, honest, I'm not a stalker :spin:

Course you aren't.

Shall I drive whilst you look, or would you rather drive? We could all meet up, synchronise watches, divide up the area and make a systematic sweep.

What? Me, obsessed? Naaaw!:spin2:

Feefs 04-02-2002 07:07 PM

Can I come? I have binoculars!:dance:

Janette 04-02-2002 08:19 PM

I'd come too but I'm a bit far away in Bury!

It's lovely news about helen and Paul, but why was Josh looking at her boobs?????:laugh:

LEE 04-02-2002 08:31 PM

I'm off to buy the maps and the camouflage as we speak.:thumbs:

Anybody have walkie-talkies? :spin:

Kaz 04-02-2002 09:24 PM

LEE - if you're not there to supervise the 'flitting' and report back to this site, then you'd better have a blinking good reason why not!! :joker: :joker: :joker:

We're relying on you!!

susieq 04-02-2002 10:46 PM

I can borrow my sister's Border Collie - she's a good tracker dog! I'll make sandwiches, take flasks, everything.

I wish Hadley Wood wasn't so far from Manchester though - shame.

Romantic Old Bird 05-02-2002 08:20 AM

I'm a bit far off as well, but, hey, the world is a small place. A few miles down the A1 is nothing in return for a glimpse of Paul leanining back on the van for a breather, wiping the perspiration from his glistening chest with the familiar tee-shirt he will have just pulled tantalisingly over his head..............remember that diet coke advert.............

Not sure what excuse I could give to OH for the trip though


, but why was Josh looking at her boobs?????:laugh:
Why indeed? I thought that. .....
'Smack, what are you doing there Josh? Am I being cool now?' Paul was not that daft...........

Now back to that moving experience, assuming that we are successful and locate the loveshack, we could be helpful passers by.

Unfortunately, I can't doing any heavy lifting before June, but I could supervise. You know, walk up the stairs behind him in case he slipped.................:blush:

You know, the saddest thing about all this is that in reality I will probably spend the day reading, baking and doing a little embroidery.

I will appear, in every possible discernable way, to be just the middle-aged Guardian reading vegetarian woman that my husband, colleagues and friends believe me to be.

But underneath that veneer of respectability.............. :elephant::colour::elephant:

peachy 05-02-2002 05:37 PM

I too am middle-aged Guardian reading woman too but I want to come out with Lee, ROB and all the rest of you sightseeing in Hadley Woods on 23rd. I'll organise the mini-bus and drive, we can start in Bury on Friday and travel round the country picking up mad BB addicts from all points before converging on Cockfosters at dawn! With all the food supplies, binoculars, tracker dogs etc. organised they won't stand a chance, will they?

Maggie 05-02-2002 06:06 PM

And I'll bring the video camera :spin2: and make copy's for all of us:colour:
the more the merrier, a great day out :elephant:

blinkinlovely 05-02-2002 07:40 PM


sorry bur just the thought of a This is BB class trip to Hadley Wood had amuse me very much this evening. Hope you pack your waterproof coat and take a packed lunch:colour:

Kaz 05-02-2002 07:59 PM

..... and we could all link hands and form an archway (a la housemates) that Paul and Helen had to pass through to get to their front door.

Then, just as Paul was passing through, R.O.B. and I would drop our arch and catch him ...... :love:

Can anyone put up a lodger from Scotland for the night?!!!! :joker:

LEE 05-02-2002 08:49 PM


Originally posted by Kaz
Can anyone put up a lodger from Scotland for the night?!!!! :joker:
No problem Kaz. :thumbs: What time you arriving? :laugh:

Kaz 06-02-2002 08:40 AM

Oh, I'm SO excited - the first TiBB virtual outing!! :elephant: :hello: :elephant:

LEE - I'll be on the 7.30 a.m. shuttle from Edinburgh to London City. You'll easily recognise me - I'll be the one in the tartan skirt with the sprig of heather in my lapel. :thumbs:

Susieq - cheese & tomato or tuna on my sandwiches, please. And Feefs - don't forget the binoculars!! :laugh: :laugh:

Sticks 06-02-2002 04:20 PM

I hate to be the wet blanket here, but they really need space here. Next to death of spouse moving is quite high up in the list of stressfull experiences in its own right, with out us motley bunch decamping to their doorstep :nono:

They are going to be perstered enough by the rat pack for various tabloids.

As for Josh, I found his remarks ungallant and reprehensible. This is the comment likely to start more false rumours. As stated in another place, the effect he noticed could be the result of the wearing of a certain brand of undergarment. Nuf Said :nono:

BTW I used to live in Bury on the Woodbank Estate. Is the East Lancashire Railway stil going ?

LEE 06-02-2002 04:47 PM

Somehow Sticks, I don't think we are 100% serious here! :laugh:

Feefs 06-02-2002 04:50 PM

Don't worry Sticks - we can give them space. Remember I've got binoculars! I've even got a zoom on my camera.

Romantic Old Bird 06-02-2002 05:43 PM


Bless you, lighten up son.

We will be discrete, and if Paul needs space, he can share my king size bed anytime!



No, maybe not, he would never be the same again, and he needs more than invalidity benefit to keep Helen in 'labels' for the next 50 years or so...........

So, fellow conspirators, what time are we meeting and where? I could do it alone I suppose, striding out of Hadley Woods all mysterious, like David 'Kung Fu' Carradine.......

Or like the Lone Ranger, with Feefs as Tonto, and my Mazda as Silver.

'Helen, who was that ma(d)sked woman? I never even asked her name!'

'I know Paul, spooky, wasn't it!'


Kaz 06-02-2002 06:23 PM

*BIG SIGH* Oh dear, Sticks. You really need to pay a visit to the Sense of Humour shop to get a top-up card, don't you? :laugh:

Don't be a wet blanket - be an orange blanket - they're much more fun (well Paul & Helen certainly thought so!! :colour: :dance: :colour:

Now, back to planning our virtual trip. What do you think the weather will be like? Will I have to wear something underneath my kilt?

I reckon 10 a.m. would be a good time to meet in eager anticipation. That'll give me time to drop off my stuff at LEE's and get changed into my combats and balaclava. Not knowing the area at all, I'm open to suggestions as to the actual rendezvous point. :spin2:

Fear not R.O.B., we won't leave you in splendid isolation. We can all emerge from the woods together - Robina Hood and her merrie (mad)women.

:colour: :dance: :elephant: :dance: :colour:

Mairi 07-02-2002 12:27 PM

You've all forgotten about me.

Can I come too? Pretty please?

Kaz 07-02-2002 12:50 PM

Awwww, of course you can come, miriam - it's an open invitation. :thumbs:

Now - do you know the area at all? Have you any suveillance equipment you can bring along? Could you maybe bring some Mars bars to keep our strength up? :spin2:

This virtual outing has to go like clockwork, and we've only got another 15 days to get our acts together!! :colour: :elephant: :colour:

Feefs 07-02-2002 12:52 PM

Abso-bloomin-lutely Miriam. We will need all hands on deck. Hadley Wood is right on the outskirts of London with lots of green bits, so we've got quite a big area to cover. It includes a couple of golf courses and a country club. Helen really could become a Posh Bird!

I suggest we infiltrate these establishments to find out the local gossip. I'm not very good, but I do own a set of golf clubs, so I could pretend to be a potential new member. Of course I wouldn't want to join any old stuffy club, so I'll have to ask if there are any nice young couples about. :blush:

Now, can anyone remember back to the early reports in the papers. They listed some celebs who are supposed to live in the area. Should we contact them for information too?

Sticks does have a point about the possibility of there being some nasty hacks trying to get a scoop. I'll bring a big stick in case that Mr Mohan man turns up. :spin:

Romantic Old Bird 07-02-2002 02:35 PM


Abso-bloomin-lutely Miriam
You're definitely in Miriam! As if we would overlook a woman of such discerning tastes!

Now, by my count there's nine of us.
There's Kaz, Lee, ROB, Feefs, Janette, Susieq, Peachy, Discolady and Miriam.

Blinkinlovely has given her support, but we know Sticks doesn't approve and probably has a sense of impending doom about it all! :nono:

Despite this worrying revelation, you know, I think it can be done!:thumbs: And, by golly, we're the ones who can do it! I've looked on multi-map, and it's not a very big residential area at all. Just a few streets and houses.

A reconnaisance mission could include the golf club. I also have a half set of clubs (left over from yet another abortive attempt from my OH to get me interested in sport).
However, is this the best gossip haven? I think local school-kids are fantastic at this. Anyone have North London teenage contacts?

Now, as to

I'll bring a big stick in case that Mr Mohan man turns up. :spin:
That sucker's mine! :mad:

P.S. If you are reading this sneakily from work Paul, don't worry, we wouldn't dream of it, and respect your privacy. We would never do anything to harm you, and I personally only want to play with you. However, don't tell Sticks, because it's a wizard wheeze winding him up!

Feefs 07-02-2002 03:11 PM


Originally posted by ROB
Now, by my count there's nine of us.
There's Kaz, Lee, ROB, Feefs, Janette, Susieq, Peachy, Discolady and Miriam.

Blinkinlovely has given her support, but we know Sticks doesn't approve and probably has a sense of impending doom about it all! :nono:
Don't forget Susieq's sister's collie!

I'm sorry ROB, but you'll have to share Mr Mohan with me and probably the rest of us. Maybe we should bring stocks? Perhaps as well as a collie we need a rotweiler or something. Does anyone have a relative with a penchant for aggresive dogs? Even better does anyone have a relative working in the big cat enclosure of London Zoo?:devil:

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