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the truth 07-08-2014 02:50 AM

isnt it just a battle for self pity?
for the past 5 or more years this show has gotten weaker and weaker...theres no real friendship or loyalty or love or even friendship anymore, the producers dont allow the bonds to grow...this is why the whole thing feels so fake and flat and false

so all we are left with is a battle for who can get the most self pity and be seen as the the self pity stakes the producers try to push and the hm's follow is

1)poor helen misunderstood shes only mean because shes had ahard lie
2) chris poor depressed actor chris was a broken man now hes trying to fight back
3) nastleigh....picked on supposedly by helen and others...yet shes nastier than the lot
4) poor misunderstood danielle , all she wants to be is a Christian call girl....please dont judge her, even though she judges everyone else
5) poor mathew, he had body issues and we felt sorry when helen picked on him, but he has a savage poison tongue too
6) pauline loud and aggressive and again trying to claim to be disrespected and demanding respect yawn....loud and forgotten.
7) terrible toyah.....scremaing for respect and always with the poor me dramatics....yet she showed more disrespect and ignorance than anyone
8) mark. the drama queen. hysterical loud self obsessed drivel. failed to garner enough self pity, tried but his meaness blew it
9) wisnton didnt bother trying for any sympathy, fair play to him
10) ash. poor ash if it wasnt for horrible helen hed have shone as a poor mans paul daniels
11) pav. poor pav. change the record pav. self pity only gets you so far in life. crack on
12) zoe. not sure she engaged her brain once so she failed to go for sympathy as she appears to be a duracell bunny
13) lucky 13. christopher. the king of the victims.....he looks to have garnered all the right amount of pity and sympathy at the right time too
now hes walked into his nemesis helen and his supposed future lover mark, theyve bashed him, hes bashed them back. but he did it alone. poor poor christopher. meanwhile helens gimp ash looked on, chris did nowt to back the underdog, then again he is only interested in one underdog, himself

so as with all the last umpteen series...the hm who garners the most self pity always wins

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