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arista 15-11-2014 11:37 PM

Jihadi John is 'wounded in US airstrike on secret bunker

[Jihadi John was in a bunker in northern Iraq with the leader of ISIS
A US airstrike destroyed the bunker, killing an estimated 10 ISIS leaders
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was believed to have been injured in the airstrike
The Foreign Office confirmed they are investigating reports the injuries
A nurse claimed one of the men was the man who 'slaughtered journalists']

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joeysteele 15-11-2014 11:44 PM

If it is true,I am only sorry that he was only injured.

Amy Jade 15-11-2014 11:46 PM

Too bad he didn't die. Then again hopefully he's suffering now.

I generally never wish anyone to die or suffer but this spineless bastard deserves the most painful of deaths.

arista 15-11-2014 11:59 PM

Maybe he needs a hospital
so he could Die

MTVN 15-11-2014 11:59 PM

Load of rubbish, he is still alive and well

kirklancaster 16-11-2014 12:26 AM

I am literally praying the report is true and that the evil murdering scumbag dies from his injuries, but only after suffering a couple of weeks of intolerable pain. If confirmation comes of this, Christmas will have come early.

Creggle 16-11-2014 02:24 AM

I know he survived :sad: BUT THINK OF THE POSITIVES GUYS! 10 of them are dead! They probably burnt to death, that must of hurt. :hehe:


waterhog 16-11-2014 06:30 AM

we will get him it takes time.

Ninastar 16-11-2014 06:49 AM

I personally doubt this is true... even though I wish it was

The even worse thing is, is that there are still thousands of men just like him over there

but by the time people realise this, it will be too late

things are about to get so much worse... its worry that more people dont realise this

Gusto Brunt 16-11-2014 06:54 AM

I want to see that bastard's face. I wanna see him parading in front of the cameras, then jailed for 200 years. :mad:

thesheriff443 16-11-2014 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Gusto Brunt (Post 7374183)
I want to see that bastard's face. I wanna see him parading in front of the cameras, then jailed for 200 years. :mad:

this made me smile.

Kazanne 16-11-2014 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by joeysteele (Post 7373938)
If it is true,I am only sorry that he was only injured.

^This :wavey:

JoshBB 16-11-2014 10:10 AM

Ten ISIS leaders, at least that's a success. We're still adding to the 1,600,000+ innocent Iraqis we've killed in the last 10 years though.

Ninastar 16-11-2014 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by JoshBB (Post 7374256)
Ten ISIS leaders, at least that's a success. We're still adding to the 1,600,000+ innocent Iraqis we've killed in the last 10 years though.

Do you not realise that if we don't kill these people, they will continue to kill innocent people for the rest of their lives?

They kill muslims, christians (they've easily killed millions over the past 50 years), jews, non religions people, anyone... they have absolutely no care about who they kill.

you can cry and moan about all the people killed by us horrid brits/americans/white people, whatever, but at the end of the day, just as many people (probably more) would die if we didn't intervene.

You have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about when you make these posts about the war.

What are you, 14? You've got a lot to learn... A big wake up call is needed for you.

Maybe when you're older, you'll understand what true terrorism is.

There is absolutely no such thing as 'peace'. It will never ever happen. And do you know whose fault that is?


People who kill people for no reason.

Stop trying to look so open minded and different, when you don't even know the half of what has happened of the past 100 years or so.

No one wants a war. Yet sadly, we sometimes have to.

kirklancaster 16-11-2014 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Ninastar (Post 7374266)
Do you not realise that if we don't kill these people, they will continue to kill innocent people for the rest of their lives?

They kill muslims, christians (they've easily killed millions over the past 50 years), jews, non religions people, anyone... they have absolutely no care about who they kill.

you can cry and moan about all the people killed by us horrid brits/americans/white people, whatever, but at the end of the day, just as many people (probably more) would die if we didn't intervene.

You have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about when you make these posts about the war.

What are you, 14? You've got a lot to learn... A big wake up call is needed for you.

Maybe when you're older, you'll understand what true terrorism is.

There is absolutely no such thing as 'peace'. It will never ever happen. And do you know whose fault that is?


People who kill people for no reason.

Stop trying to look so open minded and different, when you don't even know the half of what has happened of the past 100 years or so.

No one wants a war. Yet sadly, we sometimes have to.


It needed saying.

Ninastar 16-11-2014 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by kirklancaster (Post 7374280)

It needed saying.

thank you...

it has been brewing up for a while now...

its just a shame cause Josh is very clearly a smart kid... I just think he listens to everything he hears on the internet

Then again, I guess I did when I was 14 too. Hopefully he will see the light one day.

kirklancaster 16-11-2014 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Gusto Brunt (Post 7374183)
I want to see that bastard's face. I wanna see him parading in front of the cameras, then jailed for 200 years. :mad:

Jails are just glorified hotels now, and why should the country's tax-payers fund the prolonging of this turd's life in comparative luxury when the murdering coward did not even spare the lives of his innocent victims. Covertly torture the bastard behind firmly closed doors - whilst extracting as much information about his terrorist brothers as possible - before ensuring as agonising a death as possible. It should be relatively easy to concoct a Death Certificate which bears out that the coward **** hung himself in his cell.

Kyle 16-11-2014 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by kirklancaster (Post 7374289)
Jails are just glorified hotels now, and why should the country's tax-payers fund the prolonging of this turd's life in comparative luxury when the murdering coward did not even spare the lives of his innocent victims. Covertly torture the bastard behind firmly closed doors - whilst extracting as much information about his terrorist brothers as possible - before ensuring as agonising a death as possible. It should be relatively easy to concoct a Death Certificate which bears out that the coward **** hung himself in his cell.

Having him rot away the rest of his life in a secure cell with nothing but the four walls for company is a much more suitable punishment in my opinion. Executing him would end his suffering quickly and ensure his path-hood to martyrdom for his buddies and sympathisers I think.

I'm not in favour of secretly killing people off and passing it off as suicide either. Sounds very shady to me.

I don't like the eye for an eye policy. We are better than they are. That's what makes them and us different.

kirklancaster 16-11-2014 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Kyle (Post 7374322)
Having him rot away the rest of his life in a secure cell with nothing but the four walls for company is a much more suitable punishment in my opinion. Executing him would end his suffering quickly and ensure his path-hood to martyrdom for his buddies and sympathisers I think.

I'm not in favour of secretly killing people off and passing it off as suicide either. Sounds very shady to me.

I don't like the eye for an eye policy. We are better than they are. That's what makes them and us different.

Unless the turd is going to be kept in solitary confinement in a special 'military' jail, 'four stone walls' is not the reality of prison life now Kyle - they're all like hotels. Central heating, 4 square meals per day, phones, TV radios, civilian clothing, easier access to drugs and other contraband than on the outside, and even scum like Myra Hindley can not only attain acceptance, but even friendship as the abhorrent gravity of their offences are overlooked or fade over time.

Historically Martyrdom is generally a fallacy as far as executing terrorists is concerned, and even where the organisation concerned initially hails such a death as 'Martyrdom' and uses it for propaganda purposes - it is usually only of relevance within that organisation and its effects are short-lived. Bobby Sands was an IRA 'Martyr who starved himself to death in prison but he was all but forgotten within a very short time and now virtually no one knows who he was.

In addition, these evil terrorist bastards would not shirk at kidnapping innocent Western civilians - men, women, or children - and keeping them hostage in order to force the West into an exchange for imprisoned terrorists.

I really believe that - as Ninastar claims - this kind of terrorist warfare is increasing and is very much more of a real threat to free democratic countries than is generally realised, and I do not believe that we can continue to fight crazy scum bastards like these by continuing to politely adhere to the Marquess of Queensberry rules. They have a fanatical agenda and will not ever stop until they achieve it. They cannot be appeased or reasoned with, and they have no intrinsic moral code, humanitarian feelings or sense of decency. They are sub-human, evil killers, and it is time to face that reality, take off the kid gloves, cast aside our own ethics and morals, and fight 'fire with fire', with total victory as a primary objective, and total eradication of these murderers as a close second.

T* 16-11-2014 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by JoshBB (Post 7374256)
We're still adding to the 1,600,000+ innocent Iraqis we've killed in the last 10 years though.

Does that really matter if we're killing people who will continue to kill innocent people unless we stop them?

T* 16-11-2014 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ninastar (Post 7374266)
Do you not realise that if we don't kill these people, they will continue to kill innocent people for the rest of their lives?

They kill muslims, christians (they've easily killed millions over the past 50 years), jews, non religions people, anyone... they have absolutely no care about who they kill.

you can cry and moan about all the people killed by us horrid brits/americans/white people, whatever, but at the end of the day, just as many people (probably more) would die if we didn't intervene.

You have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about when you make these posts about the war.

What are you, 14? You've got a lot to learn... A big wake up call is needed for you.

Maybe when you're older, you'll understand what true terrorism is.

There is absolutely no such thing as 'peace'. It will never ever happen. And do you know whose fault that is?


People who kill people for no reason.

Stop trying to look so open minded and different, when you don't even know the half of what has happened of the past 100 years or so.

No one wants a war. Yet sadly, we sometimes have to.

Very well said.

sassysocks 16-11-2014 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by joeysteele (Post 7373938)
If it is true,I am only sorry that he was only injured.

Dito. He deserved to have been blown into many pieces preferably suffering for hours.

sassysocks 16-11-2014 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Ninastar (Post 7374182)
I personally doubt this is true... even though I wish it was

The even worse thing is, is that there are still thousands of men just like him over there

but by the time people realise this, it will be too late

things are about to get so much worse. its worry that more people dont realise this

They are not men, they are animals - that is the problem. They love all the attention their barbaric acts get them, it makes them feel powerful.

But the world sees them for what they are - pathetic wild dogs desperate to be top dog. They have had their day but unfortunatley are too stupid to see that.

Kyle 16-11-2014 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by kirklancaster (Post 7374364)
Unless the turd is going to be kept in solitary confinement in a special 'military' jail, 'four stone walls' is not the reality of prison life now Kyle - they're all like hotels. Central heating, 4 square meals per day, phones, TV radios, civilian clothing, easier access to drugs and other contraband than on the outside, and even scum like Myra Hindley can not only attain acceptance, but even friendship as the abhorrent gravity of their offences are overlooked or fade over time.

Historically Martyrdom is generally a fallacy as far as executing terrorists is concerned, and even where the organisation concerned initially hails such a death as 'Martyrdom' and uses it for propaganda purposes - it is usually only of relevance within that organisation and its effects are short-lived. Bobby Sands was an IRA 'Martyr who starved himself to death in prison but he was all but forgotten within a very short time and now virtually no one knows who he was.

In addition, these evil terrorist bastards would not shirk at kidnapping innocent Western civilians - men, women, or children - and keeping them hostage in order to force the West into an exchange for imprisoned terrorists.

I really believe that - as Ninastar claims - this kind of terrorist warfare is increasing and is very much more of a real threat to free democratic countries than is generally realised, and I do not believe that we can continue to fight crazy scum bastards like these by continuing to politely adhere to the Marquess of Queensberry rules. They have a fanatical agenda and will not ever stop until they achieve it. They cannot be appeased or reasoned with, and they have no intrinsic moral code, humanitarian feelings or sense of decency. They are sub-human, evil killers, and it is time to face that reality, take off the kid gloves, cast aside our own ethics and morals, and fight 'fire with fire', with total victory as a primary objective, and total eradication of these murderers as a close second.

Starving yourself to death is not the same as being executed by the state. You can mince your words as much as you want mate but if your bloodlust extends to executing people or bumping them off and then falsifying evidence to make it look like they killed themselves as you said earlier then congratulations you just stooped 'almost' as low as they did. That's without even going into how that system would be open to abuse at government level.

lostalex 16-11-2014 02:12 PM

i watched ender's game last night. We need an Ender to wipe these ****ers out once and for all.

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