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sarah2020 24-01-2015 01:10 AM

Has Britain forgotten Kate H is a bully?
"Ginger babies. Like a baby. Just so much harder to love."
"[I lied] to get someone else's husband because I wanted him. I give myself 8 out of 10 for ruthlessness for that one."

This is just a fraction of some of the disgusting things she has said in the past but yet the country seems to have fallen for her. Please tell me why? as all i have seen is her still taking personal hurtful shots at people in the house and everyone seems blind to her nice act. :conf::shrug:

abhorson 24-01-2015 01:18 AM

Go on then, i will bite. Name me one thing that she has said that is bullying. It is an opinion. Of which you might not like but that's life.

Jamesy 24-01-2015 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by abhorson (Post 7524072)
Go on then, i will bite. Name me one thing that she has said that is bullying. It is an opinion. Of which you might not like but that's life.


jaxie 24-01-2015 01:21 AM

The last laugh is on anyone who votes for her when she reverts to form after coming pout of the house.

Vanessa 24-01-2015 03:34 AM

She's a bully.

arista 24-01-2015 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by sarah2020 (Post 7524059)
"Ginger babies. Like a baby. Just so much harder to love."
"[I lied] to get someone else's husband because I wanted him. I give myself 8 out of 10 for ruthlessness for that one."

This is just a fraction of some of the disgusting things she has said in the past but yet the country seems to have fallen for her. Please tell me why? as all i have seen is her still taking personal hurtful shots at people in the house and everyone seems blind to her nice act. :conf::shrug:

No we know

But also see Love in her

arista 24-01-2015 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Vanessa (Post 7524161)
She's a bully.

thats why the put her in there.

KH Vs Nadia

Get It On

Jose Mourinho 24-01-2015 04:05 AM

She is a loudmouthed nob who hides behind her computer. Noone is scared of her and she can easily be put in her place.

Jack The Cat 24-01-2015 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by sarah2020 (Post 7524059)
"Ginger babies. Like a baby. Just so much harder to love."
"[I lied] to get someone else's husband because I wanted him. I give myself 8 out of 10 for ruthlessness for that one."

This is just a fraction of some of the disgusting things she has said in the past but yet the country seems to have fallen for her. Please tell me why? as all i have seen is her still taking personal hurtful shots at people in the house and everyone seems blind to her nice act. :conf::shrug:

I disagree with you and the premise of your argument.

Denver 24-01-2015 08:34 AM

The only person in that house who is a bully is Perez

mazerunner_888 24-01-2015 08:39 AM

Good post and yes people need to remember she wished death on Palestine children. She is a vile evil bitch for sure.

sampvt 24-01-2015 09:13 AM

If she is a bully based on her outside the house views, what does that make Perez. So often we hear the call ''we should judge them n their time in the house'' yet the same voices are intent on bringing up her past but conveniently forget what a vile guttersnipe Perez is in the outside world.

DemolitionRed 24-01-2015 09:23 AM

What we have to remember is, (and this is in line with the title of the thread) many of the viewers/voters of CBB have never read her column in the Sun and never seen her interviewing anyone. They may of seen her in the Apprentice but she never did anything in that competition to really annoy anyone.

In the house she has bullied, no doubt about that but so has Cami and Nadia; what she's written and spoken about prior to coming in the CBB house is a one sided, uneducated opinions but it isn't bullying. This has created a hero for some, who think what she thinks but needed her voice to say it and hated by others who will reject her at every opportunity.

As to be expected, KH is a hypocrite of her opinions. Whilst we all have a right to change our mind, if you are going to voice disgust about someone on a public platform, you should at least be able to live up to your words. Katie has show us all that she doesn't have the ability to do that...some just don't see it because they are blinkered.

Kazanne 24-01-2015 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by sarah2020 (Post 7524059)
"Ginger babies. Like a baby. Just so much harder to love."
"[I lied] to get someone else's husband because I wanted him. I give myself 8 out of 10 for ruthlessness for that one."

This is just a fraction of some of the disgusting things she has said in the past but yet the country seems to have fallen for her. Please tell me why? as all i have seen is her still taking personal hurtful shots at people in the house and everyone seems blind to her nice act. :conf::shrug:

No,but they seem to have forgotten Perez is.

joeysteele 24-01-2015 09:36 AM

She hasn't been bullying in the house but she has been harassing in a threatening way at times, no matter her provocation,that's where I stop being fair in any way as to her.

She is however an on paper bully, because she uses her privileged time and writing in her career to pick on people who are weaker, more vulnerable and far poorer than her with not a single piece of compassion or understanding from her for them.
People who also haven't the means at all to address her verbal assaults and put downs of them so she knows they cannot fight back either really.

That is as pretty near to a bullying nature you can likely get.
So, no I haven't forgotten her very and totally uncalled for public nasty side at all.

bitontheslide 24-01-2015 09:38 AM

I'm another one who doesn't think KH has bullied outside the house. She has said some dreadful things, but i don't classify that as bullying. She certainly has hounded Perez in the house following him round etc to the extent he needed to hide in the toilet, again, is it bullying ..could be.

Perez has behaved in a similar way to KH outside the house, but has done some much worse things to, like actually stalking people. Inside the house he wouldn't let Alexander alone, that could be classified as bullying, but its a grey area.

All in all, in the name of entertainment BB has decided Perez and KH are good housemates. As forums in general don't seem to champion "normal" types in the house and prefer to support controversy, its no surprise that there is loud support for both Perez and KH, but will either of them win with the general public? Time will tell.

Kazanne 24-01-2015 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by sampvt (Post 7524274)
If she is a bully based on her outside the house views, what does that make Perez. So often we hear the call ''we should judge them n their time in the house'' yet the same voices are intent on bringing up her past but conveniently forget what a vile guttersnipe Perez is in the outside world.


Kazanne 24-01-2015 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by bitontheslide (Post 7524304)
I'm another one who doesn't think KH has bullied outside the house. She has said some dreadful things, but i don't classify that as bullying. She certainly has hounded Perez in the house following him round etc to the extent he needed to hide in the toilet, again, is it bullying ..could be.

Perez has behaved in a similar way to KH outside the house, but has done some much worse things to, like actually stalking people. Inside the house he wouldn't let Alexander alone, that could be classified as bullying, but its a grey area.

All in all, in the name of entertainment BB has decided Perez and KH are good housemates. As forums in general don't seem to champion "normal" types in the house and prefer to support controversy, its no surprise that there is loud support for both Perez and KH, but will either of them win with the general public? Time will tell.

Great post bitontheslide,at least you are seeing it from BOTH sides,not just the one you are supporting,a really fair post.

Johnnyuk123 24-01-2015 09:42 AM

I just lurve Katie Hopkins! :lovedup:

DemolitionRed 24-01-2015 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by joeysteele (Post 7524301)

She is however an on paper bully, because she uses her privileged time and writing in her career to pick on people who are weaker, more vulnerable and far poorer than her with not a single piece of compassion or understanding from her for them.
People who also haven't the means at all to address her verbal assaults and put downs of them so she knows they cannot fight back either really.

She's using bullying by proxy. She's making accusations and statements that may entice bullying from the general public. She's a keyboard warrior. One of the easiest forms of journalism is "commentary". Most journalists who write commentary do their research which enables them to write in context and add value to a piece. KH took an even easier route of "Observe journalism" which takes no research and therefore holds no value other than gaining support from those who think like she does. Unfortunately her supporters justify her views and so she could be seen as enticing bullying.

I wonder if she's an NUJ member because she would definitely be in breach of the NUJ code of practice.

ebandit 24-01-2015 10:03 AM

when i venture out again.............i must be careful not to express myself

if my opinion differs to others..............they may consider myself to be

......a bully

Mark L

InOne 24-01-2015 10:08 AM

She's a nasty vile wench. She tries to bully but as soon as someone comes up against her she shuts down and loses it.

Kazanne 24-01-2015 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by ebandit (Post 7524328)
when i venture out again.............i must be careful not to express myself

if my opinion differs to others..............they may consider myself to be

......a bully

Mark L


Tarryn 24-01-2015 10:13 AM

People see what they wants to see.
She is clearly playing to the galleries & doing what she thinks others want to see.
She has said some absolutely vile things before going into the house but people just choose to ignore this.
I'm sure she will win as the past few BB's have had similar winners.
I'm also sure that the final three maybe Callum. Michelle & Katie H.
If this is the case then I WON'T be watching :sleep:

Kazanne 24-01-2015 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Tarryn (Post 7524343)
People see what they wants to see.
She is clearly playing to the galleries & doing what she thinks others want to see.
She has said some absolutely vile things before going into the house but people just choose to ignore this.
I'm sure she will win as the past few BB's have had similar winners.
I'm also sure that the final three maybe Callum. Michelle & Katie H.
If this is the case then I WON'T be watching :sleep:

Perez has been just as bad and worse outside the house and plenty are ignoring that fact,so why the problem with KH ?

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