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erinp5 09-07-2015 03:34 PM

Will Danny say sorry vid
Chloe's decision to take £5,000 for herself last night left Danny angry and shocked - and he's still going on about it today. Will he be the big man and clear the air?

Pete. 09-07-2015 03:35 PM

Nawt Danny

Pete. 09-07-2015 03:36 PM

So it was Danny that bullied Chloe almost out of the door

Jase. 09-07-2015 03:44 PM

Oh can he just **** off the vile ****

BENDERBOY 09-07-2015 03:44 PM

Hopefully not, she screwed up, not him.

camertone 09-07-2015 04:10 PM

chloe is a hypocrite. so is danny, but not at the situation.. chloe is the one who should say sorry for being hypocrite..

joeysteele 09-07-2015 04:13 PM

Does he ever, I haven't seen him say sorry for the really bad near violent things he did never mind just for this.

sampvt 09-07-2015 04:18 PM

He might make a big deal of making up but only if he is allowed loads of airtime and only after making her feel like **** so she kisses his scrawny little arse and makes him feel all important. Its got eff all to do with him anyway, its a game and she was playing it, all be it terrible, she still played it. Danny is only mad he didn't get the chance to take it. lol. Lets see how he fairs up when faced with actual pound notes not stupid amounts for fresh air. He will accept the money for sure. he lives with his mum and does not have a car so he needs the money to gate crash all these z lister parties he is never invited to.

TheMachine 09-07-2015 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Petemitch (Post 7980838)
So it was Danny that bullied Chloe almost out of the door

Someone stating they are disappointed you took the cash after she banged on all week. Is now bullying.. so by the same logic she bullied Jack all week?.

Bias over logic i see is the theme for today from you. I guess that's to be expected since your blinded by your favorite. I seem to recall you saying the same that Marc fans myself being one was in same boat. At least we could admit Marc was not perfect but could be great and a knob at times. Like marmite which made him a brilliant housemate.

But no now the perfect good girl from next door Chloe does anything wrong it's the others fault. Fake as hell Marc called it, you have fell for the fake act hook line and sinker.

Ramsay 09-07-2015 04:34 PM

What does he have to say sorry for? i'm confused..

sampvt 09-07-2015 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Ramsay (Post 7980988)
What does he have to say sorry for? i'm confused..

we all know that fact for sure.

erinp5 09-07-2015 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Ramsay (Post 7980988)
What does he have to say sorry for? i'm confused..

for getting annoyed that Chloe took 5k of his money , he's not annoyed ,he was but just for a few moments .

Vicky. 09-07-2015 05:18 PM

He has nothing to apologize for. Did Chloe apologize for how she went on when the others dared to take some of 'Dannys money'? :hehe:

sosadbbend 09-07-2015 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by erinp5 (Post 7980834)
Chloe's decision to take £5,000 for herself last night left Danny angry and shocked - and he's still going on about it today. Will he be the big man and clear the air?

She has annoyed me a lot with the money she has taken, especially after moaning so much about everyone else.

REDCROP 09-07-2015 05:53 PM

If Maybe, just maybe, Danny for once actually stood behind his own convictions and told her to go F-ck herself he might get my respect....but the way he crawls back to everyone saying he's oh so very very sorry makes me wanna hurl..
He said sorry to Marc, sorry to Helen, sorry to Chloe, sorry to Aisleyne, sorry to Niki ...maybe if he'd stood up to them without losing his cool he wouldn't have to say sorry to us when he comes out ....for being a waste of space.

REDCROP 09-07-2015 05:56 PM

Fing is...fing is like...i dunno...i dunno...fing is like .. i'm so sorry

Pete. 09-07-2015 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by REDCROP (Post 7981197)
Fing is...fing is like...i dunno...i dunno...fing is like .. i'm so sorry


REDCROP 09-07-2015 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Ramsay (Post 7980988)
What does he have to say sorry for? i'm confused..

Absolutely nothing....stick to his guns and tell her to sling her hook...sorry means nothing in there anyway....just like keep saying they love each they bollox....every one of em wud take the sugar out of your tea as soon as look at ya.,,and none more than Chloe....what a piece of work that is....she won't be sorry you can be sure of that, he's got more chance of doing a sh-t in the queens handbag than getting anything real or sincere out of that rock ape.

mimosveta 09-07-2015 06:12 PM

wait,... Danny made Chloe cry?

can't wait to see this ><

REDCROP 09-07-2015 06:17 PM

If she's started crying now that will be her guilt manifesting itself...and the sympathy thing you know she'll be robbing what's left of the winners money and asking big brother to get her a Labrador from Paul O'Grady and an Iron Lung off Ebay..

vafunghoul 09-07-2015 06:39 PM

Sick of that clown telling everyone to "shut up". No one in there man enough to shut him up.

3 times he's told Chloe to shut up. Once to Cristian and too many to count to Marc. Danny needs his nose broken verbally by someone who doesn't fear him. They are all cowards in there. He cannot handle it when he's not in control and he loses it.

REDCROP 09-07-2015 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by vafunghoul (Post 7981311)
Sick of that clown telling everyone to "shut up". No one in there man enough to shut him up.

3 times he's told Chloe to shut up. Once to Cristian and too many to count to Marc. Danny needs his nose broken verbally by someone who doesn't fear him. They are all cowards in there. He cannot handle it when he's not in control and he loses it.

I agree that someone needs to put him in his place, but telling Chloe to shut up can't be said often enough, its the only worthwhile thing the limpet has done all week......i would be telling her to shut up morning noon and night.....she interrupts everyone and shouts over everyone all the manners at all, no respect at all ...just a stupid gobby piece of ruff who has no boundaries and treats people like crap.....when people see rubbish like her as any kind of role model you know that taste has gone out of the window

REDCROP 09-07-2015 06:58 PM

She's like Kerry Catona without the humour .....i was so gutted when it was down to her and Sarah and she got to the hell did that happen ?

Vanessa 09-07-2015 06:59 PM

Why should he say sorry? The only thing he did is point out Chloe hypocrisy and he was right to do so. Stick to your guns, Danny.

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