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kirklancaster 14-12-2015 09:48 AM

Corbyn - A Suitable Case For Treatment? No 1.
Can this Wurzel Gummidge look-alike continue to have any credibility or support from credible people for much longer?

An 'extraordinary' letter written by Jeremy Corbyn to a court, was instrumental in securing bail for a Muslim conman charged with stealing nearly £1million of life savings from elderly British people to allegedly FUND ISIS.

Corbyn's letter urged the court in May of 2015 calling on magistrates to grant bail to 23-year-old Mohamed Dahir who comes from his Islington North constituency, as he had “roots in the area” and was "unlikely to abscond".

The court was told that Dahir was part of a Muslim gang using elderly people’s cash as a “bank of terror” to pay for would-be jihadists to travel from the UK to fight alongside Islamic State terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

Magistrates granted bail to Dahir and he was able to walk out of court pending the trial.

However, Dahir has now been convicted of posing as a police officer to steal more than £600,000 from elderly people with an average age of 83 as part a £1million phone scam.

"One of the victims of the scam was a 94-year-old man from north west London who handed over his life savings of £130,000 and a 91-year-old man who handed over his £8,000 nest-egg.

The allegations that the money was used to fund terrorism was not heard by the jury and no terrorism charges were brought, although Scotland Yard said in a statement to “We uncovered this fraud after a separate terrorist investigation found suspicious payments into a bank account of an individual who is now believed to have travelled to Syria.”

Dahir's barrister Patrick Harte again presented Mr Corbyn's letter to the Old Bailey, applying for bail pending sentencing, saying: “He (Dahir) understands the need to be here. He has been here on every occasion.”

However, this time the letter proved unsuccessful and Dahir remanded in custody when he appeared before Judge Anuja Dhir QC who said there was a risk he may abscond due to his conviction.

Here is the gang:

And here is Dahir and some of the recepients of the conned British pensioners life savings, and the 'friendliest, most helpful 'Uncle' any terrorist could wish for, old Wurzel himself:

joeysteele 14-12-2015 10:04 AM

Ill advised letter and a totally wrong one in my opinion.

Not worthy however for more character assassination of him at all in my view and yes I would still support him in a general election, I would support any Labour leader against this vile Conservative govt.

I'd rather attack this PM for the care services and funds he is taking off people who are sick and disabled, yet gets way with it and even praised for it by some.

Toy Soldier 14-12-2015 11:39 AM

That's proppa gander that is guvna. Proppa gander.

kirklancaster 14-12-2015 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Toy Santa (Post 8353997)
That's proppa gander that is guvna. Proppa gander.

information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.

So let me get this straight - dredging up every fact about Donald 'Idiot' Trump which shows him in a bad light, is acceptable comment or expose, but doing the very same with Jeremy 'Idiot' Corbyn is 'propaganda'.

Now I KNOW I am back on TIBB. :laugh:

Kizzy 14-12-2015 12:43 PM

'The allegations that the money was used to fund terrorism was not heard by the jury and no terrorism charges were brought.'

If there was no mention of any terrorist connections then how would Mr Corbyn have been aware of any implication?
He wrote a letter to a judge is all, the guy didn't abscond and was sentenced.

joeysteele 14-12-2015 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Merry Kizzmas (Post 8354131)
'The allegations that the money was used to fund terrorism was not heard by the jury and no terrorism charges were brought.'

If there was no mention of any terrorist connections then how would Mr Corbyn have been aware of any implication?
He wrote a letter to a judge is all, the guy didn't abscond and was sentenced.

Absolutely right, and welcome back my friend.:wavey:

Kizzy 14-12-2015 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by joeysteele (Post 8354144)
Absolutely right, and welcome back my friend.:wavey:

Thank you Joey :)

kirklancaster 14-12-2015 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Merry Kizzmas (Post 8354131)
'The allegations that the money was used to fund terrorism was not heard by the jury and no terrorism charges were brought.'

If there was no mention of any terrorist connections then how would Mr Corbyn have been aware of any implication?
He wrote a letter to a judge is all, the guy didn't abscond and was sentenced.

So in your opinion then, it was not stupid for a politician such as Corbyn to involve himself in this manner on behalf of someone charged with stealing the life savings of OAP?

Northern Monkey 14-12-2015 02:44 PM


More evidence of where Corbyns loyalties lie.

JoshBB 14-12-2015 02:47 PM

More of the right-wing press trying to vilify a left-wing candidate.. getting dull now.

Samuel. 14-12-2015 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by kirklancaster (Post 8354069)
information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.

So let me get this straight - dredging up every fact about Donald 'Idiot' Trump which shows him in a bad light, is acceptable comment or expose, but doing the very same with Jeremy 'Idiot' Corbyn is 'propaganda'.

Now I KNOW I am back on TIBB. :laugh:

It's good you're aware of exactly what this is.

Northern Monkey 14-12-2015 03:01 PM

St Corbyn can do no wrong.When was the last letter he wrote to a judge to bail a non Arab fraudster out?

It's very dodgy that he does this for suspected funders of terrorism.What about every other fraudster in his constituancy?You know the average one that does'nt know any IS members?

Northern Monkey 14-12-2015 03:13 PM

Such a 'sympathetic' guy if your face fits.......Or your ideology......

joeysteele 14-12-2015 05:07 PM

Quite frankly it is pure speculation that Corbyn has not often written to Courts on behalf of Parishioners seeking his help.
I have found when in Islington that he is a highly respected MP for the constituency and people of 'all' political persuasion feel able to go to him, as they should too.
He has been there for 30+ years now so he clearly does good by most of the voters in the seat.

Also, we do still have a rule of law in the UK that someone is 'innocent' until 'proven, yes proven guilty.
Corbyn would act on what the information he was given, the Court would act on what was likely going before it.

Still,it is another excuse to get at that man for in effect doing his job,representing his constituents.
Corbyn could not demand the Court did anything he could only write on behalf of his constituent with the info he had.
His letter,like any other letter sent to a Court from anyone,would either be considered, or dismissed in light of what was in the files.

Really I despair sometimes at the nit picking against the man.

smudgie 14-12-2015 05:17 PM

Perhaps it is unwise to send a letter to court on behalf of someone up on criminal charges, unless you actually know them rather well I can't see how you can possibly vouch for them:shrug:

joeysteele 14-12-2015 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by NanaChristmas (Post 8354660)
Perhaps it is unwise to send a letter to court on behalf of someone up on criminal charges, unless you actually know them rather well I can't see how you can possibly vouch for them:shrug:

An MP has to represent his constituent, now from the other angle imagine what would be being said here if it had come out that Corbyn had refused point blank to write a letter,when asked, to a court for one of 'his' constituents.

MPs and indeed Councillors actually write many letters in support or seeking clarification of events for their constituents.
I agree his letter was probably ill advised, the action to write it was far from it, in my view anyway, and I would guess in the scenario above I mentioned, he would be being slammed again left right and centre there too.

bitontheslide 14-12-2015 05:44 PM

At a minimum he needs to tighten up on his procedures, I will leave it at that.

the truth 14-12-2015 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by JoshBB (Post 8354353)
More of the right-wing press trying to vilify a left-wing candidate.. getting dull now.

yeah the press made him write it, just as the press made labour bankrupt the country and start illegal wars?

Johnnyuk123 14-12-2015 08:59 PM

I am so happy that Corbyn is the leader of the labor party. It means that David (the holy one) Cameron has no challenger for the next 20 yrs and that is a good thing.:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

lily. 14-12-2015 09:08 PM

Regardless of whether he should or shouldn't have written the letter, he is a vile human who has expressed sympathy for terrorists very publicly, so that says enough about him really..

kirklancaster 14-12-2015 10:32 PM

UPDATE: Corbyn KNEW nice Mr Dahir because he was 'CLOSE' friends' with his family for years.

Explaining the reason for Mr Corbyn's support, Dahir's mother Amina Farah, 40, a housewife, said: "We are family friends (with Corbyn). We always fought for him, for Labour. We have known him for many years. He is a nice man.

"We are a good family. We don't want any problems. I don't know why they arrested my son."

His sister, Maryam Dahir, 20, who is applying to study nursing, added: "My father is a close friend of his. He [Corbyn] was able to vouch for my brother, for us, we are thankful to him. We had to prove my brother was innocent. Clearly if my brother was a criminal, he (Corbyn) would not have participated.

"My dad spoke to Jeremy personally and asked him to help. He is really close friends with my father, they have done a lot of community work together."

Kizzy 15-12-2015 12:06 AM

Mr Corbyn's spokesman said: "Jeremy Corbyn condemns the actions of his constituent as appalling acts against vulnerable people and wholly unacceptable."
Sources claimed when he wrote the letter he was unaware of the alleged links to terror.
They added: "Jeremy was approached by his constituent prior to the trial, and wrote a letter on his behalf as is standard for a constituency MP.
"This was before the full facts of the case had emerged, and was on the basis that Jeremy was informed the constituent needed to be at home with his children and would not abscond and could not travel abroad."

the truth 15-12-2015 01:07 AM

Hes trying too hard to be mr nice guy and really is sitting on the fence a lot , failing to make any decisions and failing to really get involved in real politics.....which lets face it is a very very dirty business delaing with a whole load of evil people and desperate situations. sometimes a leader has to decide which people will die and how many? a leader sometimes doesn't even have the luxury of choosing for no one to die. its he dirtiest business in the world but wil he ever get his hands dirty or forever stand on the sidelines with the far left wing liberals? maybe hes more suited to protesting , campaigning and preaching. But running a country you have to risk everything, including your very soul. I just don't see him as willing to do any of that

kirklancaster 15-12-2015 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by lily. (Post 8355035)
Regardless of whether he should or shouldn't have written the letter, he is a vile human who has expressed sympathy for terrorists very publicly, so that says enough about him really..


kirklancaster 15-12-2015 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by Merry Kizzmas (Post 8355379)
Mr Corbyn's spokesman said: "Jeremy Corbyn condemns the actions of his constituent as appalling acts against vulnerable people and wholly unacceptable."
Sources claimed when he wrote the letter he was unaware of the alleged links to terror.
They added: "Jeremy was approached by his constituent prior to the trial, and wrote a letter on his behalf as is standard for a constituency MP.
"This was before the full facts of the case had emerged, and was on the basis that Jeremy was informed the constituent needed to be at home with his children and would not abscond and could not travel abroad."

But with respect - No one is claiming that Corbyn knew of any terror links when he intervened on Dahir's behalf, and I even pointed this out in my original post.

The points that are being missed or ignored here, are, that:

a) Corbyn was a politician of many years standing - a holder of Public Office.
b) Corbyn was a close friend of Dahir's family.
c) Corbyn KNEW that Dahir was charged with swindling the life savings of old aged pensioners.
d) Corbyn still elected to involve himself on behalf of Dahir.

All of which add up to a pretty damning indictment of Corbyn's character and morals in that he used his parliamentary position to intercede on Dahir's behalf because he was 'close friends with the family'.

Is this example of 'Political Nepotism' not alarming at all? Does it not fall squarely in those same areas as 'Cash For Questions'? 'Cash For Influence'? and other examples of 'personal self-serving' by politicians over 'public duty'?

Does it not at least trigger some misgivings in those who - as Northern Monkey so adroitly couches it - "Can find no fault with St Corbyn"?

I find it personally asonishing that certain Labour supporters ARE so blinded by their detestation of Cameron and the Tory party, that they illogically continue to be so ferevently supportive of Corbyn in the face of one revelation after another exposing how dangerous and treacherous an idiot he is, simply because he is the Labour Party Leader.

Peter Mandleson said in an article condemning Corbyn:

"The British prefer opportunity over privilege, and fairness over entitlement"

Corbyn uses his political office to intervene on the part of a family friend - a Muslim - charged with conning OAP's out of their life savings and his supporters are quick to defend their saviour and dismiss this, as: "only "representing his constituents" or "writing a letter, is all" - but had it been David Cameron using his political position to influence a Court's decision in the matter of 'Tristram Ponsonby-Smythe, the son of the 14th Earl of Bummington, an Investment Banker charged with swindling the million pound life savings of pensioners, or Nigel Farage using his non-political celebrity status to intervene in the Judicial Process on behalf of ''Alf Whitevan-Man' charged with 'Racial Intimidation', then what a Hue and Cry there would be from these same misguided Corbyn stalwarts. What a furious flurry of copying and pasting of reportage there would be in order to CONDEMN Cameron and Farage.

And it would NOT be propaganda - Oh No. It would be fair comment.

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