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zakman440 23-01-2016 05:45 PM

The Jump 2016 [BEN COHEN WINS | Available on All 4]

Entertainment show in which a group of celebrities take on some of the most challenging and dangerous winter sports, hosted by Davina McCall.

The celebs:


The events:




In this nerve-shredding event, competitors launch themselves onto a heavy metal sled and race face-first down a twisting ice track. With their chin just millimetres from the ice, and races won and lost by fractions of a second, the tiniest mistake could see our competitors come face-to-face with the jump-off.

Skeleton is also the blue-ribbon event in Team GB’s Winter Olympic arsenal. 2014 Skeleton World Cup and Olympic Gold medal winner Lizzy Yarnold, will be on hand to show our contestants how to set their fears aside for this bone-shaking ride.


One of the most exciting winter sports innovations in recent years, snow skates are skis fused into the bottom of traditional ski boots. Lighter and more agile than skis, these skates mimic the action of ice skates for use on snow.

In this event, up to five competitors will go head-to-head in a no-holds-barred battle to reach the finish line first. But with a winding course including hairpin turns, jumps and obstacles to negotiate, simply getting the bottom will be enough to get the contestants’ hearts racing.

Kitted head-to-toe in ice-hockey gear, the celebs will launch themselves out of the start gate and endeavour to reach the finish line first. And with contact between racers par for the course, it won’t just be the obstacles trying to stop them finishing first!


One of the most famous of all Alpine events, the slalom is a gruelling test of technical ability. The aim of the game is to dodge around the gates as quickly as possible, and complete the steep mountain course in the shortest time.

But in an exciting twist, our contestants will be going head-to-head on parallel courses, so anyone falling behind will be confronted with all the ground they need to make up.

While negotiating the course might seem doable, there’s a reason slalom skiing is one of the most feared of all winter events. It takes thighs of steel to keep to the racing line, and the slightest error or wayward turn will send our racers crashing off the course.


Just when our celebrities are getting comfortable on skis we introduce a new challenge. One of the Winter Olympics most exciting freestyle sports, Moguls.

For some they inspire terror and others, excitement, but skiing moguls and doing it well requires practise and timing. Mogul skiing is all about balance, short turns, rhythm and being able to pick a line to ski. One of the biggest issues for many is balance – a bumpy slope can really throw off the balance of even an expert skier unless you practise hard and work at it.

The secret is to keep a relaxed upper body and absorb the bumps with your legs.


Despite only being on the scene for a few years, ski cross has rapidly become one of the most popular of all winter events. Fast-paced, adrenaline-packed and unpredictable, ski cross sees a number of racers pitched against each other in an all-out battle to cross the finish line first.

Raced along a winding course comprising straight sprints, drops, rollers and banks, ski cross is one of the most unforgiving events our celebrities will be facing. One caught edge, mistimed turn or heavy collision could see any racer last to finish, and faced with the prospect of jumping for their survival in the show.


If the Ski Jump is a long jump then think of The Air Jump as a high jump.

But this jump isn’t about the landing - it’s about the speeds reached on the in-run and the amount of height you are able to achieve. The aim is to get as much height as possible by jumping off the 4 ½ meter kicker and landing safely into a giant airbag.

It will take skill, daring and athleticism to successfully pop off the kicker and gain the air and height needed to stay in the competition.


As the namesake of the show, the ski jump sets the bar ominously high in terms of sheer terror. Looking at the huge ramps from below is scary enough, but when our contestants are sat in the jump seat with the green light showing and no landing sight visible, even the most experienced skier will face rather more than niggling doubt.

This event is as simple as it is scary. The longest jump wins, and the loser packs their bags and heads for home. It takes nerves of steel to keep a steady head on the long ramp, while a strong take-off and perfect flight are crucial for a winning jump.

But as last year’s competitors showed, landing is the hardest part. Travelling at speeds of around 40kph, even the slightest wobble on landing could lead to a caught edge and a face-first crash down the icy outrun.

I thought it would be a good idea for it to have it's own thread this time considering that it's just going to air on Sundays from this series. They'll all be living in the same house this time too so it should be good!

Jason. 23-01-2016 06:22 PM

I'm looking forwards to this. I didn't watch Series 1, but I saw bits and bobs of Series 2 last year and I loved the concept of it and it's a nice little show (plus it's another reality show I can add to the list that I watch :whistle:) I'll definitely be watching Series 3.

The line-up sounds great.

Pete. 23-01-2016 06:23 PM

Excited for this :clap1:

Firewire 23-01-2016 06:24 PM

Jan 31st at 7.30pm, airs over six weeks.

Jason. 23-01-2016 06:27 PM

Six weeks?

I thought it was on for a week? Is this series different from the other two?

Firewire 23-01-2016 06:28 PM

It's airing once a week instead

Pete. 23-01-2016 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Jason. (Post 8454554)
Six weeks?

I thought it was on for a week? Is this series different from the other two?

I think it's a once a week thing

Jason. 23-01-2016 06:30 PM


I just assumed cause S1 and S2 had 1 episode nightly and the show only lasted around 7/8 days. But I guess they've made some changes. Still perched tho

Will. 23-01-2016 06:35 PM

S1 and 2 were really good, so looking forward to this :love:

Daniel-X 23-01-2016 06:38 PM

S2 was actually decent so I'll be watching. Wtf is Deans pic though it looks like his head has been photoshopped on :laugh2:

Looking forward to Tamara and Sarah.

zakman440 24-01-2016 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Firewire (Post 8454546)
Jan 31st at 7.30pm, airs over six weeks.

Thanks, updated the title! :D

Pete. 31-01-2016 03:19 PM

Here for this tonight

arista 31-01-2016 04:06 PM

Let The Injury's

Calderyon 31-01-2016 05:31 PM

Wow, didn´t know Superman himself was participating.

Will watch, since i watched the last one.

zakman440 31-01-2016 06:09 PM

This is on in a bit :D

zakman440 31-01-2016 06:29 PM

Live on Channel 4 NOW!

LukeB 31-01-2016 06:29 PM

Sarah queen

Daniel-X 31-01-2016 06:30 PM

I actually really enjoyed this last time.

Daniel-X 31-01-2016 06:30 PM

Sarah :love::love::love:

zakman440 31-01-2016 06:31 PM


arista 31-01-2016 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by zakman440 (Post 8479301)
Live on Channel 4 NOW!

Its not Live

LukeB 31-01-2016 06:33 PM

Didn't Davina host the girls aloud RTV show?

Marsh. 31-01-2016 06:35 PM

Davina :flutter:

Daniel-X 31-01-2016 06:35 PM

Oh I love the skeleton this was my favourite event last year :flutter:

Marsh. 31-01-2016 06:38 PM

Omg at that woman "I thought I was gonna ****ing DIE!"

:amazed: I've been missing out.

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