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hbk4894 08-03-2016 05:19 PM

What has been your biggest temper tautrum?
i remember crying when i was in primary school when i was told that my friend would get the last jammy waggon wheel and not me.

Jessica. 08-03-2016 05:25 PM

:umm2: You know the demographic of this forum is mainly people in their 20's?

Shaun 08-03-2016 05:45 PM

When my sister "accidentally" (I still resent her) cut apart all of my Robot Wars toys I raided her barbie collection and threw a bunch of them on the fire.

Jamie89 08-03-2016 05:48 PM

I don't think I ever had one :think: I was always quite calm as a kid

Ammi 08-03-2016 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Shaun (Post 8553919)
When my sister "accidentally" (I still resent her) cut apart all of my Robot Wars toys I raided her barbie collection and threw a bunch of them on the fire.

..what was it with you guys and the Barbie doll revenge brother coldly ripped the head off mine because I accidently scratched one of his vinyl's and it was definitely an accident as well...

Shaun 08-03-2016 05:56 PM

you did WHAT

Firewire 08-03-2016 05:57 PM

When greggs temporarily stopped doing my sandwich

Marsh. 08-03-2016 05:58 PM

I remember having a crying fit so bad my nose started bleeding. :unsure:

LeatherTrumpet 08-03-2016 06:01 PM

i was too busy climbing trees and looking for hedge porn to be in tantrums as a child


Cal. 08-03-2016 06:03 PM

Too many to recall

Ammi 08-03-2016 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Marsh. (Post 8553933)
I remember having a crying fit so bad my nose started bleeding. :unsure:

..awww yeah, BB season eh..:hug:...

Babayaro. 08-03-2016 06:23 PM

When I feel asleep and missed the results of the BGT 2010 final

Calderyon 08-03-2016 06:27 PM

Donīt remember. As a kid, i bet it was something to do with not getting something i wanted badly.

Marsh. 08-03-2016 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Ammi (Post 8553944)
..awww yeah, BB season eh..:hug:...


Greg! 08-03-2016 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Jessica. (Post 8553892)
:umm2: You know the demographic of this forum is mainly people in their 20's?

Doesn't mean they've never had a tantrum in their life :shrug:

Jordan. 08-03-2016 08:49 PM

Punching (and breaking) a laptop screen for going slow. No inanimate object is safe when I get mad :shame:

Ninastar 08-03-2016 10:14 PM

I have anger problems so I've damaged my knuckles a bit from punching walls (and ammi)

My most ridiculous 'tantrum' was like 2 years ago over something really weird... We had to move our couch to get the Christmas tree up and part of the sofa was blocking a part of the tv and it made me so so angry and I still don't get why. It just looked stupid but the anger I felt was unreal.

Z 09-03-2016 10:18 AM

Trying to defeat Kasumi Alpha-152 in Dead or Alive 4 for hours on end and properly crying and shouting at the TV while my family had dinner next door. My mum calmly came through and turned it off. :joker:

ebandit 31-03-2017 06:31 PM

OMG! i'm normally so calm..............but computers............................

just now i was spitting expletives and i thought 'got carried away as my keyboard is wet

with spittle'.............i wiped it off but more was appearing even though i was calmer

then i realised it was blood from my hand where i had punched the


Fetch The Bolt Cutters 31-03-2017 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by hbk4894 (Post 8553878)
i remember crying when i was in primary school when i was told that my friend would get the last jammy waggon wheel and not me.

this can't be real??

ebandit 31-03-2017 07:43 PM

..then there was 'epic bike throw' out with racing cycle club i down 3 pints of beer

with lunch...of course on big hill home i'm soon left starts raining i puncture

front tyre....fix it...then starting off i realise back tyre is punctured too...grrrrrr......

....and the time i put a screwdriver through the front of my laptop 'cos it refused to work

Mark L

Toy Soldier 31-03-2017 10:17 PM

I screamed, swore, cried and... Spat (shame, shame) at my mum when I was about 8, for letting my sister have an extra sausage. Well, it was mostly for laughing at me when I got annoyed about it. But still. Minor over reaction perhaps.

I also have a scar across the pinkie knuckle of my right hand from where I punched through a wooden door as a teenager... During an argument I had with my dad about mowing the grass. I am the Iron Fist.

Toy Soldier 31-03-2017 10:20 PM

Oh I also raged at my PS2 when I was about 18... And scared it into working. I had dropped it months earlier and it didn't work, optical drive was ****ed, not loading disks at all. I was really bored one night and tried for hours to get it working, to no avail... Got mad about it and properly punched the bastard full force... And it started working :joker:.

smudgie 31-03-2017 10:27 PM

I don't really do tantrums.
More a case of causing them :devil:

Tozzie 01-04-2017 11:48 AM

the last time I ever played monopoly with my husband and he was buying up all the ruddy property, I got so mad I threw the dice across the room in temper LOL, it makes me laugh now but boy was I mad at the time :fist:..........and I was an adult not a child!!! haha

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