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Kristen 12-02-2007 07:09 AM

I\'ve forgiven Jade...and why you should to
After CBB I, along with most of the nation, had harsh words to say about Jade but after reading her heat interview and seeing how awful her life is now I realise how ridiculous it is that someone who said some stupid things on a reality show is now having her life, as well as those of her two childrens, been made absolute hell. Jade is a fabulous mum and an outspoken celebrity, a breath of fresh air among so many fake ones, and I enjoyed hearing her views in Now magazine before this. So please forgive Jade she is well and truly sorry and has suffered enough. I forgive you Jade and still love you!!!

Ruth 12-02-2007 07:42 AM

I never loved her and never will. Her interview in Heat was just part of her ongoing PR campaign - which people seem to be falling for. By the way, Jade has admitted that she did not write her column in Now magazine either.

Outspoken = rude.

ttw 12-02-2007 08:04 AM


Originally posted by kristen1985
After CBB I, along with most of the nation, had harsh words to say about Jade but after reading her heat interview and seeing how awful her life is now I realise how ridiculous it is that someone who said some stupid things on a reality show is now having her life, as well as those of her two childrens, been made absolute hell. Jade is a fabulous mum and an outspoken celebrity, a breath of fresh air among so many fake ones, and I enjoyed hearing her views in Now magazine before this. So please forgive Jade she is well and truly sorry and has suffered enough. I forgive you Jade and still love you!!!

hmm... somehow not convincing coming from the person that loves Grace.

abs 12-02-2007 08:59 AM


zachary 12-02-2007 09:50 AM

Nah...if I liked Jade I would forgive her but, I DONT (even before CBB) and I'd love to never ever see or hear of her again.

spacebandit 12-02-2007 09:58 AM

She is a spiteful, vindictive bully. A manipulative charlatan and serial liar, a coward who tries to worm her way out of the responsibility of her own actions.

that is what she is, and no amount of faux forgiveness, wailing and teeth gnashing from anyone can "forgive" that.

She should be over and done with, returning to the obscurity she deserves, and I won't forget to remind anyone who wishes to indulge in some revisionism regarding her, just what a sly creature she is.

GiRTh 12-02-2007 06:19 PM


Originally posted by kristen1985
After CBB I, along with most of the nation, had harsh words to say about Jade but after reading her heat interview and seeing how awful her life is now I realise how ridiculous it is that someone who said some stupid things on a reality show is now having her life, as well as those of her two childrens, been made absolute hell. Jade is a fabulous mum and an outspoken celebrity, a breath of fresh air among so many fake ones, and I enjoyed hearing her views in Now magazine before this. So please forgive Jade she is well and truly sorry and has suffered enough. I forgive you Jade and still love you!!!
Good to sse that you read Heat and Now. Ever though of tackiling something with joined up writing.

Chrizzle 12-02-2007 06:33 PM

I really liked her before CBB, but she proved to be a disappointment.
If she stays away from the public eye and goes back to a normal life, I will forgive her, because her fame days are up. It upsets me to say that, but maybe she has learnt a lesson.

Arneldo 12-02-2007 07:03 PM

Loved her from the second she enterd the house back in 2002 and im gonna continie to support her.

andybigbro 12-02-2007 07:14 PM

i have forgot about Jade

so i dont really care about her any ways

Smeggypants 13-02-2007 04:12 AM


Originally posted by kristen1985
After CBB I, along with most of the nation, had harsh words to say about Jade but after reading her heat interview and seeing how awful her life is now I realise how ridiculous it is that someone who said some stupid things on a reality show is now having her life, as well as those of her two childrens, been made absolute hell. Jade is a fabulous mum and an outspoken celebrity, a breath of fresh air among so many fake ones, and I enjoyed hearing her views in Now magazine before this. So please forgive Jade she is well and truly sorry and has suffered enough. I forgive you Jade and still love you!!!
LOL how naive of you to believe the crap written in these interviews.

You never see the real Jade, you're just seeing the product of a marketing campaign designed to to do damage limitation on a multimillion pound business.

Don't believe the hype! Jade is just a fake chac whose had her day. She's earnt enough money never to have to work again. let jer never annoy us with her presence in the media again!!!

mansi 13-02-2007 05:11 AM

^ I agree with you smeggy, her PR team hard at work trying to recover her image...

on_mercury 13-02-2007 11:52 AM

people who are sending death threats to her are no better then her actions in BB house..she made a mistake people should just let it go.

spacebandit 13-02-2007 12:48 PM


Originally posted by on_mercury
people who are sending death threats to her are no better then her actions in BB house..she made a mistake people should just let it go.
Doing something once could be called a mistake, doing something multiple times is a deliberate pattern of behaviour.

The only mistake she made was in repeating her low life behaviour too many times, finally she was caught for what she is - a nasty, vindictive and manipulative bully and now also as a serial liar for her desperate attempts at career ressurection.

As for the death threats - strange how they were not reported to the police, according to the police.

Its all PR hype to save her "career"

She deserves nothing but contempt until she skulks back into the anonymity of Joe Public and then she should be forgotten about

nicluc135 13-02-2007 07:53 PM

do you mean "too" ?

Ella 13-02-2007 08:04 PM

LMAO! Forgive Jade? Ummm no, she doesn't deserve anyones forgivness :bored:

Ruth*Star 13-02-2007 08:26 PM

i did like jade a bit before the house but after her behavoir, imo has gone down of her.

Diablo 13-02-2007 10:18 PM

I cant stand her.. she should just disappear. she's had her 15 minutes.

If she gets stuck for work she can always claim income support & housing benefit along with her mum

richardson328 14-02-2007 11:33 AM

Yes, I was offended by the way she acted in the house but people like spacebandit are blowing this whole situation out of proportion, if you really think she is a "spiteful, vindictive bully. A manipulative charlatan and serial liar, a coward who tries to worm her way out of the responsibility of her own actions," you obviously don't live in the real world because there are far worse situations in the world than Jade's argument against Shilpa. If you read everything, which has been wrote about Jade and this year's CBB before the show actually occurred, one would assume that Jade beat her up, called her racial names everyday and you may even think she tried too kill her, this is because it's been blown out of proportion so much. If people discriminated against someone everytime they made a racist comment, world war would be a daily occurance. I bet even people who are commenting on this website have made at least one racist comment in their life and JADE GOODY DID NOT EVEN MAKE A RACIST COMMENT. Yes, she was out of order but no, I don't think she should be a public hate figure. I think there has been much worse arguments than this on big brother and much worse bullying than this e.g. Shabaz's treatment, o yeh people called him shabing and shabang but there was no racial row then and also the way Grace lied in bb7 causing a living nightmare for sam, at the end of the day celebritries are people, as soon as they do something wrong everyone looks at them as if they are the devil in disguise. So before you start moaning about how bad Jade Goody was in the big brother house (which is in the past now), open your eyes and look around because there is probably much worse happenings occuring next door to you.

Ruth 14-02-2007 05:26 PM

richardson, everything that you are saying can apply to you as well. Yes, people do far worse things than what Jade did. Conversely, there are people who need help and support far more than Jade does, so why don't you do something to help them, rather than coming on here supporting her? Look around you - people are in far worse situations than Jade.

Also, can I point out that this is a Big Brother forum. It's hardly surprising that people are going to talk about Big Brother here.

herman187 14-02-2007 06:38 PM

What makes you people think its up to you to forgive Jade for anything? Jade didnt do anything to you.

How arrogant to think you can end all this by announcing that you have forgiven them.

tinkerbell 14-02-2007 06:40 PM


Originally posted by herman187
What makes you people think its up to you to forgive Jade for anything? Jade didnt do anything to you.

How arrogant to think you can end all this by announcing that you have forgiven them.

Agree! By us saying we forgive her is not going to change anything!

Kristen 15-02-2007 08:13 AM

Yes she has a PR team slaving away making her look good but does she really deserve people trying to harm her and her kids?

Ruth 15-02-2007 08:24 AM


Originally posted by kristen1985
Yes she has a PR team slaving away making her look good but does she really deserve people trying to harm her and her kids?
Obviously not. where is the proof that anyone has tried to harm her? The police have no knowledge of it. Wouldn't she have gone to the police if she thought her kids were in danger? It's all part of a PR campaign, which seems to be working, unfortunately.

GiRTh 15-02-2007 09:38 AM


Originally posted by Ruth

Originally posted by kristen1985
Yes she has a PR team slaving away making her look good but does she really deserve people trying to harm her and her kids?
Obviously not. where is the proof that anyone has tried to harm her? The police have no knowledge of it. Wouldn't she have gone to the police if she thought her kids were in danger? It's all part of a PR campaign, which seems to be working, unfortunately.
Tell 'em Ruth!!!

I see there's another article on Jade in one of the tabloid mags. It wont stop till she's on Jonathon Ross show cracking jokes about racism.

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