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Brillopad 12-08-2017 08:08 AM

Majority now support a hard Brexit

This seemed obvious for a while now despite attempts by some to suggest otherwise. People respecting a public vote despite not entirely agreeing with leaving the EU is admirable and what democracy is all about. :Dance2:

Scarlett. 12-08-2017 01:55 PM

Ah yes, the paragon of journalism, Buzzfeed.

Brillopad 12-08-2017 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Chewy (Post 9547558)
Ah yes, the paragon of journalism, Buzzfeed.

Are you trying to say the study is fake or the results are incorrect? Easy to dismiss something with just uninformed words.

Buzzfeed is as valid as most other journalistic presentations on here. :crazy:

Jack_ 12-08-2017 02:21 PM

BUZZFEED :joker: **** sake

LeatherTrumpet 12-08-2017 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Jack_ (Post 9547607)
BUZZFEED :joker: **** sake

A groundbreaking project by the London School of Economics and Oxford University surveying more than 3,000 people – which BuzzFeed News has seen exclusively ahead of its official publication

Helps if you read it before falling over yourself to make a smart comment


Jack_ 12-08-2017 02:22 PM

What Type of Brexit Are You? Take The Test!

You Won't Believe What Jeremy Corbyn Said To This Remainer!

LeatherTrumpet 12-08-2017 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Jack_ (Post 9547612)
What Type of Brexit Are You? Take The Test!

You Won't Believe What Jeremy Corbyn Said To This Remainer!

id stop now until you read it m8te


Toy Soldier 12-08-2017 02:25 PM

"One poll showed 88% of the public supporting free trade with the EU post-Brexit, while 69% wanted customs checks at the border – a directly contradictory position, meaning at least 57% of respondents had said they supported both open and closed borders."

And people try to argue that the majority of voters know what they're voting for? :idc:

JTM45 12-08-2017 02:30 PM

Absolute lies and cesspit 'journalism' again. :bored:

More people in the UK would choose no Brexit than any Brexit at the moment.

Brillopad 12-08-2017 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by JTM45 (Post 9547635)
Absolute lies and cesspit 'journalism' again. :bored:

More people in the UK would choose no Brexit than any Brexit at the moment.

And what study is that little diamond of information from. The survey of JTM45 no less. Yep!!

LeatherTrumpet 12-08-2017 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by JTM45 (Post 9547635)
Absolute lies and cesspit 'journalism' again. :bored:

More people in the UK would choose no Brexit than any Brexit at the moment.

another one who did not read it

do you even read what you post?

LeatherTrumpet 12-08-2017 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Toy Soldier (Post 9547621)
"One poll showed 88% of the public supporting free trade with the EU post-Brexit, while 69% wanted customs checks at the border – a directly contradictory position, meaning at least 57% of respondents had said they supported both open and closed borders."

And people try to argue that the majority of voters know what they're voting for? :idc:

same as every referendum and every general election then...

Oliver_W 12-08-2017 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by JTM45 (Post 9547635)
Absolute lies and cesspit 'journalism' again. :bored:

More people in the UK would choose no Brexit than any Brexit at the moment.

What study is that based on? Is it form such amazing places as Buzzfeed and LSE?

Toy Soldier 12-08-2017 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by LeatherTrumpet (Post 9547652)
same as every referendum and every general election then...

Yes, but I've seen members on here take a LOT of flak in the past for "daring" to suggest that the majority of voters go with the tides and don't really have much political knowledge at all... If any...

"Do you want hard Brexit?"

"Oh yes of course! But alongside that, I think we should keep free trade."

jaxie 12-08-2017 03:30 PM

There is no such thing as a hard soft brexit. There is leaving the EU or the Eu lite some try to sell as soft brexit because they want their way.

Re the misquoting jokes and jolly japes above where the single market is confused with a free trade deal, we will leave the single market and everything else when we leave the EU, because we are leaving.

However I don't see how that stops stops us negotiating a free trade deal for after we leave. Canada has one. So it's not impossible.

Feeling the pain for those who got flak for presuming they know why 17 million other people voted and for implying those who had a different view were stupid. Like heartburn, bit of a burp.

JTM45 12-08-2017 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Oliver_W (Post 9547676)
What study is that based on? Is it form such amazing places as Buzzfeed and LSE?

It's the OP that's posting links to Buzzfeed 'articles' so why are you trying to pin that on me?

I make and voice my own opinions which are formed by staying aware and finding and reading trustable and reliable information.

Some people here can't even be bothered to type whole words let alone more than a single sentence (and then only just) and just rely on posting links to jibberish 'articles'. They pretend to be aware as long as they don't have to spend a couple of minutes researching something. If they can't click on a link and be spoon-fed information then they'd rather wither away wallowing in their ignorance.:idc:

Oliver_W 12-08-2017 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by JTM45 (Post 9548527)
It's the OP that's posting links to Buzzfeed 'articles' so why are you trying to pin that on me?

I make and voice my own opinions which are formed by staying aware and finding and reading trustable and reliable information.

Some people here can't even be bothered to type whole words let alone more than a single sentence (and then only just) and just rely on posting links to jibberish 'articles'. They pretend to be aware as long as they don't have to spend a couple of minutes researching something. If they can't click on a link and be spoon-fed information then they'd rather wither away wallowing in their ignorance.:idc:

So you don't have any source for your claim, not even one as comical as Buzzfeed?

Brillopad 12-08-2017 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by JTM45 (Post 9548527)
It's the OP that's posting links to Buzzfeed 'articles' so why are you trying to pin that on me?

I make angd voice my own opinions which are formed by staying aware and finding and reading trustable and reliable information.

Some people here can't even be bothered to type whole words let alone more than a single sentence (and then only just) and just rely on posting links to jibberish 'articles'. They pretend to be aware as long as they don't have to spend a couple of minutes researching something. If they can't click on a link and be spoon-fed information then they'd rather wither away wallowing in their ignorance.:idc:

A study carried out by the London School of Econimics and Oxford University isn't a credible source according to you.

Well excuse me for giving more credence to them than your opinion which is based on nothing more than personal opinion. If you can prove the study is somehow incorrect or dubious be my guest.

JTM45 12-08-2017 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Oliver_W (Post 9548645)
So you don't have any source for your claim, not even one as comical as Buzzfeed?

So forming one's own opinions is a no-no these days is it ? It's clickable articles or nothing eh........regardless of the quality ? Always easier to be a critic than to add to something isn't it. I've seen some of the **** you've linked to before and it hasn't been worth clicking on.

Just move on if you're not interested in my educated opinions.

Brillopad 12-08-2017 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by JTM45 (Post 9548691)
So forming one's own opinions is a no-no these days is it. It's Linkable articles or nothing eh ? Always easier to be a critic than to add to something isn't it. I've seensome of the **** you've linked to before and it hasn't been worth clicking on.

Just move on if you're not interested in my educated opinions.

You have provided nothing that suggests an 'educated' opinion - just a lot of sarcastic hot air!

JTM45 12-08-2017 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Brillopad (Post 9548711)
You have provided nothing that suggests an 'educated' opinion - just a lot of sarcastic hot air!

And you do ? :laugh:

I am educated (i know Trump loves the uneducated so i will always make a point that i am not that. His ignorance is repugnant!) and i state my opinion. If you disagree with any of it or can actually correct anything i've said please do so. That's what constructive discussion is all about.

I've seen you regularly post some absolute drivel and called you out on it and i haven't once seen you able to correct my points. You regularly turn up to a gun fight armed with a spoon. :laugh:

Oliver_W 12-08-2017 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by JTM45 (Post 9548738)
And you do ? :laugh:

I am educated (i know Trump loves the uneducated so i will always make a point that i am not that. His ignorance is repugnant!) and i state my opinion. If you disagree with any of it or can actually correct anything i've said please do so. That's what constructive discussion is all about.

Whether or not you're educated is irrelevant. I have a low opinion of Buzzfeed, but they were reporting on a study by Oxford and LSE, they weren't pulling out of the same ass they retrieve most of their drivel from. Stating that More people in the UK would choose no Brexit than any Brexit at the moment is a pretty bold claim, unless you want to admit it's your opinion, based on nothing but what your associates say?

Dominic 12-08-2017 09:24 PM

Buzzfeed? Really?

JTM45 12-08-2017 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Oliver_W (Post 9548777)
Whether or not you're educated is irrelevant. I have a low opinion of Buzzfeed, but they were reporting on a study by Oxford and LSE, they weren't pulling out of the same ass they retrieve most of their drivel from. Stating that More people in the UK would choose no Brexit than any Brexit at the moment is a pretty bold claim, unless you want to admit it's your opinion, based on nothing but what your associates say?

I've already stated that it's my opinion based on many respected sources that i take notice of. If you're really that interested you could find the same information instead of demanding spoon-fed clickable links.

As i've already said, i absolutely don't care if you agree with me or not. I was merely voicing my educated opinion. Nowhere did i say ''and demand you agree with it or else''.:laugh:

Tom4784 12-08-2017 09:28 PM

Most voters are ignorant ****s that don't know their arse from their elbow and voted on nothing more than empty promises, headlines and catchphrases. Same with the latest election, anyone that bothered to look into the Tories' manifesto for a minute or two could see that they are full of **** and that Theresa May is a weak leader that will fold to everything because she only stands for anything on a superficial level.

Ignorance will always prevail, most people that voted in the referendum would have voted based on what their family and friends were voting or whether or not they wanted to 'kick all the immigrants out'.

Leaver regret became a thing after the referendum results came out and the lies that the Leaver side spouted were instantly debunked. It wouldn't surprise me to see the sheep still living with their heads in the sand but you won't get many of the 49% that voted Remain switching sides when literally nothing good has come from it thus far.

Very little point in voting tbh, ignorance always wins. Cue the faux indignation because I dared to have an opinion.

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