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Maru 14-03-2018 02:41 AM

Best five cultures of the world... and why? (no order necessary)
I am having too much trouble with ordering, so I'll just leave this optional...

My Top 5:

Puerto Rico

Mexico - I grew up basically in this culture although I'm not Hispanic. I would say a vast majority of the people I knew until I graduated high school were Hispanic or at least Spanish speaking, and so I've had a ton of exposure. I love the laid back nature of it's people. I think part of the reason I feel so balanced (compared to peers in my age group) is because of the tropical climate and siesta style culture of where I grew up. Nobody takes anything too seriously... but still family-oriented. Great music, great food, and Tejano/Texican food+culture is a great mix... it's one of the things I love most about where I grew up. Honestly, the attitude of it's people are great... very down-to-earth and friendly folk. They're also very charitable... especially my current neighbors. I'm trying to pick up Spanish for my work and also so I can communicate better with my neighbors...

Vietnamese - Lately I am falling in love with the cuisine and apparently there is such a thing Vietnamese tea? (I think it's just Jasmine?). I also know several folk from this culture, so easier for it to make my top 5, same with Mexican culture... I mostly enjoy it for it's language. It's a nightmare on the eyes written-wise because it has so much punctuation, but it sounds nice on the ears.

Puerto Rico - They are Americans like us, but I like this culture for similar reasons to Mexican culture... except the climate and culture is far more tropical. It reminds me of a cross between Hawaii and Mexico.

Italian - I'm not a fan of the language, but I love Italian cuisine :love: I'm not Christian, but my grandmother is Catholic and this is my favorite variant of Catholicism. They just seem to have more devotion towards their faith than the American variant... similar to Hispanic culture. Probably because this culture is also down-to-earth. I also really enjoy this section of art history, particularly Italian painters/architecture, etc. I'm not an expert in this area though. Also Italo Disco ftw :love:

Japanese - I fell in love with this culture before I really "knew" what it is. I like it for more practical reasons though the common reasons (anime, cosplay, gaming, etc...). The people are a bit serious, but they have a thick skin (compared to here) and a really high work ethic (though often to the point of health/mental problems). I find their ethos is admirable. I also speak, read and write (though it's weaker than the other two) in this language as I picked it up when I was 15. I have friends I have known 15+ years located there that are practically family... aside from the language, my favorite part of the culture is probably the music. (modern and old)

I would add some African/South American cultures in here, but I have a superficial understanding of those countries, so will leave it open as a special mention... Someone started a thread about World's Strictest Parents and now I'm addicted. They had some African cultures in that series and I was so amused and impressed how strict their cultures are and so pro-education. You know, the complete opposite of the US... which is all relaxed and all about being your best self i.e. Be Oprah. (i.e. be selfish)

Eddie. 14-03-2018 03:57 AM

Based on where I grew up, my answers are very different. I'm obviously not gonna include my culture because it would be biased :joker:
Singaporean Chinese
Puerto Rico

Maybe because I grew up and lived in a different country than most of the members here...

Livia 14-03-2018 09:56 AM

I think each culture has something to offer. I'm not sure I could judge one over the other. For literature it would have to be Britain, for art, probably Italy... I think you can take something from every culture.

Oliver_W 16-03-2018 07:45 AM

Northern Ireland

j/k, I'll think of an actual answer later haha

Nicky91 16-03-2018 09:06 AM

India, i luv their Bollywood style, all those glamorous outfits

Australia, Aboriginals have got a interesting culture, also fab music with their didgeridoo (i hope i pronounced it right)

Greece, been to Corfu and i love the greek culture

JoshBB 25-03-2018 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Livia (Post 9918291)
I think each culture has something to offer. I'm not sure I could judge one over the other. For literature it would have to be Britain, for art, probably Italy... I think you can take something from every culture.

So true.

For social attitudes, I'd be inclined to say broadly Scandinavia. Musically, I listen to mostly West-European and North-American music - though recently Eastern Europe is bringing good 'edgy'-pop bops.

Literature - Britain is really good on this, no tea no shade other countries. I don't really look at much art so I couldn't comment on that. Fashion-wise, France is pretty good. In terms of languages, I like the Romance ones ie. Spanish, French, Italian. I also really like Japanese cities like Tokyo because of the urban 'new' look they have.

Anyway, yeah, what Livia said.

Matthew. 25-03-2018 05:07 PM

Idk about a Top 5 but I’ve always liked the way that Canada’s culture is. Idk how to make a meme but imagine the krusty krab - chum bucket one at the minute where Canada is the Krusty Krab and America is the Cum Bucket

JoshBB 25-03-2018 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Matthew. (Post 9931277)
Idk about a Top 5 but I’ve always liked the way that Canada’s culture is. Idk how to make a meme but imagine the krusty krab - chum bucket one at the minute where Canada is the Krusty Krab and America is the Cum Bucket


Niamh. 25-03-2018 05:15 PM

hhmmm that's hard :think:

Danish - Every Danish person I've met has been lovely and odd and wonderful
Italian - Beautiful country, beautiful food. Lake Garda is my favourite place in the world
Scottish - The accent alone
Spanish - I love their family loving culture and laid back attitude
Icelandic - Totally independent and seem so sensible and justified in their approaches to running their country etc they seem to not be effected by corruption at all in their government and country

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