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Freddy111 13-08-2007 06:45 AM

Is public school worth the money?
Just wondering, is the money public schools charge for their education worth it, when some students who attend schools run by the council go on to achieve more, e.g. a friend in my school last year won 'Best ICT student in Wales and second best in the U.K.' and she was educated at the same school as me, a council run school here in Barry. I personally don't think it's worth it, do you guys?

Bigbrotherin 13-08-2007 06:52 AM

It's a complete waste of money :bored:. I attended a public secondary school and I ended up dropping out age 16 and attending college (not because I'm dumb, I'm a B+/A- student, I just didn't like school enough to have stayed on). Hardly worth the £10k/year it cost my parents. Although it's worth it for the fun, as some of the greatest people I ever met were there :dance2: I kind of miss them as I have fallen out of touch with about 80% of them.

Sunny_01 13-08-2007 08:13 AM

hmm I have mixed feelings about this. I suppose to be honest ANY school is only as good as the teachers it employs. If a school has excellent teachers that engange well with young people then regardless of whether it is a private or local authority school the kids will do as well as they possibly can.

I know people who have paid for their children to go to private school only to withdraw them as they dont appear to be reaching their full potential in the stifling rules enforced upon them, yes I also know a couple who's daughter has more than exceeded at private school.

My daughters have gone/go to catholic schools and have both done very well. My youngest has just achieved level 7 in Science and Maths in her Key stage 3 SATS and is awaiting her English results which will come in the post this month. She will most likely have 2 GCSE's before she even goes into YR 11 as she is already working towards French and Art GCSE's.

Princess 13-08-2007 11:21 AM

I go to a public school(although here we call it private school here-much less confusing!) and personally it is quite expensieve but I think it is worth it. It all depends all on the person though. If anyone is smart enough and determined enough they will do good enough anywhere. Public school just pushes you more sometimes and there is less people so mabye you get more attention.

James_15 14-08-2007 03:25 PM

yes it is.

Lauren 14-08-2007 03:29 PM

In some cases it is, in some it isn't. It's a hazed opinion for people to believe that everyone who goes to public schools is smart - often thats not the case, but it can encourage hard work in some pupils that wouldn't work as hard in a comprehensive school setting.

However, I know people from both sides of the spectrum - and as people - the type of school doesn't affect their behaviour or attitude. Also, some of the smartest people I know have gone to inner-city comprehensive schools - but have made the most out of it, with many of them going onto Oxbridge.

sexy_leigh 14-08-2007 10:56 PM

it's a waste of money, my cousins go private school and they told me that they would prefer to go to a public school as they find private school to pressurising, it's not as the cost of private school were ok it's not as its ALOT!

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