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Mrluvaluva 13-08-2007 09:13 AM

Big Brother briefs... (News article)
From The Daily Star

* THE wannabes have been sent on a spiritual journey – but it could see them kicked out on Friday. They will face tests of honesty, strength and intelligence. Three will be gurus and be immune from eviction.But the other six will face the public vote and one will get the boot.

* POOR Gerry still cannot understand why pal Seany was evicted. He said: “He was really great fun.”

* Kara-Louise broke the show’s golden rule by telling Brian and the twins they are loved in the
outside world.

* GERRY reckons he is BB’s answer to George Michael. He said: “I like cruising for sex in parks.”

* BRIAN is finding it hard to control his urges. He told Amanda to leave the bedroom as she was making him
feel “hot”.

* JONTY thinks that Sir Cliff Richard voiced Shrek in the movies. It was actually Mike Myers.

* LIAM is worried by Gerry’s obsession with evicted Amy’s giant boobs. He asked him: “Are you secretly straight?”

* The linguistics task was won by Liam, who found the most words for “breasts”.

* Just after Kara-Louise prayed for “something to happen” to her, Big Brother called her into the
Diary Room.

* IS Jonty having a dig at Liam? He said: “People who get over £100,000 should be taxed a lot.”

* Amy’s eviction got 4million viewers on Friday night.

Jackie 13-08-2007 09:25 AM

Gerry george micheal in your dreams!

Jack 13-08-2007 09:28 AM

Gerry cruises for sex in parks? And he had the audacity to call Charley a slut.

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