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Sticks 16-10-2007 06:56 AM

Should the Speed limit in built up areas be 20mph
From the BBC


Local authorities are keen to introduce the cameras, a report by the government's advisors on transport safety says.

The devices measure a driver's speed over a certain distance and should be a priority for the Home Office, it says.

The report also argues for more 20mph zones in built up areas and a target to cut road deaths by half.
It is suggested that by putting the default speed limit to 20 this will reduce the annual figures for KSI

Sunny_01 16-10-2007 08:28 AM

As a driver I have no problem with being asked to reduce my speed to protect people.

The flip side is I feel the speed limit on morotways should be increased to 80mph.

Dr43%er 16-10-2007 09:09 AM

Sounds fair to me Sunny.

Sunny_01 16-10-2007 09:46 AM


Originally posted by Dr43%er
Sounds fair to me Sunny.
me as well, then if I am doing my usual 90 I am only 10 mph over the limit :joker:

Mental-Minnie 16-10-2007 10:25 AM

What is it currently? 30mph?

I think it's fair.

spacebandit 16-10-2007 02:21 PM

Provided they lose those speed bumps,
and up the motorway limit,
and use the untold numbers of cameras on motorways used to spy on us to nick lorries in the fast lane,
nick lorries causing an obstruction by taking 5 or 10 miles to overtake each other,
caravans overtaking [especially when being towed by a ridiculous 4x4 penis mobile with a blind spot the size of Jupiter].
caravans in fast lane [usually being towed by a 4x4 penis mobile]

and to get complete and utter monkeys who sit in the middle lane doing 55

and thats just for starters

Dr43%er 16-10-2007 02:24 PM

Breath deeply spacey.

Sunny_01 16-10-2007 02:33 PM


Originally posted by spacebandit
Provided they lose those speed bumps,
and up the motorway limit,
and use the untold numbers of cameras on motorways used to spy on us to nick lorries in the fast lane,
nick lorries causing an obstruction by taking 5 or 10 miles to overtake each other,
caravans overtaking [especially when being towed by a ridiculous 4x4 penis mobile with a blind spot the size of Jupiter].
caravans in fast lane [usually being towed by a 4x4 penis mobile]

and to get complete and utter monkeys who sit in the middle lane doing 55

and thats just for starters
You live in my world Spacebandit!! for those of us that travel the motorways the things you listed are sooooo frustrating. I choose the tolerant approach of sitting on their bumper flashing my lights until they move the hell out of the way, if they dont do that I happily undertake!

Z 17-10-2007 12:39 AM

Definitely lower it to 20mph. 30mph is, to be honest, unnecessary in a residential area. You're not going to be able to travel much faster than 30 in really busy areas, and if you're travelling at 20mph, you're less likely to kill somebody if you run them over. Actually, you're less likely to run somebody over in the first place. I don't see anything against lowering it, other than the inconvenience of having to go slower.

spacebandit 17-10-2007 10:26 PM


Originally posted by Dr43%er
Breath deeply spacey.
No No No

Oh, and any driver wearing a hat should be immediately stopped, arrested and have their car crushed at the side of the road then be billed for the service.

The number of times I get stuck behind the vehicular equivalent of a tortoise the driver us usually wearing a hat, mostly either a flat cap or a fedora.

the number of times I've seen drivers in this country wearing a fedora and inevitably towing a caravan - beggars belief.

Then of course theres the burberry stylee chav hats -

usually spotted after you have just been cut up by a renault clio sporty model, or some such , fitted with a ridiculous body kit.

With an even more ridiculous exhaust so big it wouldn't look out of place on a jumbo jet, and inevitably has at least 3 but sometimes 4 other similar hat wearers crammed into the back seat, all hoping the day comes soon when they can stick an even more ridiculous body kit onto the 20 year old Fiesta they dream of owning

I could go on........:mad: :devil: :pat:

gracie24 18-10-2007 10:36 AM

The BNP want the speed limit reduced to 20mph in areas around schools and such and they also want the limit increased to either 80mph or 90mph on the motorway.

I agree with both of these.

So many accidents are caused with people going too fast around built up areas, especially around schools where the children are young and are not aware of the dangers and can just run out into the road. At least if this happened there would be less chance of death because the car SHOULD be travelling 20mph.

Nobody goes 70mph on the motorway anyways, generally people go a lot faster. If you're a responsible driver, driving over 70mph is okay. Most motorway accidents are caused by careless driving, tiredness rather than people going too fast.

Sunny_01 18-10-2007 10:45 AM

is that the BNP British National racist thugs party you are referring to Gracie?

I agree with what they say about speed limits though!!!:wink:

Spacie are we rage twins? you have the same hates as me!

Also I hate those that sit in the fast lane at 70mph and refuse to pull over, even when you flash them, you can imagine them saying "I am doing the speed limit and am not moving" they should be pulled and have their cars crushed as well!

gracie24 18-10-2007 10:48 AM


Originally posted by Sunny_01
is that the BNP British National racist thugs party you are referring to Gracie?

I agree with what they say about speed limits though!!!:wink:
Yes is it :whistle:
I was just reading up on their policy as a whole and noticed that they wanted to change the speed limits too.
They also mentioned something about speed cameras.
I would look now but their website is blocked on the college computers :(

I agree with what they say on the speed limits too. :)

Sunny_01 18-10-2007 11:08 AM

well it's always good to be fully informed Gracie.

I dont think I have mentioned how much I hate speed cameras have I? I even invested in a snooper for my car to detect them as I am worryingly close to loosing my license for speeding, saying that 3 points come off in Feb so not to bad!!

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