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Red Moon 23-11-2007 11:38 PM

Cerys refuses to talk about Marc as he flies home to face the music

Cerys refuses to talk about Marc as he flies home to face the music
I'm A Celebrity Cerys Matthews has refused to talk about former jungle contestant Marc Bannerman despite being questioned about him in the Bush Telegraph.

The singer told Anna Ryder Richardson as the pair washed dishes in the creek that she was interested in finding out how their actions in the camp were being perceived outside.

"It will be interesting to find out what, I'm curious to find out now, what the other angle is from here, you know we have one angle," Matthews said.

"Yes there must be," Ryder Richardson replied.

I'm curious for my own self because of the questions they were asking me today - just if I have strong feelings for Marc," Matthews continued.

"I mean that's something you'd think they'd have asked yesterday.”

Ryder Richardson replied: “And you said I'm not going to answer that?”

“Yes. I kind of laughed it off you know like, this ain't the real world, not answering that question,” Matthews added.

However Matthews was still preoccupied by the departure of Bannerman when her and Ryder Richardson had a cryptic conversation about a couple who had fallen in love.

"He had a girlfriend so he had to sort of clear that up first... and then, bang," Ryder Richardson said.

"And there's the story. Happy ever after," added Matthews.

But the recently divorced singer sounded a note of caution.

"I don't want to make another mistake. I've got my beautiful kids, my whole life ahead of me," she said.

Ryder Richardson told her: "Doesn't happen very often, you meet people that you know quite quickly that you could have found a soulmate.

"You can't deny your feelings. You can't help falling in love with other people."

Meanwhile Bannerman is flying back to London in a desperate bid to sort out the wreckage of his love life, after telling the nation he had "fallen in love" with Matthews, after his girlfriend Sarah Matravers returned from Australia in disgust at his antics with Matthews.

The disintegration of his relationship in front of millions of viewers is extraordinary even by reality TV standards.

Bannerman says he believes Matthews is in love with him. When asked if she feels the same way, he said: "Yes. I think she's in love with me too."

After betraying his long-term girlfriend in front of millions, he broke down, saying: "I have fallen hook, line and sinker. I am in love with two people, what a prat."

The former EastEnders actor, who is planning to stay with friends when he returns to the UK, said: "I'll probably end up on my own."
Source: Daily Mail

Jackie 24-11-2007 08:33 AM

I think shes right about not talking about her personal life,she doesnt want to say much at the moment and shes not sure of her own feelings at the moment.

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