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letmein 24-06-2008 01:51 PM

Has Anyone Seen George Lamb\'s Wikipedia Entry??!
This is who they picked to host their show? This and that Zezi fellow?

This is all from his radio show job mind you:

Negative press coverage

New Statesman, 17 January 2008: "George Lamb, the crass new mid-morning host" [13]

Guardian, 24 January 2008: "But the last time I tuned in - forgive me, I forget the show - it was like overhearing a group of dull blokes in the pub. Imagine Chris Moyles, but without the humour." [14]

Guardian, 18 Februrary 2008: "Critics claim the station has moved away from its original music-orientated remit in search of a bigger audience. One said Lamb sounded too similar to a Radio 1 DJ and accused him of broadcasting 'meaningless drivel and street talk'.[15]

Guardian, 22 February 2008: "If only I'd realised that all I had to do to appreciate music was swoon at George Lamb, a tousle-haired gurner DJ who shouts "Shabba!" every four seconds, then I could've doodled some hearts on this page rather than bothered with words." [16]

Teletext, 12 March 2008: "It isn't just the puerility of what Lamb says that grates, it's the sheer amount of it: cutting off band sessions mid-song to shout "Shabba!" yet again. " [17]

Times Online, 11 April 2008: "And thus it was, it seems, that by trying to appeal to a wider audience 6 Music has actually succeeded in patronising a great deal of it. Shabba!" [18]

Guardian, 12 May 2008: "Few DJ appointments have created such a kerfuffle as George Lamb's move to the morning slot on BBC 6Music - Facebook groups, "Get Lamb out" petitions, that kind of thing. So expect a minor riot if Lamb wins the inaugural Sony "rising star" award tonight, for which he is nominated." [19]

The Independent, 12 May 2008: "Championing bad music is one thing. Being the poster child for idiocy is another." [20]

The Independent, 18 May 2008: "George Lamb, who is possibly the worst DJ I have ever heard in my life (and the subject of numerous petitions calling for his removal from 6Music) won the Rising Star Award." [21]

Timeout Magazine, 22 May 2008: "6Music's annoying George Lamb. It's rumoured that the BBC's music radio output is now powered by energy generated from John Peel's high velocity subterranean rotation."

The Word, June 2008, page 40: "6Music, a station that didn't assume you were an idiot. And then came George Lamb...the wilfully inane, "Shabba!" yelling audio bully who has sent listeners the world over hurtling towards their DAB radios with a mallet, has had his contract extended, in spite of his first six months' tenure attracting such derision that his employer, the BBC's Lesley Douglas, was forced to defend herself on Radio 4."

Daily Telegraph, 6 June 2008: "“Shabba”, for the uninitiated, is Lamb’s catchphrase, which he shouts frequently during shows – sometimes in the middle of interviews with musicians, or in the middle of songs. Which may be one of the reasons his detractors suspect that he isn’t terribly serious about music. [22]

[edit] Positive Press Coverage

Guardian May 15 2008: "I'm a George Lamb fan - what's so bad about that?" [23]

Miranda Sawyer, Observer, January 20, 2008 "Let's hear it for the boys" [24]

Guardian, 13 May 2008: "Controversial BBC 6 Music DJ George Lamb, who provoked a listener backlash among some sections of the station's audience, was last night crowned the Sony Radio Academy Awards inaugural "rising star"." [25]

Antonia Quirke, New Statesman 29 May 2008: "The George Lamb show on 6 Music (Mondays-Fridays, 10am-1pm) continues to inspire more than 3,000 signatures in an ongoing campaign. They all think he's thick. But he's easily the best thing on a station run and peopled by stiffs." [26]

Cody™ 24-06-2008 01:54 PM

LMAO! I did see it some time ago but the negative press list wasnt that big HAHA! I think they should add how crap he is on BBLB.

GiRTh 24-06-2008 01:58 PM

I thought he was OK when he started but I've quickly gone off him. Zezi is so bad she makes George look good.

letmein 24-06-2008 02:03 PM

Someone somewhere tried to say something nice about him, and someone else replied, "The only thing that good about him is when his radio show is over for the day."

People can't stand him.

I would love to know who cast BBLB.

Lfa 17-07-2009 06:04 PM

george lamb is a good presenter

Ethan.k 17-07-2009 11:45 PM


Originally posted by Lfa
george lamb is a good presenter
honestly, he has no screen presence, he is so crap, interupts, he has no interest in his jobs, hes boring, hes not funny....but bblb with **** host is better than no bblb:hello:

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