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Chrizzle 03-09-2008 08:12 PM

TiBB Nominations- The Decider [and announcement!]
Before I go onto the decider of this years TiBB Nominations, I do have an announcement to make regarding them.

I have decided that these will be my final TiBB Nominations. I started them under a different username back in BB6, but returned properly and re started them during BB7. Theyve been a huge part of my TiBB "experience" but I think its time to stop them now. I know, a newer member is planning a similar game, which is great. I wont compete- because I would never win. When I started these I was relatively new, and its great that someone else will be starting something new, and hopefully in 3 years time theyll have had as much fun doing them as Ive had doing these. If someone does want to carry them on, that is there choice. I'm not the boss of anyone. I am leaving TiBB again after BB has finished (on good terms, purely because Im to busy) so I hope everyone has a lot of fun with these games. :) Thanks for everyone who has taken part, and well done to ALL the winners over the past 2 years. Youve made this game very fun to do. *breathes* OK back to the game LOL

Angiebabe- 5 wins
Lauren- 4 wins
Christina- 3 wins
Ash- 3 wins
Rory , Annie and Ross- 2 wins
Mike, Chrizzle, Shaun, Markus, Callum, GhettoSuperstar, Marcjswp, JDIZZEL, LemonJam, Fom, SiaSiaSia, and Chewy- 1

Which means
ANGIEBABE and LAUREN are the two finalists.

Get voting for your winner- voting closes on Sunday! When the BB9 winner, and final winner will be announced.

BB7 winner- GlitterEyes
Best of 2006 winner- Jay
BB8 winner- Lauren
CBB5 winner- Sophii3x
Hijack winner- Billy21

Good luck girls:thumbs:

Captain.Remy 03-09-2008 08:13 PM

I made my choice. :thumbs: Both great members anyway !

MarkWaldorf 03-09-2008 08:16 PM

I voted Lauren. Simply because we can always have a fun conversation and I agree with 90% of what she writes most of the time.

Angie, I think you're a great poster too and a lot effort is put into them.

Sam! 03-09-2008 08:16 PM

Made mine :) You should give the ownership of this to another member :) Its a good game during BB.

Magic 03-09-2008 08:19 PM

Aww, it's a shame its being ended.
Whats the other replacement?

Nicky. 03-09-2008 08:19 PM

I agree's with Scampi x

And good luck guys.. your both great posters!

Ross 03-09-2008 08:20 PM

Both really deserved this - I think you're both great posters and add something different to the forum. Good luck :thumbs:

GhettoSuperstar 03-09-2008 08:20 PM

Aww I thought all finalists would be in a big vote...

Can't vote.

BigSister 03-09-2008 08:21 PM

ooh difficult choice but have voted

Chrizzle 03-09-2008 08:23 PM

Can I just add that when I say 'i wont compete, cos Ill never win'

I dont mean in the new game, I mean i wont compete our 2 games LOL

Ross 03-09-2008 08:27 PM

What's the new game that's simular to this, who's doing it?

GhettoSuperstar 03-09-2008 08:39 PM


Originally posted by Ross
What's the new game that's simular to this, who's doing it?
Me! :bigsmile:

Ross 03-09-2008 08:40 PM


Originally posted by GhettoSuperstar

Originally posted by Ross
What's the new game that's simular to this, who's doing it?
Me! :bigsmile:

Ms.Ghetto, what is it like? :kiss:

GhettoSuperstar 03-09-2008 08:42 PM


Originally posted by Ross

Originally posted by GhettoSuperstar

Originally posted by Ross
What's the new game that's simular to this, who's doing it?
Me! :bigsmile:

Ms.Ghetto, what is it like? :kiss:
Iz gonna be very ghetto, innit. Da game will be like diss but betta and get more peepz involved like a gang.


Tom 03-09-2008 08:42 PM


Christina 03-09-2008 08:50 PM

Good Luck both of you xx

AngRemembered 03-09-2008 08:53 PM

I have sent you a U2U message with my feelings Chrizzle.

But its important to say thankyou in this thread to for all the time and effort you have made for all of us over the last 13 weeks.

I remember, I'll never forget the day I found I'd won for the first time, I dont think Ive been as exited for years if ever given this was a complete surprise.

I have loved tibb since, and partly because of you this thread and what it means to me. Thank you so much for what you've done for me, and good luck and god bless in whatever you'll be moving onto in the future.
I for one will miss you very very much.

All my love,
Angela x

_Tom_ 03-09-2008 08:54 PM

Angie to win! :spin2:

Billy 03-09-2008 08:55 PM

Lauren definitely

Callum 03-09-2008 08:57 PM

Voted Lauren.

Magic 03-09-2008 08:58 PM

Angiebabe - Always makes me laugh and always has a valid point.
Sorry Lauren, was a close call, but you won before :tongue:

AngRemembered 03-09-2008 11:22 PM

I cant get through to Chrizzle as he is offline.

I sent him a U2U message making my wishes known to pull out of this, although its been fun during the previous weeks it has been open to everyone to be voted for, so I felt comfortable in the "game"

Now its not so, I dont want or need the stress and I certainly dont wish for the dubious distinction of being known in this way.
Its a reason I pulled out of the eliminator game and Ross knows that, not out of any lack of respect for the idea just simply that I dont feel comfortable in popularity competitions like this, you have everything to lose and nothing to gain.

I hope you will respect my wishes and I'm sure Chrizzle will soon come up with an alternative plan, till then I dont want people to carry on voting knowing that I no longer wish to be involved.
The forum means more to me than this, I pray you will all understand.

Thank you

Angela x

Shaun 03-09-2008 11:24 PM

I was going to vote for Angie because Lauren's already won one...but I chose Lauren because she's a great friend and one of the few people I really enjoy talking to on and off the forum. Both deserving winners, though.

Marc 03-09-2008 11:27 PM

Lauren deffo :D
Sorry Angie but me and Lauren have history and she does wonders on this forum!
I am glad to be up there on that list :D

AngRemembered 03-09-2008 11:31 PM


Originally posted by Shaun
I was going to vote for Angie because Lauren's already won one...but I chose Lauren because she's a great friend and one of the few people I really enjoy talking to on and off the forum. Both deserving winners, though.
Coming from you Shaun thats really made my day, espeicially as I was a little harsh with you a few days back.

Its comments like yours that make my experience here the best ever, and why I love the place and the regular users so very much indeed.
Its also another reason why I cant go through with this type ending, your post in particular has given me much more than what I deserve since joing just a few months ago.

I really do appreciate that Shaun, thank you :kiss:

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