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Amy 07-08-2004 10:32 PM

Camerom....Nadia has glamour with a capital G

By Cameron Stout

WELL, Big Brother is all over for another year. But I think we’ll see a lot more of Nadia, our new winner.
Nadia is a unique character with a lot to offer. While she’s not a typical babe who’ll do the usual modelling stuff, she’s glamour with a capital G and has potential to be very big!

It’s not a surprise she won — the bigger surprise was Jason finishing runner-up.
Who would have thought it? Except my dad, that is. He’s predicted Jason making it to the final all the way through!

I have criticised the Scot for being a moan, but then he has been very honest, which I admire.
While Nadia has been through a lot with her sex change, Jason has had a lot to deal with too.
His mother was forced to put him up for adoption at a young age and now, not only do people know that, but she has now emerged into the public eye.
Like Nadia, he has big personal insecurities though he’s had a sense of personal affirmation in being in the house right to the end.
He was booed out of the house and will need folk in Scotland to be behind him.
During his interview he looked really worried. He couldn’t even watch the video footage of himself.
He was probably annoyed he’d been perceived as grumpy and he’s bound to regret not having been Fun Time Frankie for longer.
But then, the final night is a lot for someone who was almost certainly not expecting to make it to the last day, let alone come second.

“Shock” exit for winner
LAST YEAR, I was so glad Davina came in to the house to take me out. That was very comforting. But poor Nadia didn’t get that this year.
When she came out she was shaking and crying and looked to be in complete shock. Strangely, I have very little memory of my final night.
Because I was stuck in the house I missed a lot. So I was so glad to be invited to the BB Africa final where I could witness all the build-up.
There’s so much going on and it all happens so quickly. Your housemates have dwindled in number, you’re left on your own, then all of a sudden you’re greeted by thousands of people screaming and shouting.
There are fireworks and lights. It really is sensory overload.
What excited me most was seeing my mum and brother there, while my dad was at home doing somersaults in the living room!
And you see all the housemates who left in previous weeks. It’s a real mixture of emotions.
There’s an enormous final night party but it had pretty much drawn to a close when I got there because I’d had to sit through a press conference and de-brief with a psychologist.

MY YEAR-LONG reign as BB winner might have ended in the UK, but I’ve discovered my notoriety is still on the rise in Finland!
In the last couple of weeks I’ve been receiving countless letters and e-mails from people over there.
It seems Finnish TV has been showing last year’s Big Brother UK.
Big thanks to our posties though.
One letter even turned up despite being addressed to Cameron, Orkney, England, UK!

WHILE THIS year’s Big Brother has perhaps been more entertaining for the public, it has definitely not been more wholesome for the housemates.
Though it hasn’t turned out to be as evil as they warned, there certainly have been elements which made for unpleasant viewing. Most of them resulted from set-up scenarios, such as Emma and Michelle being allowed to spy from the bedsit.
People watch for different reasons. I watch to see how people get on with one another. This year has had less genuine interaction than I’d have liked.
Some people grumble about the scandals that emerge, but then, they should realise they can always switch off!
Me, I’m already looking forward to BB6!

Well, tarra for noo!
Article from Sunday Post

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