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supernoodles! 28-10-2008 08:57 AM

Dreams and their meanings and Do your dreams mean anything? (merged)
Do you pay any attention to your dreams?I don`t normally as I don`t believe in all that 'meaning behind the dream' business but last night i dreamt that all my teeth fell out.It was rather scary:sad:But what was wiered was that I had like about 100 teeth and i was holding most of them in hand and crying,i had to check they were still there when i woke up lol.
So anyway I was a bti curious and just had a quick look on the net to find out its aparant reason behind the dream and here is what I found....
If you have a dream that your teeth are falling out, do not take it literally. You do not need to speed dial your dentist. When you dream your teeth are falling out, it can mean that you have been talking too much lately. Maybe you have been gossiping more than usual, maybe you have said the wrong thing to someone, or maybe you have been speaking without thinking first. This dream can tell you that you have been being too blunt with your speech. It may mean you have subconsciously realised that you said something that you wish you had not said. Look back at things you have said to people lately and see if there is really any one thing you said that seems inappropriate or mean. Did you say something improper at work or did you start an argument with your partner? Maybe you said something you regret to your child. Making amends for these statements can help ease your mind and might stop this dream, which can often be reoccurring.

If you cannot think of anything you have said that you regret, there may be another meaning to your dreams. Sometimes when we dream of our teeth falling out, we are actually concerned about our physical appearance. Think of how important your smile is to your looks. If you dream your teeth are falling out, you may actually be upset with some other aspect of your physical appearance and feel that you are unattractive. This is especially true if you dream you are looking into a mirror when you notice your teeth are falling out. As we age, many of us become worried about wrinkles and grey hair, but remember to tell yourself that you are still beautiful – not matter how old you are!

After all that I am no further forward!So anyway,any strange dreams lately?:joker:

NettoSuperstar! 28-10-2008 09:04 AM

I have the teeth falling out dream occasionally its a common one! summat to do with change they say!

supernoodles! 28-10-2008 09:07 AM

possibly,ive had big changes lately so it could be,even though I don`t really believe in all the 'meaning' lark normally.Ive had it before but not for a lonngggg time

NettoSuperstar! 28-10-2008 09:10 AM

yeh Im not sure what to believe but there might be summat in it. Maybe its a symbolic thing, you lose your teeth when you a kid when theres a lot of change happening going to school and what not, so when change is happening in your life you dream of teeth falling out, makes sense a bit spose. It is a horrible dream though, your like my teeth my ****ing teeth Im gonna look minging lol, could be wot you said aswell, maybe if youve done/said something minging

Jake! 28-10-2008 09:12 AM

Dreams do have meanings, but I think its based around your current situation not the future or anything like some stupid people think...

*mazedsalv** 28-10-2008 09:25 AM

Heres some more meanings:

If you dream about poo in any way shape or form, it means that money will come your way. I never believed this until, my mum had a random dream about it, and the next day she won £200 on a scratchcard.

supernoodles! 28-10-2008 09:25 AM


Originally posted by *mazedsalv**
Heres some more meanings:

If you dream about poo in any way shape or form, it means that money will come your way. I never believed this until, my mum had a random dream about it, and the next day she won £200 on a scratchcard.

never dreamt about poo i dont think

Jake! 28-10-2008 09:27 AM


Originally posted by supernoodles!

Originally posted by *mazedsalv**
Heres some more meanings:

If you dream about poo in any way shape or form, it means that money will come your way. I never believed this until, my mum had a random dream about it, and the next day she won £200 on a scratchcard.

never dreamt about poo i dont think
They've always said poo was lucky. Step in dog tripe, or have a bird dump on your head and your in luck...

*mazedsalv** 28-10-2008 09:27 AM


Originally posted by supernoodles!

Originally posted by *mazedsalv**
Heres some more meanings:

If you dream about poo in any way shape or form, it means that money will come your way. I never believed this until, my mum had a random dream about it, and the next day she won £200 on a scratchcard.

never dreamt about poo i dont think
Haha, I havnt either.

Jake! 28-10-2008 09:30 AM


Originally posted by *mazedsalv**

Originally posted by supernoodles!

Originally posted by *mazedsalv**
Heres some more meanings:

If you dream about poo in any way shape or form, it means that money will come your way. I never believed this until, my mum had a random dream about it, and the next day she won £200 on a scratchcard.

never dreamt about poo i dont think
Haha, I havnt either.
How unfortunate! :puzzled:

hannah. 28-10-2008 01:25 PM

I was staying at my mum's one night and had a dream that my dad and stepmum split up and they did that night
We used to keep chickens and I dreamt that one of them got stolen and killed and it did, and it was clearly by a person like in my dream
my mum's ex moved to ireland for 2 years and we hadnt had any contact with him and one night i had a dream that we saw him in the street because he was back and we did the next day

so yeah.. odd

supernoodles! 28-10-2008 01:55 PM


'thats so raveeennnn,its the future i can seeeee!'

only its in your dreams


hannah. 28-10-2008 02:18 PM

hahaha yeah
but in my whole life its only happened 3 times, so i dunno.. it's so odd
a while ago I had the scariest dream ever where I was kidnapped by some man and he took me to his house but I managed to escape. I took a photo album so I could identify him and in it there was a photo he'd taken of himself laying in my bed... And he got me at like a certain point at the bottom of the road, and now whenever I see an odd man round there I freak out haha

Annie 28-10-2008 02:25 PM

I used to have a lot of dreams about my teeth falling out or crumbling away in my mouth and I could feel them all on my tongue! It was disgusting.

It is meant to mean stress and anxiety about change.

hannah. 28-10-2008 02:27 PM

see i've never had a teeth falling out dream.. If I did I think I'd probably cry because I love my teeth :laugh:

supernoodles! 28-10-2008 03:01 PM


Originally posted by Annie
I used to have a lot of dreams about my teeth falling out or crumbling away in my mouth and I could feel them all on my tongue! It was disgusting.

It is meant to mean stress and anxiety about change.

well yeah that would be spot on then.hmmm maybe i do beleive in dreams having meanings after all.They started crumbling away at first as well and i could feel them like you said,on my tounge eww.I remember having this pile in my hand and i went 'but they were so white as well'


Jake! 28-10-2008 03:03 PM

That's really weird...

Nicky. 28-10-2008 03:06 PM

Wow! Thats a really weird dream! Not something Ive dreamt about before xD

Last night I dreamt my laptop came back and it was all fixed and everything..

so now my laptop will be fully broken and will have to get another one xD

Jake! 28-10-2008 03:17 PM

Dreams, their very wierd. You always see smeone in every single one of them, and you don't even know them...

supernoodles! 28-10-2008 03:18 PM

i never have dreams about people i dont know

Annie 28-10-2008 03:33 PM

I dont like dreams. They do actually really scare me. :(

I always dream of people i love dying and me not being able to do anything about it. :rolleyes:

Jake! 28-10-2008 03:36 PM


Originally posted by supernoodles!
i never have dreams about people i dont know
No, there's someone of your imagination in every single one...

Tom 28-10-2008 03:37 PM


Originally posted by Annie
I dont like dreams. They do actually really scare me. :(

I always dream of people i love dying and me not being able to do anything about it. :rolleyes:
From an analysis site:


To dream about the death of a loved one, suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Ask yourself what makes this person special or what do you like about him. It is that very quality that you are lacking in your own relationship or circumstances. Alternatively, it indicates that whatever that person represents has no part in your own life.

To dream of your own death, indicates a transitional phase in your life. You are becoming more enlightened or spiritual. Alternatively, you are trying desperately to escape the demands of your daily life.
Dreams are supposed to be representations anyway, not something you want to happen or something that will happen. If you dream you've won the lottery and then you do win it its nothing to do with the dream, winning the lottery in your dream represents something else.

supernoodles! 28-10-2008 03:38 PM

i dont understand Jake

Jake! 28-10-2008 03:41 PM


Originally posted by supernoodles!
i dont understand Jake
Like say I dreamt of a fire and I was trapped in that house. The firefighter would save me, and big who har. But I've seen the firefighter, I don't them i real life my immagination made him up.

Next night I dream I work in an office, andguess who my boss is, Mr Firefighter. Itsthe same person, I don't know them they just take a part in my dream...

Get it..?

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