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Amy 14-08-2004 08:44 AM

Victor\'s Blue Bust-Up

IT SEEMS Big Brother loser Victor has a head nearly as fat as his arse.

The 23-year-old student was with pals at hip Cirque club in London's West End on Thursday night when he ran into Blue hunk Lee Ryan.

And Victor, no stranger to bother in the Big Brother house, told Lee he was angry with Blue bandmate Duncan James for slagging him off on E4.

Our source says: "Victor went storming up to Lee and said 'Your mate Duncan better watch his back'.

"But Lee has been in New York all summer doing a filming course and only got back on Wednesday, so he hasn't seen any of the show. Lee said 'Who are you?' Victor made a real fool of himself and gave it the big one, saying he was Victor from Big Brother.

"Lee said that if Victor was threatening Duncan then he was threatening him.

"Then one of his mates shoved Lee. Eight of Victor's mates surrounded him and Lee went to shove him back, but security men jumped in before it got messy.

"Lee was escorted to the VIP area by the bouncers for his own protection. But when he left the club, Victor shouted at him that he and Duncan should watch their backs."

Oh just grow up, big boy!
Article from The Daily Mirror

Amy 14-08-2004 08:49 AM

Here's a similar article from The Sun.......


Vic's big bother for Lee

LEE RYAN and Big Brother loser VICTOR EBUWA had to be separated by bouncers when the pair squared up to each other at a party.
The BLUE singer had given an impromptu performance at London’s Cirque club on Thursday night when Slick Vic had a go at him.

Victor, who was with a posse of heavies including fellow BB “Jungle Cat” JASON COWAN told Lee: “Tell your mate Duncan I’m gonna ’ave him after what he said about me!”

Victor’s rant came after Lee’s bandmate DUNCAN JAMES wasn’t too, erm, polite about Vic on TV.

But stunned Lee had no idea who Victor was. He has been in the US and has seen nothing of Big Brother.

A source said: “Once Victor threatened to go after Duncan, Lee squared right back up to him and was ready to have a go. No punches were thrown as the bouncers got in there quickly.”

Sounds like a bit of handbags at dawn to me.
Article The Sun

Amy 15-08-2004 07:54 AM

And today there are pictures of the fight between Lee and Victor in The News Of The World....

HERE are our exclusive pictures of the bust-up between Blue's Lee Ryan and Big Brother's Victor.
For once Lee was innocent and provoked by the Big Brother man and his posse.

Let's remind you what the gist of it was.

Vic didn't like what Lee's bandmate Duncan had said about him on the show.

And he told Lee.

But the loyal boyband singer wasn't about to let Victor get away with it.

However, it turns out that Lee—who has just spent six weeks in New York doing a director's course—didn't even recognise the self-styled Jungle Cat. And he didn't care.

He said: "I didn't have a clue who Victor was because I've been away. Anyway, people shouldn't go around threatening people."

Lee still hasn't got much idea what Victor looks like because when it all kicked off Vic "looked the other way" and left his posse to deal with it.

Polly says: Vic's not such a big man after all.
Article News Of The World

Stu xxx 15-08-2004 10:46 AM

Lee is a big pratt but Victors a bigger one - why couldn't they just mash themselves into a pulp? x

bananarama 15-08-2004 05:18 PM

I am surprised Victor didn't announce himself as godfather Victor part time hit man. A pratt in the house and an even bigger one out.....:devil:

She Devil 15-08-2004 06:09 PM

He's all mouth and no action, the way he starts an argument and then just backs away at the crucial moment.

AndyJK 15-08-2004 06:54 PM

Victor should be careful. If he wants to remain famous, he's going to have to grow up and take the flack that comes with being a celebrity. If he doesn't like it, then perhaps he should go back to what he was doing before he entered the house (whatever that was).

She Devil 15-08-2004 07:28 PM

I loved the fact that Lee didn't know who is was. I bet Victor felt a real fool. What springs to mind is the saying that Daniel kept saying - 'Do you know who I am'.:laugh:

Mike 15-08-2004 07:36 PM

Good old Victor causing trouble he needs to be a bit more careful.

She Devil 15-08-2004 07:41 PM

Victor should of expected some harsh critisism. He should of left well alone. Duncan from Blue was calling him an idiot on Eforum which is what alot of celebs called him. Is he going to fight everyone that bad-mouthed him?

AndyJK 15-08-2004 07:57 PM


Originally posted by She Devil
Victor should of expected some harsh critisism. He should of left well alone. Duncan from Blue was calling him an idiot on Eforum which is what alot of celebs called him. Is he going to fight everyone that bad-mouthed him?
He's going to end up in a lot of scraps if he does. He's got to learn to take criticism, or he'll ostracise himself within celeb circles and won't be welcomed anywhere.

Mike 15-08-2004 09:07 PM

I agree, he knows hes going to get lots of criticism he needs to calm down and take whatever people say about him.

golden~rose 15-08-2004 09:37 PM

victor and jason need to serious get a life, they are famous and they cant compete. the blue boys can tken them on any day:laugh:

helenrobin 16-08-2004 12:34 PM

That just goes to prove that Victor is nothing but a trouble maker! Even in the house he was but peeps still wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Not me though!

Always a bad boy!:bored:

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