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Old 05-01-2022, 10:04 AM #8
Toy Soldier Toy Soldier is offline
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Toy Soldier Toy Soldier is offline
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Originally Posted by Niamh. View Post
I wouldn't personally as any child from those eggs would be mine biologically so I'd find that too weird. I would be a surrogate though with someone else's eggs if they couldn't carry the baby If it was someone I was very close to, I wouldn't do it for a stranger
I didn't realise until watching a show recently that in America (? I don't know about here?) it seems to be quite common for women to "surrogate" but it's actually just ... their own child? Like they do IVF with the father but it's their egg... and they carry it themselves... but then they give up parental rights. That's surely an absolute minefield, both legally and in terms of mental health, and also I'd imagine for the child who may learn about it / always know about it and then decide at 18 that they want to meet their biological mother.

Surely there's also a huge risk of PPD for the biological mum, too? There's a huge hormonal/instinctual response for mums just after birth being separated from the baby (instictually, we're wired to think that they must have died, even if we know they didn't).

[edit] I just realised that's a pretty big spoiler for the show

Last edited by Toy Soldier; 05-01-2022 at 10:30 AM.
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