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Old 30-08-2009, 05:30 PM #41
sg160187 sg160187 is offline
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sg160187 sg160187 is offline
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[rquote=2502344&tid=144497&author=kisywisy][rquote=2502241&tid=144497&author=sg160187]I think there has been a lot of bias and manipulation on big brothers part. I hope this is true. There are lots of instances where i think certain people have been protected.

The main point I'd put foward is when the whole house went up for nomintion Lisa was a gone 100% and i think not many people with an unbias opinion could argue against that....

What happens is a vote to save knowing that one of the new housemates was gone for sure as they havent had a fair chance to build up a fanbase yet.

Sophie talks about nominations so to punish heer theey give the whole house free reign to discusss who they are going to put up....

The result Marcus vs Freddie (2 people who were a threat and also were not part of the Lisa alliance)

David steals/temporarily hides freddies tea he gets hauled into the diary room and asked to rethink his actions

Sophie goes in Marcus's draw after hes told her she is not allowed one of his cans. She does it anyways and not a word.

Sophie is the only person to fail the toothbrush task....

Big brother gives her a special oppertunity to redeem herself so she doesn't come acrosss bad to the other housemates as much.

I watched the live feed quite a bit and i can safely say that in the hour highlights show alot of what i consider to be important footage was missing.

A channel 4 person resigned over it and came clean saying what was going on and people being earmarked for things like the final week.[/rquote]

i'd like to point out that david didn't steal freddie's tea. he put it back[/rquote]

I'd like to point out that if you read my original post and watched the show you'de know big brother told him to put it back

Also it says 'temporarily hides'

Next time you decide to try and put holes in my points all of which i may add are facts. Get yours right and read it first thank you
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