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Old 01-05-2006, 01:09 PM #8
chesfan chesfan is offline
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chesfan chesfan is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 39

Originally posted by moko
Ive just been reading the threads posted on this forum, RE: BB7 callbacks such threads as,, e.g,,, "I dont want to say anything about my mate being called back by BB for fear of them not getting in the house"
Lads get well! BB7 auditions, even if you didnt get a callback, who fcking cares! half these pple are bllshiting out their own ****, I bet d people who r posting these threads r actually people who auditioned themselves and havent got a callback yet so they have become bitter and resentful! well all ill say is, Jealousy will get you nowhere! The callbacks happened a month ago! Why in the name of God, would BB have auditions 4 weeks b4 d series started! I know for a fact d further rounds have taken place so please all,, stop being so nieve!
To be honest you seem quite bitter and resentful yourself, and the point to this post is.........................???
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