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Old 18-02-2013, 01:32 PM #5
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Join Date: Oct 2002
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Episode III– Inevitabilities and Ultimatums


There is a story called the Keeper of the Spring told here where someone doing a vital job is not recognised for his importance in the grand scheme of things. Sometimes people can be thought less important than they are and can be often be dismissed and over looked.

This seems to be the case with Sarah Willows the former detention block receptionist at the Entity Affairs Directorate, Whilst the high profile Janine Sedlacek has been protected by drow magics, Sarah was just placed in quarters at a military based and told to remain there, virtually under house arrest. This has proved a costly oversight, as during a visit from doctor Charlene Henshaw, the only one to check on her welfare, the assassin Jamaal and magic user Quaylong from the invading magic human world have come for her and have captured Charlene as well. The magic using humans have done this as part of their plan to rescue their leader Sir Timous of the Zacharan, unaware he has been murdered by drow from the forbidden Hadreth Order…

+ + + +

Residential area of the marine base at Quantico
Virginia, United States of America

Brigadier General Samuel Peters glowered at Vice Admiral Walter Quentin as they stood outside the apartment that had been allotted to Sarah Willows, formally of the British Entity Affairs Directorate.

Just then Pete Smith emerged from the house with his current boss, Iain Davy the head of the forensic laboratory at Metro PD.

“Well?” Samuel asked Pete

“No sign of a trace from an artificial generator” Pete replied, “The residual trace I did pick up was that of a natural one or a variant of, if that makes sense”

Samuel pressed further for detailed information on a precise measurement and Pete quoted a number.

“Well I’m glad to be read in at last” Iain spoke up, “Do we get to investigate this one or will you be challenging jurisdiction again” he pointedly asked Walter.

“We’ll let you know Mr Davy” Walter responded.

“That’s just typical” Samuel muttered under his breath,
“Excuse me!” Walter retorted, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Once you have what you want from my people” Samuel went on “you just discard them when it suits you. We said that Miss Willows and Doctor Henshaw needed the same kind of protection as you have given that murdering daughter of that dirt bag, but you said no. Now once Pete tells you the attack was from a dimension door spell and not an artificial wormhole, you get rid of him too”
“This isn’t about them is it? This is about the way the closure of the IDEC was carried out isn’t it!” Walter countered, “Well that issue was not my decision, and you know that, in fact I went out of my way to take some of your people with me to the NSA. As for Miss Willows she was never one of your people and neither is Mr Smith now”
“Doctor Henshaw was” Samuel snapped back, “And I considered Miss Willows to be one of mine for helping to rescue the Clan Chief of the Manjura”

“Is this a private party or can anyone join in?” Iain interrupted.

Walter turned back to Iain, “Like I said we will let you know” he said in an irritated fashion.

“I only ask” Iain went on, “Because as you point out Vice Admiral, Pete and his wife are my people now and I need to know if they are under threat along with other members of my team who witnessed that wormhole to that artificial universe a while back”

“I don’t think so sir” Pete cut in, “As the Brigadier General says it was a dimension door rather than a worm hole, in the context that we used them. Dimension doors are used by magic using entities or one shot use artefacts”

“Why do you say that and what’s the difference between a wormhole and a dimension door?” Iain asked

“Actually sir” Pete explained, “A dimension door is closer to what people think of as wormholes than the wormholes we used, in that both ends of it remain in this universe. The devices we used were actually gateways between universes. There is only one case we know of where a”

Iain interrupted Pete, “So why not you and Sue-Lim” Iain pressed
“There’s only one group we know of who are using magic in this universe” Pete replied
“Those who seized power over Britain” Ian replied.
“Which means they were either targeting Miss Willows, Doctor Henshaw or both” Walter spoke up, “Neither Mr or Mrs Smith would have been on their radar”

“So Miss Willows and or Doctor Henshaw were hung out to dry because you did not offer them the same protection as that Sedlacek woman” Samuel interjected.

“Sam, from what you said of the motives of these magic using humans” Walter responded, “Doctor Henshaw and Miss Willows did not figure high on their agenda, Miss Sedlacek did, that was why you were able to capture one”

“You have a magic using human?” Iain asked

“We had one” Samuel replied

“Someone got to him and killed him before we could get more useful intel” Walter explained, “So Mr Davy, since your people are not considered in harm’s way, we will let you know”

“Just like you considered Sarah and Charlene” Samuel muttered

Walter chose to ignore this remark, “Anyway, I think we are done here given we have more pressing matters”

And what would they be” Iain asked.

“Need to know” Walter snapped back, “And you don’t need to know”

+ + +

The Drow High Council chambers
The Mystical Realms

The drow council started to assemble as Marshal Dacron waited impatiently for them to make the decision he wanted.

Quitox waited patiently at the back of the council chamber, still naked as was custom with bonded drow in servitude. The clothing of a personal assistant had still not arrived, but what did it matter. As a Hadreth drow she would gladly shun clothes if it would help restore their order to its rightful place. Her back still stung from the whipping she received for being late back for her serving duties. A whipping administered by the Chief Drow of the Serving Maidens, even though Dacron had tried to intervene.

The elderly drow who had given the previous adjournment stepped forward.

“So” Marshall Dacron opened with, “The Suns are climbing in the sky”

“Yes they are” the elderly drow replied, “During the night I have liaised with those who have the ability to perform clairvoyance”

“Really?” Dacron asked, This was a stupid and dangerous oversight, he thought, but managed not to show his surprise

“Yes Marshall Dacron” the elderly drow went on, “It seems that all but one of the invaders has left our world”

“Then that would be news worth rejoicing if it were true” Dacron replied, “But who is the invader that remains”

“We believe it is the leader” the elderly drow answered, “The one who calls himself the Lord High Troll and the exact double of that troll that leads the Manjura clan on our world”

“Then this is not a total pull out if he is still in command” Dacron replied with feigned consternation. This was an unexpected turn up, why was the Lord High Troll from the world of the techno trolls still here? Dacron would have to use this news to his advantage, but he had to be careful, because this troll knew he was of the Hadreth and there was already a group of other Hadreth drow in the city giving the pretence to the techno trolls of an alliance.

“This must be a ruse” Dacron continued, “There must be more to this conspiracy than Major Bolak and Jaheel, are you sure that the one who performed this clairvoyance for you is trust worthy?”
“I have never had issue with them before” the elderly drow replied

This was not going well, Dacron had to think fast

“Councillor” Dacron continued, “You are aware of the Major’s psychic abilities are you not?”

“That was why he was one of those chosen to be our envoys we sent to that country called Russia in the world of humans” the elderly drow replied

“Exactly” Dacron answered back, “How do we know he has not used his abilities to hide the occupying forces in Central City from the clairvoyance ability of the one you employed”

“To what purpose?” another drow councillor asked.

“To prevent anyone using psychic countermeasures or to hide their numbers” Dacron suggested

“That does seem rather a strain on credulity” the elderly drow retorted, “A psychic attack would be a point attack on an individual, and as you know, trolls on this world are immune. I see no reason why these invading trolls would be any different”

“But if these invaders, are withdrawing from our world councillor” Dacron went on, “Why would they leave one of their own behind, their leader in fact? Is it not a coincidence that your inability to find the other invaders coincide with the murder of the Council Leader Golpin by someone has known psychic skills? Would it be better if you yourself councillor, travelled covertly to Central City to find out the situation for yourself, rather than relying on a clairvoyant who may or may not be giving you a true indication of the situation.”

”I could get the other Hadreth in the city to arrange an accident for this troublesome councillor and further blame Major Bolak” Dacron thought to himself.

You would get rid of me so eagerly Marshall Dacron” the elderly drow said accusingly, “What would you propose to do in my absence?”

Marshal Dacron shook his head, “No councillor I would not for one moment consider anything so dishonourable. You know that. I am totally loyal to the Drow High Council, as my service here testifies. I merely observe that we have been dealing with that traitor Major Bolak who has certain skills. Trying to formulate a resistance to this invasion from our hidden domain is not optimal. If your groundless concern is what I would do in your absence, then I would volunteer to accompany you to Central City, and you can take whatever body guard you like if you continue to doubt my loyalty”

The elderly drow eyed Dacron with what seemed to him to be suspicion, did he suspect his involvement with the Hadreth order? It was hard to say, but this one elderly drow councillor could endanger Dacrons plans to avenge the massacre and destruction of his order. He had to be dealt with and the blame passed to Major Bolak and Jaheel.

“Maybe” said one of the female drow, “An incognito reconnaissance to the Central City could be in order, if only to gauge the forces which are left and the state, if any of the resistance. We could then assist in the removal of these invaders and thus as the Marshal has said already, show the assembly of other races how we should have the honour of maintaining law and order over the troll elf alliance, or at least in co-operation with the trolls”

“That would be an excellent idea councillor” Marshal Dacron responded, “and I as I have just said I would be willing to accompany any who wish to embark on this mission”

Again the elderly drow eyed Marshall Dacron, “I am old and my adventuring days behind me” he growled.

“Nonsense” Marshall Dacron interrupted, “You are good for many a venture Councillor, do not put yourself down so”

“I would be willing to assist you councillor” the female drow offered, “I am skilled in the arts of restoring strength and vigour”

”I bet you are Cholan” Dacron thought to himself, knowing some of this councillor’s salacious reputation that she had tried to cover up

At this a number of the other members of the drow High council started to voice words of persuasion that the elderly drow should voyage to Central City. It was all going Dacron’s way. Once there, his loyal Hadreth drow, ensconced there would make short work of them and make sure the blame was on Major Bolak and Jaheel.

“Then it is settled” Cholan, the female drow called out, “We will leave at Suns up tomorrow”

“I look forward to the trip” Dacron smiled, “But one small personal favour I ask”

“What?” The elderly drow asked dismissively

Dacron gestured at Quittox standing at the back, “This female bonded drow has found favour in my eyes, I would like to take her to be my personal assistant and a possible concubine, but the chief of the serving maidens has told me only a resolution of the Drow High council can authorise her release to my service.”

The elderly drow gave a small smile, “So, have you tried her out then?”

“I have not had sexual relations with her if that is what you mean” Dacron said in a matter of fact manner, “I am sure that none on the council would object to such relations with a drow in bonded servitude, but that is reserved for members of the drow high council unless it is a specially allotted duty which it is not. I would not presume to go against the Chief Drow of the Serving Maidens, as he allots what duties they are assigned to, and to my knowledge he has not allotted her that duty”

“But I thought pleasuring members of the Drow High council was one of their standard duties” the elderly drow sneered

“As you would be the first to point out councillor” I am not technically a member of the Drow High Council” Dacron replied, “I appear as I am the appointed military attaché and tactician. I ensure your orders are carried out, just as I did when Major Bolak got you to exterminate the drow of the Hadreth Order”

“I see no issue here over this trivial request” Cholan spoke up, “It is not as if we have a dearth of bonded drow serving maidens available to the council, There are many drow who are close to bonded servitude, where we can source a supply if need be, I would not object to the Marshall appointing one of them as his personal assistant and. Concubine. Tell me Marshall, this is entirely up to you, but will you clothe her or leave her naked as she is currently?”

“I will ensure the dignity of the office of my personal assistant”, Dacron said defiantly, “To that end I requested the services of a seamstress to make suitable clothes for my prospective personal assistant, should you grant my request. My apologies to the council for being presumptive but I wanted her to be able to be clothed so she could take up her post as soon as possible”

“You are right” the elderly drow responded, paused and then continued,” You were being presumptive”

“Do you object to me having her as a personal assistant then?” Marshal Dacron asked, “Do you covert her yourself to demand sexual favours from her?”

The elderly drow snorted, “I could have any of the bonded serving drow I like, should I so desire, why should I limit myself to a particular one? I meant you should have waited before hiring a seamstress and tying up her time, if it were all for naught.”

“So you do have an issue with me having her as my personal assistant and concubine?” Dacron Challenged.

“Indeed Kay-Vlar” Cholan interrupted, “Tell us what the issue is, as I pointed out this is a trivial request. Maybe the Marshall was presumptive, but if he were a full member of the Drow High council, he would have been free to appoint her without consulting anyone. It is only archaic protocol that requires that he ask”

Cholan turned to the other councillors, “Anyone else feel aggrieved that the Marshall has anticipated a decision on a minor and trivial matter?”

The other drow council members murmured and collectively shook their heads. As Quittox looked on it seemed that they were perplexed that elderly drow was choosing this issue to challenge Marshall Dacron, who was for all appearances a drow loyal to the Drow High Council. Did he know of his connection to the now banned Hadreth Order?

“So?” Cholan asked Kay-Vlar, the elderly drow, “Can you tell us what the issue is? If it that he should have consulted first, I feel no disrespect intended only that he must have been frustrated with our obsolete and ancient protocols. I consider the position of Military Attaché to the Drow High Council as one of us, even if they are appointed”

The elderly drow glowered at Cholan, a female drow challenging his authority he felt was his by right of his age. As he looked at the other councillors, it seemed clear that on this issue he would be alone if he chose to pursue it.

Kay-Vlar sniffed and then said dismissively, “She is a bonded serving drow, she is of no consequence, do with her as you wish. Like the other councillor said this is a trivial matter in the grand plan of things compared to the situation of those who have invaded our world”

“Then my personal assistant Quittox and I” Dacron cut back in, “will accompany you to Central City at Suns up. But first, my personal assistant and I will be attending an appointment with the seamstress for a fitting”

At this, the councillors started to leave the hall, leaving just Dacron and Quittox.

Quittox looked up at the Marshall, “I will serve you in all I can, and bear you offspring if that be your desire”

“Maybe later” Dacron replied, “But first let us not keep the seamstress waiting, much as a naked drow may be pleasing to some eyes, and you are that with your perfect body, I believe the addition of a dress, will make you as the humans put it, stunning. Plus now that you can be with me through the hours of the night, we have that particular loose end to deal with.”

+ + +

The Castle Lodinium
(The alternate human world)

The imposing figure of Lady Sharlane of the Heana-Shores marched into the central hall where Lord Samail had hurried to meet her after she had entered the castle. This was another warlord like himself, albeit a female one, with nobles and surfs under her. She was clothed in silver like material that matched her white hair, but exposed her breasts.

This mode of dress was unusual to one in her position, as women of noble birth were covered up completely to show their status. This was why Lord Samail insisted those daughters of the nobles he held captive in his castle, forcing them to work as servant girls, were all naked. This was to humiliate them and make the nobles know their place. As for Lady Sharlane, some had said she dressed the way she did was to either intimidate and unsettle men or to invoke jealousy in other women, by flaunting, as those of a cruder class would say, her finest assets. The only problem with that motive for how the Lady Sharlane dressed was that there were naked slave girls in most palaces and castles, so those in the sphere of influence she met would be used to such sights. One reason why Lady Sharlane did not cover up completely like the other noble women, Lord Samail had heard, was that in order to do magic, the Lady Sharlane needed to bare her breasts.

Whatever the reason for this attire, it was of no consequence and Lord Samail gave it no heed. What was of consequence was that due her rumoured magical abilities, the Lady Sharlane had a little more influence over other warlords than was comfortable for Lord Samail. This was one woman, who could if she chose, influence a sufficient number of the other warlords to remove him from his power base.

“I hear you have gained a foot hold in yet another world with orbs of gating Lord Samail” Lady Sharlane said in an accusing manner, “Isn’t one world at a time enough? I would have thought it was better to obliterate our enemies before going after more”

“I believe with the appropriate magics I can keep on top of things Lady Sharlane” Lord Samail retorted, “There is nothing you or the others need concern yourself with”

“I am not convinced Lord Samail. Lady Sharlane retaliated “Yet again you dabble in matters concerning high magic without the requisite skills to control it. How very reckless of you”

“I employ the best magic users to do my bidding” Lord Samail responded, “And before you ask, I have complete confidence in their loyalty as they know what is at stake should the peasantry get ideas from those who use technology and shun magic”.

“But you opened up another front” Lady Sharlane insisted

“No I didn’t” Lord Samail replied, “The trolls did. They found this other world in order to develop a weapon to use against us”

Lord Samail saw the colour briefly drain from Lady Sharlane’s face as she heard this news.

“What kind of weapon could they have that our magic could not defeat” Lady Sharlane asked in a slow and deliberate manner that hinted incredulity.

“I believe it is some kind of pestilence that cure disease spells will not be effective against” Lord Samail replied, “It was our troll enemies that found this world of heretic humans that use technology and it was they who travelled to it first”

“And are these heretics collaborators with our troll enemies?” Lady Sharlane asked

“I am not sure” Lord Samail replied, “But that hardly matters. The very presence of a world of technological humans is grave not only because our troll enemies have been raiding them for supplies for this weapon, but also the very idea of humans using technology instead of magic could inspire rebellion amongst our subjects. I understand yours and the other’s concerns that I may be over stretching our forces by sending a group to this heretical world, but our troll enemies have given us little choice. We have to make sure they cannot continue to use this heretical world and we have to show the populace the folly of anything other than our rule and order”

The lady Sharlane paused for a moment. “And how do you propose to deny this world to our enemy and show the minions the folly of technology?” she asked

“One of my loyal nobles, Sir Timous of the Zacharan has come up with a plan to destroy this heretical world” Lord Samail answered.

“How can he do that?” Lady Sharlane retorted with contempt, “You have not managed to destroy our enemies the trolls, how can one minor noble destroy a world”

Lord Samail glowered at Lady Sharlane, “He will get them to destroy themselves with their own weapons”

“I do not understand?” Lady Sharlane replied

Lord Samail chuckled, “Lady Sharlane, you may know how to do a few magic tricks, but you still have a lot to learn when dealing with other worlds”

“Enlighten me” Lady Sharlane said icily

“The world of the heretics is even more fractious than our own world or that of our troll enemies” Lord Samail said with a smile, “They have even developed, using their technology, weapons that could eradicate every living thing from their world several times over. These opposing factions on that heretic world all have them pointed at each other. They call it Mutual assured Destruction”

Lady Sharlane shook her head briefly, “I can see a merit in their tactics. Holding such a weapon would make others less likely to attack for fear of retaliation. They force a stalemate”

“Unless someone uses one” Lord Samail replied

“So that is his plan?” Lady Sharlane asked, and then asked, “I would like to speak with this Sir Timous. Can that be arranged”

Lord Samail sighed, “I am unable to”

“Why?” asked Lady Sharlane.

“It is possible that the humans have been working with drow who somehow can use magic” Lord Samail answered

“How?” Lady Sharlane asked with contempt, “Drow are weak and pathetic, a pale imitation of their elf cousins, and they do not use magic”

“Not from that other world our enemies have invaded” Lord Samail replied.
“What other world?” Lady Sharlane asked.

Lord Samail smiled. This other warlord, with all her fancy magic was not aware of yet another world he had visited. “There is another world” Lord Samail went on, “which the world of our primary enemies, the trolls and the elves have invaded in hope of defeating us, but this world is populated by creatures such as they, but creatures with the ability to work magic like us. The drow I speak of may come from that world”

Lady Sharlane shook her head, “I was not informed of this world. If they use magic maybe we could forge an alliance?” she asked.

Lord Samail shook his head, “I fear not, because they are allies with the heretics. This gets us back to why we cannot speak with my servant Sir Timous, while he was arranging affairs on that heretic world for its destruction, he was captured by these drow, who have blocked our location spells”

“How can you know if they are blocked if you cannot use magic yourself” Lady Sharlane asked.

“I trust my main magic user who is Quaylong” Lord Samail replied, “And you know of his reputation”

“Yes” Lady Sharlane whispered quietly.

“However” Lord Samail went on, “We have captured two wenches from that heretic world, who must know where he is being held, and I am arranging for their torture and interrogation”

Lady Sharlane shook her head again, “torture is so crude and ineffective Lord Samail, that was why I studied the magic arts, so I could wrench information from reluctant minds in a more reliable manner”

“Then maybe you would like to conduct the interrogation yourself?” Lord Samail offered, “in fact one of the subjects will be of definite interest to you”

“Why?” Lady Sharlane asked.

+ + +

A wilderness cave
The Walong Mountains
The Mystical Realms

Meetal found his master Madron, formally the Lord Low Troll rooting around in a part of the cave where he once held important magical artefacts. This was before a number of them were removed by the drow supervising their exile from Central City. Meetal also noticed that his master was wearing some kind of amulet that he did not recognise.

Madron shook his head and turned around and fingered the amulet, “I thought I had more than this one” Madron said to himself

“Sire?” Meetal asked

Madron turned around and looked at Meetal, his faithful kobold servant from when he ruled the Mystical Realms. “Yes, what is it?” Madron asked in an abrupt manner

“Sorry sire” Meetal replied, “You are obviously busy, I will leave you in peace”. Meetal then turned to leave.

“I’m sorry Meetal, old friend” Madron called out, “I did not mean to snap, well not at you”

Meetal turned around to face Madron. “I understand sire” Meetal replied, “It cannot be easy having your son here when he hates us so much, you more than I”

“It is not my son that has put me on edge, old friend” Madron sighed, “I made a disturbing discovery when I tried to scry on how things are back in Central City.”

“I heard many disturbing things from the humans that stayed with us about what those invaders are doing there” Meetal told his master, “Maybe you should not scry on that city. We cannot go there as you say, and what could we do when we are there. We are hardly likely to inspire a popular uprising that would succeed against their weapons. Your son however”

“It was not Central City that the orb showed me” Madron interrupted, “It showed me to the chambers of the Drow High Council”

Meetal looked puzzled, “Why would it do that?”

“There is an infiltration at Central City” Madron answered, “And before you ask, it is not from those who invaded our world”

Meetal frowned, “Then who?”

“The drow of the Hadreth Order” Madron said to Meetal, “One of them saw me as I scried. I was only just able to close the orb down before he could take counter measures”

Meetal shook his head in horror; “Sire, if that is true” Meetal went on, “Then this is serious news, especially after what you said of their leader Vabalavich in what the humans called the other time line”

“I remember what they did” Madron growled, “They corrupted my daughter and as far as I am concerned they were responsible for her death”

“But I thought that was that Celeste, the daughter of the Spirit of Death” Meetal asked with puzzlement in his voice..

Madron sighed and shook his head, “Brameana was lost to me before that. She was so filled with hatred and hate that Celeste was left with little option as she fought for her life against my daughter’s blind rage. From my scrying of the events that lead to my daughter’s death, I saw that Celeste had been struck on the head by my daughter and probably was not fully aware of what she was doing, when her survival instinct kicked in. It was the Hadreth that led my daughter to that point. I cannot hold the death of my daughter against Celeste”

Madron held up the amulet he was wearing, “The presence of Hadreth drow, who suspect that I know of them, is why I have this. It is of elven design and supposedly protects one from a dark-space attack of the drow. I am not sure if it has ever been put to the test. I thought I had more than just this one, so you and Padow could be protected”

“So like the coward you are, you thought you would wear it yourself” came a sneering voice, it was the Clan Chief of the Manjura.

“That is unfair” Meetal protested, “It is your father who the Hadreth are aware of, not you or I”

The Clan Chief of the Manjura shook his head in a contemptuous manner, “Meetal, your slavish and blind devotion to my father is just as nauseating as the crimes you helped him to commit during his reign of tyranny”

“Enough!” Madron’s voice boomed out, “We have more important things to concern ourselves with than how things were done in my time. If the Hadreth drow are on the rise again, that does not bode well for anyone”

“The Hadreth on the rise?” The Clan Chief of the Manjura retorted, “Maybe you haven’t heard, hiding from justice in your cave in the desert, but that drow order was wiped out, thanks to Major Bolak”

“I beg to differ” Madron answered back,
“And if they were wiped out, as you say Clan Chief of the Manjura” Meetal chipped in, “why would it matter to you if my master wore the amulet? The Drow High Council know we are here and are happy for us to live out our days here.”

The Clan Chief of the Manjura went to pull what would have been his short sword to dispatch the impudent kobold, but then remembered he no longer had it. It was a trophy of that despicable troll that looked like him and had the same Delethon name.

Meetal inwardly gulped at how close to death he came at the hand of his master’s son, but still stood his ground. “You came here after my master helped arrange your rescue from execution and you call my master a liar” Meetal went on, rage building inside of him over the abuse that they had been enduring from this ungrateful troll.

“That is enough my old friend” Madron interrupted.
“But sire” Meetal pleaded
“No my old friend” Madron said firmly, “My son is not aware of how deceptive and devious that order is. When you deal only with elves as he did, you are not aware of how the drow operate”

The Clan Chief of the Manjura glowered at his despicable father and the despicable lackey who had once caused so much terror during his reign as Lord Low Troll. “We dealt with the elves because they understood more about honour than most drow.”

“And yet it was a drow who rescued you?” Madron asked

“He was different” The Clan Chief of the Manjura objected, “He worked with the humans, and was probably trying to placate them. I remember when we went up against the Magnus Timor, there was a drow trying to ingratiate himself with the humans”

“And was it not an elf that threw in his lot with the Magnus Timor?” Madron asked, “While the drow saw him for what he was”

The Clan Chief of the Manjura just glowered at his father, he could not think of a reply.

Madron thought for a moment, “Were there drow at Central City?”

“I believe so” growled The Clan Chief of the Manjura, “From my cell I had heard that some deal had been done with those who invaded our world. That shows you how much honour drow have”

Madron shook his head, “I have not even told Meetal this, but when I was Lord Low Troll, just before the civil war, it was a drow who tipped me off to the plan by the Spirit of Lust to institute the civil war. Many drow were throwing their lot in with her. I do not know if the Hadreth were involved back then, but some drow usually resent outsiders, such as major spirits of vice meddling in their affairs and giving them orders. I was surprised at the number of drow who followed her back then”

“An alliance with dishonourable trolls who have invaded to act as their agents is hardly meddling” The Clan Chief of the Manjura objected

“Padow” Madron responded, “You led our world as part of a council with elves as advisors who are classed as the ancient enemy of the drow”

“Because on the whole they had more honour” the Clan Chief of the Manjura interrupted, “I should know as I fought against that drow who pretended to be an elven lawyer. I believe his name was Yagel Penswift.”

“Drow have an honour code too” Madron spat back, “That drow who tipped me off was Golpin, I believe after the civil war he became leader of their high council. He thought the drow had lost their way by going along with the Spirit of Lust. As to Yagel, I believe he may have been Hadreth, but not in their higher levels, why else was it that he was given such an assignment. I could never work out at the time why he was defending council for the Spirit of True Love when I had her put on trial for breach of our sacred law, but when she supposedly committed suicide before the verdict I suspected that was his work”

“You knew he was a drow all along?” The Clan Chief of the Manjura asked with astonishment.

Even Meetal was astonished at this revelation

“I never said anything at the time as it did not serve my purpose to expose him” Madron replied, “He was so incompetent, and if I had said anything, I dare say a new proper and better elven lawyer would have been found. And after the death of the Spirit of True Love, some would have accused me of complicity, which was just not the case” Madron then paused and then continued, “But as the humans say, that was then and this is now. Under Golpin, I do not believe that the drow high council would sanction a co-operation pact with invaders. Their isolationist tendency does not lend itself to that, the Hadreth on the other hand are opportunists, they will do whatever it takes to further their agenda, whatever that is. They are closer to what you believe drow to be Padow. From what you say, the drow at Central City must be of the Hadreth Order”

“Sire” Meetal interrupted, “If the Hadreth drow have returned and are colluding with the invaders at Central City, what can we do?”

“We must alert the Drow High Council of this threat” Madron replied, “Otherwise the Hadreth will once again do what they did in the alternate timeline and mount a coup against the council, if it is not too late”

“But we cannot leave here?” Meetal protested, “That was the condition laid down by the Drow High Council”

“It was a condition laid down only on me” Madron told Meetal, “I read the agreement carefully and insisted that you were not included. I told them your role during my rule was relatively minor. I told them that you were merely one of a number of individuals who thought they were doing the right thing by informing me as the one tasked with maintaining the peace between the races of threats to that peace. I also assured them that your loyalty to me would keep you here, and to my knowledge you had no ambitions for power”

“What would I do with power?” Meetal asked in confusion, “I was just happy to serve you sire in keeping law and order”

“I know by old friend” Madron replied and then he looked at the floor, feeling ashamed, “You have been free to leave all this time, but I never told you so because I did not want you to go”

“I do not want to leave sire” Meetal insisted, “It is quiet here, and the other kobolds do not understand the old ways”

Madron stood up straight, “There is no way around this, we need to warn the Drow High Council if it is not too late, and you son, accompanied by my faithful former servant Meetal must go on this mission.”

“So” The Clan Chief of the Manjura growled, “I would do the dangerous part whilst you foist this lackey of yours on to me and stay safe in your little hideaway in the desert.”

“This place is not safe either Padow” Madron snapped back, “One of the Hadreth knows I was scrying on him and will most likely know of this place. If they do not try some distance attack, they will try and mount some kind of effort to silence me. If you two are here, they will silence you too. I must remain here, so that if the worst happens and the Hadreth take me out, you may have a chance to get the word out. It is vital Padow that the Hadreth do not succeed. I saw what they did in that other timeline. They care nothing for our sacred law about not interfering in the world of the humans. In that other timeline they enslaved them and threw their lot in with some powerful entities who tried to wipe out the entire population of the world of humans”

For a moment the Clan Chief of the Manjura was silent as he glowered at his estranged father and former tyrant.

“But sire” Meetal asked, “How would I be of assistance? I am not a warrior like your son”

Madron squatted down to Meetal’s level, the first time he had ever done so in Meetal’s memory, and spoke softly to him. “Meetal my old friend, you are braver than you realise. Remember how I told you in that alternate timeline you went to the world of the humans and tracked down that human called Mr Vee. You even managed to kill a Hadreth drow. You have skills to allow you to move unseen by others without magic. Padow will be your master now for this quest. As I said, if the Hadreth come for me, I do not want you here.”

Madron stood up and approached his son, “Padow” Madron growled, “I realise we are leagues apart, but you must trust me on this, the drow do have an honour code of sorts, but the Hadreth drow are more dangerous and treacherous than you can imagine. I need you to help thwart them, I need you to get my former servant to safety. As for whatever crimes you think he did, it was all at my behest. Meetal was only trying to be a loyal servant of law and order and to maintain the sacred law, just as you once swore to uphold our sacred law”

The Clan chief of the Manjura looked at the ground and shook his head. He then looked up. “From what I briefly heard from the humans, the Hadreth drow under that evil drow Vabalavich were without honour. I will do this, not for you father, but for the humans that we once had the alliance with as they were honourable. As for this kobold of yours, can you guarantee he won’t stab me in the back and run off”

“I resent that” Meetal chipped in

“Meetal in that other timeline proved his honour and worth” Madron growled, “I would not entrust him to you, my only son if that were not so. Do not slur his honour; he has more honour than some of the Manjura trolls I had to work with”

“I will be leaving within the hour” The Clan chief of the Manjura told his father.

“The sooner you are away, the better the chance of this mission” Madron replied

+ + +

The Castle Lodinium
(The alternate human world)

Lord Samail gave orders for the guard open the cell door to the dungeon while Lady Sharlane waited impatiently.

“Before you go in” Lord Samail said to Lady Sharlane, “I must warn you that you will be in for a surprise that may drive you to insanity. I myself was subject to the same surprise but was of strong mind to resist such a calamity”

Lady Sharlane gave a contemptuous laugh, “You always exaggerate Samail”

“Do not say I did not warn you” Lord Samail rebuked her.

Lady Sharlane walked past Lord Samail into the cell and suddenly stopped.

“I told you, you would be surprised” Lord Samail whispered to Lady Sharlane, “Before you ask, she is not a double walker, or what they call a doppelganger. She is very much human”

Lady Sharlane looked at the two naked female prisoners chained to the wall, with their heads bowed. Both of them had black eyes from initial interrogation and blood streaming down their faces. One of the prisoners was the spitting image of Lady Sharlane.

“I came across my own double from amongst the heretics” Lord Samail continued, “But he escaped thanks to entities from that magic using troll world”.

“And your plans for these wretches?” Lardy Sharlane asked.

“As soon as we get them to talk to tell us where Sir Timous is being held, they will be executed” Lord Samail answered, “however we could spare you the one who is your double, and hand her over to you to do what you wish?”

Lady Sharlane walked over to the female prisoner who did not look like her and grabbed the prisoner’s jaw. The female prisoner flinched in pain. Lady Charlane chanted several words that were not understood by Lord Samail, but were obviously magical.

“Her name” Lady Sharlane said with a cruel voice, “is Sarah Willows, she is a wench of low status and knows nothing of where your servant is. You can dispatch her now if you wish.”

Lady Sharlane moved over to the one who looked like her. This prisoner slowly lifted her head and then spat at Lady Sharlane.

Instantly Lady Sharlane lifted her right hand, and the spittle stopped in mid-air. “You need to learn some manners” Lady Sharlane snarled at the prisoner.

Suddenly there were mini lightening bolds as they danced over the female prisoner that looked like her. The female prisoner screamed in agony as the lightening flew from Lady Sharlane’s right hand.

Lady Sharlane stopped the spell and approached this female prisoner, “Just because you look like me, does not mean you will get any mercy from me you heretic”, she told the female prisoner before clasping her jaw.

As Lady Sharlane tried to probe this prisoner, she found it tougher than the other prisoner, because unlike the first prisoner, this one’s spirit had not been broken. This one had obviously been a warrior of high rank on her world and had obviously learned how to have a focused mind.

“Resisting me will only make this more unpleasant” Lady Sharlane snarled at the female prisoner who looked like her.

The female prisoner screamed in agony as Lady Sharlane, once again sent another mini lightning bolt through her, and then Lady Sharlane stepped back.

“Her name is even similar to my name and my title” Lady Sharlane said contemptuously, “It is Charlene Henshaw. She even claims to have a title similar to that of a healer without being a healer, a title they call doctor. She is of higher status than the other prisoner”

“Does she know?” Lord Samail asked.

“No!” Lady Sharlane replied, “She is just as ignorant of the whereabouts of Sir Timous as the other prisoner. You may have them both dispatched.” Lady Sharlane then turned around and faced Lord Samail, “You could of course offer my double to the heretics in exchange for your servant. It is unlikely they will trade anything for the other prisoner, as she is so menial. I could dispatch that one for you right now if you want”

“Be my guest” Lord Samail replied, “It will save me the job myself”

At that Lady Sharlane hurled a massive lightning bolt at the prisoner called Sarah Willows. Sarah screamed in agony and, as Lady Sharlane smiled at the pain she was inflicting while she ripped the life from this wretch. After what seemed like an eternity, the prisoner was finally dead.

Charlene raised her head from where she was chained to the wall, “You b*****ds” she swore.

Instantly another bolt flew at her from this Lady Sharlane who looked like her and she writhed in agony.

“You may have more spirit than the other wretch” Lady Sharlane sneered, “but you will learn manners, and you will learn only to speak when we permit it”

“The dead wench” Lord Samail spoke to the guards, “After we have left, take her down and cast her body into the lime pit. As for the other one, teach her some manners.”

“Then can we have her sire?” one of the guards asked. It was obvious to Charlene that they were asking permission to rape her.

Lord Samail turned to Lady Sharlane, “Should we allow this request?” he asked Lady Charlane, “she is your double”

“You want me to sanction their base instincts?” Lady Sharlane asked, “If we wish to use her for trading for Sir Timous, would that not damage her value”

“Maybe you are right” Lord Samail replied, and then he turned to his guards, “She is not to be violated this time”

Lord Samail turned back to Lady Sharlane, “Maybe we were a bit hasty in despatching the other one, “We could have given her to my men”

Lady Sharlane looked at Lord Samail contemptuously, “That wretch was so pathetic and undeserving, and that death was too good for her, why do you think I dragged it out. Your guards will just have to find some other female prisoner to satisfy their lusts. Someone who is more worthy”

“Maybe that dead wench can be of some use” Lord Samail grinned, then he turned to the guards telling them, “The dead prisoner, I have plans for her body. I will send Quaylong down to inform you of them”

Lord Samail turned to Lady Sharlane, “If we are to make the heretics think we will trade, we need to prove we have their warrior and our resolve”
“I see your plan” Lady Sharlane remarked, “it may yet have merit”

Lady Sharlane then left the cell, followed by Lord Samail, and strode through the dungeon complex to the exit.

Lord Samail finally caught up with her. “Are you remotely interested in the fact that on the world of the heretics you have a double?”

Lady Sharlane thought for a moment, and then shook her head, “No” she told Lord Samail, “That wench is not me, she is someone else. I am Lady Sharlane of the Henna Shores, not this pathetic heretic with a face like mine”

The Walong Mountains
The Mystical Realms

Meetal gazed back towards the place that had been his home for a number of seasons as the Clan Chief of the Manjura strode on ahead.

A tear formed in his eye as he remembered the good times there. To some kobolds it may have been boring and quiet, but at least it was away from the intrigue and danger that he had had to contend with when he helped his master keep order during his reign as the Lord Low Troll.

The part that upset Meetal the most was his master’s belief that he may not survive the attack he suspected would come from the rising menace of the Hadreth Drow. Now Meetal was on route to the domain of the drow.

“If you must be forced onto me you vermin” the Clan Chief of the Manjura called out, “the least you could do is keep up”

Meetal wrenched his gaze from the place where their cave was and then ran with his heavy back pack to catch up with his master’s ungrateful son. Meetal was still unsure if his master’s son would dispatch him, since the Clan Chief of the Manjura hated Meetal, almost as much as he hated his own father.

+ + +

An undisclosed location
Washington DC

“Any luck” Walter asked Major Bolak and Jaheel

Jaheel shook his head, “I have tried to scan the major’s memories to see if there was more to identify this under sea vessel. We could not find any more, however”

“However what” Walter interrupted Jaheel.

“It was not a magic using human on that dark space” Major Bolak replied.
“We believe it may have been another drow” Jaheel cut in, “I felt such a presence when I first entered the Majors memories of the dark space interrogation, although it seemed strange as it seemed like one with little experience of dark space activity. It was there for a moment and then it was gone as if they realised they might be detected and were hiding rapidly”

“Another drow” Walter questioned, “Why would your own people want to see our world ravaged by a nuclear war”

“I have no idea” Major Bolak said in a venomous tone, “Someone interfered with my interrogation and killed your prisoner. Have you had any luck tracing this submarine with your own technology?”

Walter shook his head, “Those trident submarines were designed for stealth, even the captains of the British surface ships that defected have no idea where they could be. We have mobilised one of our fleets near South Korea to look for them, for all the good they can do, but there are no guarantees we can find it in time before it has a chance to fire it’s missiles. We don’t even know how many could be in on this attempt to provoke the North Koreans”

“Have we informed the North Korean government of the situation” Samuel asked Walter, “If they do succeed in firing on North Korea we have to get them to not retaliate”

Walter shrugged his shoulders, “I’m not sure how the State Department is handling this, especially given the lack of diplomatic relations we have had with them over the years”

“Maybe we could try the Russians?” Samuel suggested, “The Major used to be a military attaché for them, they might have more influence”

“I could try” Major Bolak cut in, “But I would not think I would be of much use, given that last time I was there I terminated that Hadreth traitor Vabalavich I am not sure how I would be received”

“I’m not sure we have many options” Walter replied, “We have no way of knowing how close those British subs are to their target, and no way of stopping them without out having to destroy them, if we can”

“Even if these North Koreans you speak of could be persuaded not to retaliate” Jaheel cut in, “There will still be massive loss of life in that kingdom”

“What I do not understand” Major Bolak said slowly and deliberately, “is why my fellow drow would seek to prevent me from stopping these magic using humans from carrying out their plan, when we were both sent to assist you by the Drow High Council. It was the drow after all who prevented the demons in 1962 from trying to start another nuclear war during your Cuban missile crisis, and during the alternate timeline the drow under the Hadreth considered your world a place to exploit, not destroy”

“I have no idea too” Walter interrupted, “But if you say that whoever who killed this Sir Timous guy was another drow, that is an unwelcome development”

“Maybe” Samuel suggested, “This drow was from the world of the techno trolls. We know that they stole material to make a bio-weapon in their war with the magic using humans. Maybe they have heard of the magic using humans plan to get us to nuke each other, and are making sure it succeeds”

“Magic using humans and techno trolls working for the same end?” Walter asked, “I thought they were at war with each other”

Samuel sighed, “Bolak” he asked Major Bolak, “Is there some other way of locating this submarine? When I was serving in England, there were some people who claimed they could find water with bits of twig or metal rods”

“You mean the discredited process of dowsing” Major Bolak sneered

“Yeah, I know it doesn’t work with us humans as we don’t have magic! Samuel responded, “But I just wondered if you drow with what you claim is magic superior to the elves could do this for real”

“Brigadier General” Major Bolak replied with a hint of frustration, “We do have our limitations”

“So you can’t do it” Samuel snapped back.

“Maybe we could use another dark space” Jaheel interrupted
“On whom?” Major Bolak countered,
“One of the crew of those underwater vessels” Jaheel suggested
“Do you know how many submarines the British Royal Navy has?” Major Bolak asked Jaheel, “Do you know how many people crew these vessels?, We need to have the person present or some kind of connection, such as the one that Vabalavich used in the alternate timeline when he used Miss Mitchel to get to Celeste”

“How did they do it in 1962” Walter asked, “How did they find that sub back then”.

Major Bolak stopped, “I believe the Hadreth homed in on the specific demon who was trying to instigate the nuclear conflict. The magic those beings exuded was like a large flame, attracting moths.”

“And we don’t have a handy demon to act as a navigation beacon” Walter said as he shook his head.

“Maybe not” Samuel spoke up, “But in order to get these commanders to do the bidding of these magic using humans, could there be some form of enchantment? Just going to nuke North Korea on one set of orders seems farfetched.”

“Like some kind of illusion making the crew think they are at war?” Major Bolak suggested

“Anything like that” Samuel asked

“A detect magic spell?” Jaheel chimed in, “like the one we used to find the dimension door that Sir Timous was using”

“It sounds like a very long shot to me” Walter replied, “We still do not know if they will have been using magic to give orders to those subs”
“What else have we got Walter” Samuel remarked, “Bolak, Jaheel, make it happen”

“Brigadier General, in spite of Jaheel’s enthusiasm” Major Bolak replied, “I have to agree with the Vice Admiral, this is indeed a long shot, to try an locate a hypothetical illusion spell on the other side of this planet, submerged in open seas”

“We have to try” insisted Jaheel

“Go ahead” Major Bolak sneered, “I doubt you will find anything”

“Maybe we can help” squeaked a small voice.

They all turned around to see a small naked male figure wearing a green pointed hat

“With all due respect” Major Bolak scoffed, “What can pixies do that drow can’t”

“They can try” Samuel countered.

“Here’s the deal” Walter spoke to the pixie, “We have an unknown number of British nuclear submarines heading to North Korea to fire nuclear missiles at it in order to provoke a nuclear war”

“Will they believe they are at war?” asked the pixie

“Probably” Walter replied, “Or they could be under some kind of spell, we don’t know”

“I will go speak with the others” the pixie replied and then vanished

“How did he get in?” Walter then asked

The question went unanswered.
Suddenly Walter’s mobile phone sounded. Walter answered it.

Samuel watched as Walters face turned ashen.

Walter hung up.

“What is it Vice Admiral?” Major Bolak asked

“That was Quantico” Walter answered, “The body of Sarah Willows has appeared at the base she was abducted from, with a note pinned to a knife that was rammed through her chest.”

“And?” Samuel asked

“The note is demanding we return Sir Timous to those sons of b**ches who have taken the UK, or Doctor Henshaw will be killed like Miss Willows”

“How can you?” Jaheel asked, “Sir Timous is dead and turned to ash?”

to be continued
Cyber Devils Advocate (Retired)

Fame, Riches, Adventure, Glory - A Cyber Warrior craves not these things

In Memorium
Wendy (AKA Romantic Old Bird) 1951 - 2008
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