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Old 16-04-2013, 09:24 PM #11
joeysteele joeysteele is offline
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joeysteele joeysteele is offline
Remembering Kerry
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Originally Posted by lostalex View Post
you really don't think she's being demonized at all? so calling her a witch, you don't think that's demonization?
Hi Lostalex, I can take on board where you are coming from in your posts and you also know I respect your opinion too.

I would be the first to say that Margaret Thatcher was a strong leader of her party and PM too,a strong PM too but not in mostly the right ways.

On the International stage she was an incredible figure,no doubt about that, I wasn't born but near all my Family were supporters of her.
I can fully understand those not resident in the UK seeing her as this amazing leader and there is no doubting at all that she was really virtually adored in the USA.

However as I have watched this near canonisation of her over this last week and then really going into the policies she followed. I can see why a great part of the UK population are annoyed at all these over the top tributes,especially when they come from the 2 faced people in her party who were the ones who got rid of her, not the voters.

My gripe and also my fury at the near hijacking of this funeral by the current PM and his Govt has grown steadily over the last week.
I object 100% to a single pence of taxpayers funding to this funeral, her family are extremely well off, the Conservative party which was in effect her employer should have made the main contributions to this funeral and also the rich donors of that party too.
That would have been not only the right thing to do but also the decent thing to do when this Govt. is trying to take away from people on benefits hefty chunks of that benefit.

Funding the funeral that way would have eased a lot of the tensions and not increased the fury of those who were opposed to her policies and more to the point had suffered massively through loss of jobs and livelihoods because of them.

I see no reason for the pomp of this funeral, I am also furious the Queen is attending it too.
My Parents who were strong supporters of her at her height of power are also furious taxpayers are being told they are covering the costs of part of this funeral,never even being asked.
Yet the Govt sees fit to 'invite' celebrities to this funeral, again people who could also have made contributions to it, if they felt that strongly.

I feel myself,the people being demonised are those who have dared to speak out against the circus this funeral is becoming.
No dissenting voices allowed, all must toe the line and agree with whatever downing Street announces as to this event.

It is said, we should have respect for an old lady with a family and grandchildren who has died, if this funeral had refleceted that status rather than the pomp of her professional status then all would have been much less as to tensions.
Also though, respect has to be earned, respect doesn't come from telling people what they have to accept but by asking them.
That was not the way though of Margaret Thatcher when she was in power and it for certain is not the way of this Govt led by opportunist David Cameron and his nodding dog Nick Clegg.

I personally hold great respect for Margaret thatcher as a fellow human being,I hope she is at peace and that all goes well tomorrow.
I fear it may not however, and it is likely some people are likely going to get criminal records for their opposition and the way they express it as to this funeral

I also believe that is more likely because of the way this PM and his Govt has planned this whole event by increasing the tensions and anger rather than handling it well and setting out to relieve them.
For me I am strongly opposed to the Queens attendance at this funeral and the using of taxpayers funds for any part of it and no one will shut me up as to venting my spleen at that.

I do see where you are coming from and others who admired her,I fully respect your stance and theirs.
However politics is a divisive fact of life and just as those who admired Margaret Thatcher should be able to crow from the rooftops how wonderful they thought she was, then also those who had not a single bit of time for her should be able to have the right to voice their disagreement to that without being demonised and told they are being petty and disrespectful.

People who feel they cannot show respect to someone who in their eyes didn't earn their respect should not have to be turned into hypocrites and by silence give agreement to those doing all the 'how great she was' crowing.
Much of their crowing is false too since many of them were the backstabbers of her own party who destroyed her political career and time as PM of the UK anyway.

Sorry this is long, I do tend to go on a bit.

Last edited by joeysteele; 16-04-2013 at 10:24 PM.
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