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Old 01-05-2013, 01:23 PM #16
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Originally Posted by Ammi View Post
..ok..(..and I'm not saying I believe in it..)..but what if that isn't the method they use and they impart information to you without asking you anything..?...

..I mean, I know there will be an explanation for that..but how do they do it ..?...
It's difficult to give you the solution without the example.

It relies on the human memory being pretty bad at recalling events after you leave the situation. I would wager that however you remember the situation (if it's you that you're talking about), then that's not really how the events played out.

I know that's probably difficult for you to believe because you were there, but tests have shown this happens all the time. People make recordings, then after listening to them back have a completely different perspective of what was happening.

You went to a clairvoyant for a reason. That's the key element.

Last edited by Jesus.; 01-05-2013 at 01:24 PM.
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