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Old 27-04-2007, 09:56 AM #7
nodisharmony nodisharmony is offline
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nodisharmony nodisharmony is offline
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Richard Gere & Shilpa Shetty were at an "Aids awareness event" and were there for no financial gain for themselves.

They were doing something good for the community and beyond.

Now the decision which has been made to arrest Richard Gere and throw him into a courtroom in totally outrageous

I also take note that some very insane fanatical people who were burning effigies of Richard Gere and demanding the death of both Shilpa & Richard Gere, forgot to set themselves alight? They must have forgotten to be martyrs, like some fanatacal people who deserve it.

I am very sure that Richard wasn't aware that it was illegal to kiss Shilpa and being unaware has found himself in much hot water right now.

But Shilpa Shetty is Indian and I am sure that she was aware, but as Richard did it so quickly, she didn't have the time to tell him, so it was all too late.

The law in India states that it is illegal for Richard, to kiss Shilpa in public and in front of other people, mostly Indian people (Naturally) If it had been in private, that would have been okay.

There is a lot of religious people in India and plenty of rules to follow.

If everybody in the world was fully aware of how many people have needlessly died, as a result of being religious! Then many people would think that religion is a bad thing.

Sit at a computer and join the TIBB forum and quit believing that all religion is safe and happy.

Millions of death's that are a result of mad-religious types state otherwise!!! Or is it just a case of reducing the increasing population, (Some might say?)
Anyway, I am sure that many people will be more aware that if they visit India, (Don't kiss) That is so bad!! no romantisism in that way.

Just steer clear of that sort of happiness, as it has made Richard Gere understand the situation.

Kissing Shilpa is very wrong in India and if the Indian community in a different country saw this, I am sure they would also be offended and want to see Richard & Shilpa punished to the highest limit imaginable.

As the internet is a public domain and pictures of Shilpa or any other Indian person kissing another person from, let's say, (United Kingdom) and they were completly from here, white through-and-through, but the immortal sin was done and a picture of that Indian person was pictured kissing that United Kingdom person, and placed on the internet somewhere, then many, many, many, many Indian people would be offended.

If a complaint was made, then the picture of them kissing would have to be removed immediately!! as it would cause offence and that is so exact.

The reason that it would be removed, is too obvious to debate.
Anyway, the story is a sad one and I hope that Richard Gere is safe from being thrown into this position by this particular law that is so offensive, apparently!!

The arrest warrant exists and I am sure that there are many,many, many fanatical people who will never be happy until death follows the two, or even better, "The One"

But luckily, Richard Gere is a very famous actor and Shilpa Shetty will be listened too very well and I am sure that she will stick up for Richard and say that it was a very harmless affair and he was unaware of this particular, but unfair law.

Which many people think is stupid!!

There will be some funny handshakes, out-pal's act, a nod & a wink and maybe a secret cash donation, which may make this thing miraculously disappear?

But we won't know, until the TV news and the Newspapers tell us, and I can be very certain, that they will.

This was such big news, you wouldn't believe it!!!!

If two hundred women, men or children died anywhere, it would never reach the proportions of advertisement that this story has.

This is so bad and has been taken like this.

Luckily, I don't have to worry when kissing my girlfriend or any other girl in public in England. It is a lovely thing to do and so many of us do it & more.

But this is in a different place with different rules, which all come from religion and if you really, really understood what religion can do and how it can harm so many people, you would say, "I'll leave it alone", if the religion that a particular following do follow has rules which can cause misery & death, I think that life is better when peaceful.

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